When did this site become so judgmental ?



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Sure some people can be rude... but for the record some people are crazy sensitive too...

    A few tips to remember:

    Positivity /= mindless agreement
    rude /= disagreeing with your approach
    myFITENESSpal /= just a weightloss site for women

  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    some ppl are having a diff experience than I am. Where are these fights & drama? I miss everything =\
  • msrat1
    msrat1 Posts: 43
    what do you expect when you are talking to complete strangers. If you want support the public forum is not the best place because there are people who live to make smart comments because they can hide behind the internet. When I want real support, I turn to the people I've accepted as friends. Just ignore the rude comments and dont entertain them because that's what they want.
  • BJPCraig
    BJPCraig Posts: 417 Member
    I'm with you on this... I still feel that the nice people vastly outweigh (no pun intended) the jerks, but the jerks tend to be more vociferous...
  • chrystee
    chrystee Posts: 295 Member
    Its like any other place on the internet..
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    It started getting judgmental about the same time that every new person posted the same question without using the search feature... so... pretty much when it was started... welcome to the internet, some people like to hold hands and encourage dumb behavior and some of us dislike stupid all together... it happens.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I also noticed something...this forum has developed its own dictionary and q&a...If somebody posts asking why they are not losing, the answers must be one of these 2: you are in starvation mode; or you must be cheating...

    and if someone happens to say "muscle weighs more than fat" (per volume), although everybody knows what this really means they would still jump on the person and critisizing how stupid that person sounds...

    Among other examples...
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I find it ironic that people are being judgmental about judgmental people in this thread. :tongue:
    agreed. i think some people like focusing on negative things. the vast majority of people posting in threads aren't snarky so why do some people take 1 snarky post out of 100 and turn that into "omg these people in this thread are so mean".i find that 9 times out of 10 on the interwebs those who complain about mean people are really just upset some people are disagreeing with them. i seriously doubt if someones agreed with them and responded in the same way they'd see the response as judgmental.

    also just to be clear, anytime anyone offers an opinion it's made from a judgment and is therefore judgmental. why is it suddenly not being judgmental if my opinion happens to agree with yours?

    just ignore the posters and posts you dont agree with and move on to the ones you like. there's nothing written in the rules that people have to agree with you.

    if you dont want to run the risk of running into differing opinions then dont ask questions in an open forum
  • missashley884
    missashley884 Posts: 188 Member
    I've asked questions about certain things and people get so rude and nasty especially on food,fitness,and cleanses and juicing that type of stuff

    Not to sound rude here but if you're going to bring up these weird & unhealthy approach then don't expect any positive response from people. Science has already proven that these fad diets, cleanses or juices don't work in the long run & all it do is to ruin your metabolism & make you fatter in the end. Just because some people are going against your point of view doesn't mean he is being rude or nasty. Admit it or not but that's the case with the majority & most of the time the reason why people are asking something about those weird stuff is because they will go for it & so if someone says any fad diets don't work, then he will think its rude. That's the problem here, we have the desire to be always right.

    she didnt say she did cleanses or juicing ALL THE TIME, so dont JUDGE
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    In the beginning there was darkness. The programmers got together and said "let there be light. A white light with blue borders and ad space down the right side, across the top and at the bottom."

    Behold; There was white light with blue borders and ad space and it was good.

    Then the programmers decided to create a basic calculator that isn't necessarily one-size-fits-all but gives a good starting point if used wisely.

    Behold; the calculator was created and it was good.

    The programmers decided to create a diary function to track calories and exercise.

    Behold; there was a diary for both calories and exercise and it was good.

    Then the programmers decided to create a forum in which people could converse and interact on a variety of fitness topics (and a chit-chat area because sometimes people want to relax and make funnies or get advice on personal stuff).

    Behold; there was a forum with different areas for people to interact and it was good.

    Then the people showed up and it all went to hell. That's when it became judgemental.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I find it ironic that people are being judgmental about judgmental people in this thread. :tongue:
    agreed. i think some people like focusing on negative things. the vast majority of people posting in threads aren't snarky so why do some people take 1 snarky post out of 100 and turn that into "omg these people in this thread are so mean".i find that 9 times out of 10 on the interwebs those who complain about mean people are really just upset some people are disagreeing with them. i seriously doubt if someones agreed with them and responded in the same way they'd see the response as judgmental.

    also just to be clear, anytime anyone offers an opinion it's made from a judgment and is therefore judgmental. why is it suddenly not being judgmental if my opinion happens o agree with yours?

    just ignore the posters and posts you dont agree with and move on to the ones you like. there's nothing written in the rules that people have to agree with you.

    if you dont want to run the risk of running into differing opinions then dont ask questions in an open forum

    I guess everyone experiences differently here. I think what OP means is rather the "dynamic" of the site or "energy" one feels. It could be pretty negative depending what questions you asked.
  • rinnismom
    rinnismom Posts: 190
    I love it when people tell me I'm wrong, oh god how I love it so. Sorry you guys get butt hurt over stuff like that, that sucks...

    Don't like what I have to say?


    If I don't like what you have to say.


    can i log the calories i used rolling around on the floor laughing my fat *kitten* off? you, sir, are the MAN!!!
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    I don't post topics because of all the judgmental people out there! This site is for encouragement and not put downs.
  • Klamber26
    Klamber26 Posts: 212
    When people search through the threads looking for something to pick apart--this is not called disagreeing, this is called antagonizing. That's all the OP was talking about in her original post.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    I've asked questions about certain things and people get so rude and nasty especially on food,fitness,and cleanses and juicing that type of stuff
    i just posted today asking one simple question about a dr.oz show i seen today and geez some people were rude saying dont listen to him etc i never once said i was doing what he suggest i was wondering if some people added some of his remedies to their exercise routine

    I read that and didn't think anyone was being rude. Disagreement isn't rude. A lot of people on here are sensitive to that IMO
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I find it ironic that people are being judgmental about judgmental people in this thread. :tongue:
    agreed. i think some people like focusing on negative things. the vast majority of people posting in threads aren't snarky so why do some people take 1 snarky post out of 100 and turn that into "omg these people in this thread are so mean".i find that 9 times out of 10 on the interwebs those who complain about mean people are really just upset some people are disagreeing with them. i seriously doubt if someones agreed with them and responded in the same way they'd see the response as judgmental.

    also just to be clear, anytime anyone offers an opinion it's made from a judgment and is therefore judgmental. why is it suddenly not being judgmental if my opinion happens o agree with yours?

    just ignore the posters and posts you dont agree with and move on to the ones you like. there's nothing written in the rules that people have to agree with you.

    if you dont want to run the risk of running into differing opinions then dont ask questions in an open forum

    I guess everyone experiences differently here. I think what OP means is rather the "dynamic" of the site or "energy" one feels. It could be pretty negative depending what questions you asked.

    true, but as someone previously noted, if you're going to ask controversial questions (ie anything involving super low calorie diets or fad diets) then some people will be laying the hammer down.

    also people arent here for the same reasons. some people are here for weight loss info , others are here for fitness and general health info, and some are here trying to gain weight. obviously asking a question will lead to different answers depending on what people's objectives are. for instance i'm sure if i posted a question on some sort of juice fast, those who are primarily concerned with weight loss will be a lot more positive in their responses than people who are primarily concerned with being fit.

    which leads me to my initial conclusion, if someone is too sensitive to hear opinions they dont like then they probably shouldnt be asking anyway.. or they should ask their friends or within any related groups they might be members of..
  • bekkaL85
    bekkaL85 Posts: 133 Member
    The problem is different people have different limits on what is and is not acceptable behavior. You can't control what other people do..just you.
  • jammiezene
    jammiezene Posts: 83 Member
    It started getting judgmental about the same time that every new person posted the same question without using the search feature... so... pretty much when it was started... welcome to the internet, some people like to hold hands and encourage dumb behavior and some of us dislike stupid all together... it happens.

    Not trying to be rude but rule 9 under forum post guidelines actually states that it is expected that members ask the same questions on forums. The site has also stated in other forums (where this type of debate has happened) that members SHOULD NOT discourage members from asking questions or direct them to the search engine. A lot of people meet others that away and looking at old posts could mean getting outdated information.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    What if I'm not here for the same thing?


    We are not all here for the same things. Mindless cheerleading is for some, not all. There are people who want to learn, be challenged, question status quo & broscience, debate, etc.

    That said... supply follows demand. 'Nough said.

    This. I love learning new things and generally my friends have lots of information. I want to gather all the info and decide for myself what applies to my own journey. I don't mind getting differing opinions but sometimes that comes with people that are sarcastic and straight to the point. You just have to take the good with the bad and keep on going with your own thing.
  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    I have been saying the same thing lately. I have been on here a while and have definilty noticed a little more negativity. One reason why I have never started a thread. I keep the questions for my friends and groups. Most people on here though are great and supportive. I have learned so much from others. As long as the positive outweighs the negative, I'm good to go.