Dear I love you but really....

I am sooo sick of my DP and his comments about my body. When he met me I was knocking the scales at nearly 200. I lost about 20lbs prior to getting pregnant. I HAVE NEVER BEEN SMALL.
I was born overweight and stayed that way more of my life. Looking back I gained about 25lbs between 8th and 9th grade.
I am 28 years old now, and to hear him talk the idea of me ever getting smaller is impossible. He doesn't understand I am NOT BIG BONED...that's the lie people tell fat girls. your bones aren't big.......I am freaking overweight and telling me my thighs will continue to be the size of the average male waiste isn't motivation.

Then to top it off he doesn't shut up about my diet. I have been supplementign with protein. Without the supplements I'd have to eat double the amount of meat I already do. He complains that it will make me bigger and its a waste of money. Not really true considering a scoop of 25gram protein is about $.50 while 25 grams of protein from Chicken is about $2.
I eat protein bars SOMETIMES. They are my snacks, I get the ones with sugar alcohol in them instead of sugar. He tells me what a waste of money they are and I should just eat fruit instead. I do eat fruit but only 1 to 2 servings a day...and at least 3 servings of vegetables a day.
Then he tells me how miserable I look eating salad. Its true I am sick of mixed greens in a bowl....but I hate most other veggies. And as much as I'd like to eat a 1/4lb hamburger, with fries and a REAL COKE..its not something I can eat right now.
am overweight.
Then he gives me greif about working out. I do P90X..>I am in the first phase. The work outs are about an hour long. Its one stinking hour of the day I am not sitting down in front of the computer or doing house work but he has an opinion of the fact I lift 5lb weights and do push ups. he so critical I have no idea. Is he afraid I might actually squeeze fat *kitten* into a bathing suit this summer...I don't know what his motivation is really. I just wished he'd understand and STOP badgering me about it.


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Maybe he thinks he's helping?
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    Is he overweight himself? Sounds like he is afraid that when you're rockin a totally hot body, you won't want him anymore. It really sounds like he is insecure. Use everything that he says as motivation to do this for yourself and prove him wrong!
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    Oh god thats sounds like my parents.

    From one over weight person to another: IT ISN'T YOUR FAULT! Stop beating yourself up. At lest your doing something right? Then tell you db to shut up.

    Not sure how you would do that. Then tell him frankly, if he wants to help how about he gets up and starts doing what he preaches?

    Then i think you're eating good. Frankly, tell him to get lost. So what if you eat engery bars?

    It's much better then fast food isn't it?
  • Jugie12
    Jugie12 Posts: 282 Member
    As much as I hate to admit it, that b.s. is verbal abuse and it's not okay. I finally put my foot down and stood up for myself. I stopped taking the heaps and heaps of blame and am trying my best to not be angry anymore and to get rid of this self-loathing I accumulated every time he had something so hurtful to say or lecture me about. This cannot be about him or anyone else. This is something for you. YOU get to be selfish and take the time to go to the gym or another room or whatever and do a workout that makes you feel good a proud of yourself. YOU get to make a delicious and healthy meal for YOU. If the dishes don't get done, oh well, YOU had something important to do that could not wait. In this situation, you MUST be selfish with that workout time. And every time he opens his mouth to say something ugly, walk away and go do something YOU want to do. If you stand there and listen, it'll keep going. Leave HIM or leave and do something that mkes you feel good, healthy and lovely. Either way, don't put up with that!!

    Be YOU and take care of YOU because he's certainly not helping. You're gorgeous, you deserve to feel it and know it.
  • DeniseB0711
    DeniseB0711 Posts: 294 Member
    Thanks Ladies.

    I just want to finish the program and sadly I ha ve been stupid enough to think I would get more support from him. He did buy me the program, he bought me the hand weights, and the work out clothes AND the food scale.
    I do remind myself that he has supported my efforts in this way.

    I am off to make a delicious lunch for myself.
  • Sean_The_IT_Guy
    Punch him in the junk.
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    Is he overweight himself? Sounds like he is afraid that when you're rockin a totally hot body, you won't want him anymore. It really sounds like he is insecure. Use everything that he says as motivation to do this for yourself and prove him wrong!
  • BeautyAndTheGeeks
    Okay, I've seen this all over the place on here and I really have to ask. What the hell does DP stand for?
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Thanks Ladies.

    I just want to finish the program and sadly I ha ve been stupid enough to think I would get more support from him. He did buy me the program, he bought me the hand weights, and the work out clothes AND the food scale.
    I do remind myself that he has supported my efforts in this way.

    I am off to make a delicious lunch for myself.

    This is why I hate giving internet advice on relationships, and hate seeing other people do it too.

    He IS supporting your efforts...he's NOT supporting them emotionally. This means he's not the piece of $h!t controlling asshat the 23yr old woman from above is assuming he is. It means he's probably got some real insecurities and doesn't know how to deal with them.

    We men can be very immature like that sometimes.

    Have you told him his words hurt you? Have you told him you're trying to make positive changes in YOUR life and health, for both of you? If you have, and he's ignoring those attempts to communicate, you guys have other issues that go far beyond your weight loss and his insecurities, and you definitely need help with them, because those things don't get better with time, they almost invariably get worse.

    If you (plural, not singular) can't communicate your feelings so that you both understand...what do you really have?
  • Sean_The_IT_Guy
    This is why I hate giving internet advice on relationships, and hate seeing other people do it too.

    He IS supporting your efforts...he's NOT supporting them emotionally. This means he's not the piece of $h!t controlling asshat the 23yr old woman from above is assuming he is. It means he's probably got some real insecurities and doesn't know how to deal with them.

    We men can be very immature like that sometimes.

    Have you told him his words hurt you? Have you told him you're trying to make positive changes in YOUR life and health, for both of you? If you have, and he's ignoring those attempts to communicate, you guys have other issues that go far beyond your weight loss and his insecurities, and you definitely need help with them, because those things don't get better with time, they almost invariably get worse.

    If you (plural, not singular) can't communicate your feelings so that you both understand...what do you really have?

    This is more constructive than my suggestion.. But don't underestimate the power of a good junk punch now and then.
    DANCHAN1 Posts: 113 Member
    Tell him if he is not part of the solution he is part of the problem. If he cannot be supportive than shut up!
  • DeniseB0711
    DeniseB0711 Posts: 294 Member
    Thanks Ladies.

    I just want to finish the program and sadly I ha ve been stupid enough to think I would get more support from him. He did buy me the program, he bought me the hand weights, and the work out clothes AND the food scale.
    I do remind myself that he has supported my efforts in this way.

    I am off to make a delicious lunch for myself.

    This is why I hate giving internet advice on relationships, and hate seeing other people do it too.

    He IS supporting your efforts...he's NOT supporting them emotionally. This means he's not the piece of $h!t controlling asshat the 23yr old woman from above is assuming he is. It means he's probably got some real insecurities and doesn't know how to deal with them.

    We men can be very immature like that sometimes.

    Have you told him his words hurt you? Have you told him you're trying to make positive changes in YOUR life and health, for both of you? If you have, and he's ignoring those attempts to communicate, you guys have other issues that go far beyond your weight loss and his insecurities, and you definitely need help with them, because those things don't get better with time, they almost invariably get worse.

    If you (plural, not singular) can't communicate your feelings so that you both understand...what do you really have?

    Thanks for the male perspective.

    I think a lot of comes from the fact he's a man, wasn't raised to be positive ect. He's not the "Good Job" type of guy. But man...its killing me. I just want to say..unless you can say "XYZ to me about what I am doing, please don't say anythign at all."

    We've been together Nine years April. Communication channels open and close constantly given our busy lives, kids, and work.
  • ejechols
    ejechols Posts: 98 Member
    As much as I hate to admit it, that b.s. is verbal abuse and it's not okay. I finally put my foot down and stood up for myself. I stopped taking the heaps and heaps of blame and am trying my best to not be angry anymore and to get rid of this self-loathing I accumulated every time he had something so hurtful to say or lecture me about....

    Be YOU and take care of YOU because he's certainly not helping. You're gorgeous, you deserve to feel it and know it.

    ^^^ THIS ^^^
  • shesapear
    shesapear Posts: 77 Member
    Is he overweight himself? Sounds like he is afraid that when you're rockin a totally hot body, you won't want him anymore. It really sounds like he is insecure. Use everything that he says as motivation to do this for yourself and prove him wrong!

  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    BTW - "big bones" do exist. People have different frame sizes and their weight goals should (ideally) correspond with their frame size.
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    I am sooo sick of my DP and his comments about my body.
    DP has always meant something else to me. :blushing: How are you using it here?
  • ninaquelinda
    ninaquelinda Posts: 136
    Punch him in the junk.

    LMAO :laugh:
  • medaglia_06
    medaglia_06 Posts: 282 Member
    What the hell does DP stand for?

    I would like to know too! LOL
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I don't know what "DP"means, but it must mean boyfriend.

    Obviously he thought he could make you thinner when he should not have assumed that, also you seem very resigned to your size when maybe you don't have to be.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    That crisanderson guy knows what's up. Listen to him.