Ladies, Hair washing



  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    On an ordinary day, I might just scrub my hair and scalp under the water without shampoo and condition it afterwards. My hair is dry and thick.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Its a real bugger having to wash hair often when going to the gym regularly and sweating up a storm. I think I will give the dry shampoo a go.
  • kiddoc88
    kiddoc88 Posts: 244 Member
    If you go to the gym every day, I would wash every other day ( shampoo and conditioner) , but just rinse with conditioner after the other workouts.
  • Bikerjewelz
    Bikerjewelz Posts: 67 Member
    My hair is super oily, I have got to wash it every day or I become an oil slick :(

    I am so jealous of all of you who don't have to...I wish!

    Me too! I have to wash mine everyday.

    Oil head here too! I can't imagine going every other day or more without washing my hair. It's an oil slick by the end of the day when I shampoo in the morning. I can't even take showers at night and feel normal in the morning lol

    ^this is me. I'm oily and slick by 5oclock after showering at 8am. Dry Shampoo does nothing for me and I've tried afew.
    I even have to wash my bangs in the evening if we're going out.
    I can't wash at night either. Early by morning.
  • Bikerjewelz
    Bikerjewelz Posts: 67 Member
    Oily, not early.
  • roger9
    roger9 Posts: 30
    I just hop in the shower and condition after a workout so I feel clean, but my hair stays healthy too
  • cspence2270
    cspence2270 Posts: 229 Member
    I wash every day- I just can't stand the thought of sweat, product and hair spray staying in my hair. Plus my hair is fine so it goes flat if it's not washed. I do use Wen- so it isn't dry.
  • Cyanid3
    Cyanid3 Posts: 112 Member
    Sulfate free shampoo once or twice a week, wash the bangs every few days, if my hair gets super oily from working out then I use a cleansing conditioner during the week.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Try Live Clean products. Vegan, smell heavenly, organic, blah blah blah.

    Personally, I have not used shampoo, and very rarely conditioner since last May.
    I put 2 tbsp. Baking soda per cup of water in a squirt bottle, shake it up use a third on my head rub all over the scalp, rinse through the hair. Then follow with 2 tbsp. Apple cider vinegar or lemon juice per cup of water in a squirt bottle, add a cinnamon stick cuz it smells nice and stimulates the scalp. Shake squirt a third in, make sure all the hair is covered, let it sit while I wash, then rinse out. If it's rally bad, i will use castille soap (castille- only vegetable oils used in making it) and sometimes some coconut oil as a treatment that I have to wash out with castille soap. I use a bit of Live Clean argan oil cream on the ends, because my ends split easily.

    Anyway, lots of healthy natural toiletries/household ideas at

    ETA: I do this 3-4 times a week, sometimes just twice, depending on how my hair is. I can't stand grease at all.
  • Taryn1627
    Taryn1627 Posts: 120
    I HAVE to wash every day or else I look like a homeless dirt bag! Dry shampoos don't do a thing to help my hair either!
  • katenmills
    katenmills Posts: 113 Member
    I tie my hair back in a high bun during workouts and use bobby pins to get any stray bits off my face... then after, just shower without washing/wetting my hair and use dry shampoo. i feel completely fine afterwards, and can go 3 or 4 days without having to wash my hair that way - although mine's very thick so if you have fine/lank hair, you might have to wash more regularly.
  • caddygarcia123
    caddygarcia123 Posts: 122 Member
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
  • KourtneyP83
    KourtneyP83 Posts: 319
    I've never heard of dry shampoo...I wash my hair twice a day the morning before work and then at night after a workout. I can't imagine going to work or to bed with a sweaty head, but that's just me. I don't seem to have any issues with my hair though?
  • MissyLibra
    MissyLibra Posts: 40 Member
    Yeah, I had that problem. I work out 2 times a day, sometimes 3. I was washing my hair every time, and they were becoming VERY DRY. I changed it up to once a day, because it was bad. But there are some awesome tips in here, I'll def try them. My hair's softness has disappeared since I started this work out insanity, ahah.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I rinse with conditioner, but I wont wash until the scheduled time.. which is usually 3-4 days.
  • katenmills
    katenmills Posts: 113 Member
    My hair is super oily, I have got to wash it every day or I become an oil slick :(

    I am so jealous of all of you who don't have to...I wish!

    Me too! I have to wash mine everyday.

    Oil head here too! I can't imagine going every other day or more without washing my hair. It's an oil slick by the end of the day when I shampoo in the morning. I can't even take showers at night and feel normal in the morning lol

    ^this is me. I'm oily and slick by 5oclock after showering at 8am. Dry Shampoo does nothing for me and I've tried afew.
    I even have to wash my bangs in the evening if we're going out.
    I can't wash at night either. Early by morning.

    wow, i can't imagine having to wash it every day - i'd go mad! have you tried not using conditioner every wash? or at the least, avoiding using it at all on your roots?
  • sansouchi1050
    sansouchi1050 Posts: 137
    I wash with shampoo every other day and on the odd days I just shampoo my hair with water only.
    My hair seems to stay fresh this way and doesn't get to dry
  • myjourney2
    myjourney2 Posts: 424 Member
    I have very thick hair that I wash about every 3 days. I do wash it if I am working out in a pool because I cant stand the feel or smell of chlorine in my hair.
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    Go on line and look up washing with conditioner. It is basicly the same as win. What you do is wet hair , take a palm full of cheap condtioner and add about a dime size of your good quality shampoo to the conditioner, rub in between palms then rub all over your hair and massage scalpe, rinse and do it again if your hair is real dirty. Then condition with good quality conditioner. leave in a couple minutes and rinse hair.

    When your hair gets used to not being stripped of natural oils, because you are using a lot less soap your hair will stay cleaner longer and will be really soft and shinny and a lot less frizz.

    As for dry hair if you have Extra virgin coconut oil in the house melt 1-2 TBS melts fast I do it on the stove. Put the melted oil in a plastic hair dye bottle, section your hair off in four sections as if you were going to dye your hair , a part from ear to ear and a part in the middle from forhead to neck. Starting with one of the bottom sections take a small amount of hair and squeeze a little bit of oil onto to it from root to end. Work the oil in with your hands then comb the oiled hair to make sure you get it all oiled. Keep doing this a untill all the hair is oiled. Put a plastic shower cap over your head and go clean your house. Cleaning your house will heat up your head and give you great results. After cleaning wash your hair 2 times with shampoo then condition like normal.