Just need to get this off my chest



  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    People often Misconstrued truth for rudeness..
    Actually truth can be rude.
    but it can set you free.

    Well, if being rude while telling the truth makes you feel better or "sets you free", then by all means it should be done. After all, this life is not about how I treat others, but what makes ME feel good. I forget that.
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    1. Get that man to a Neurologist*. Make the appointment for him, tell him you're taking him to FroYo, and walk him into the doctor's office if that's what it takes. He will probably be mad at you for doing this, but you obviously love him and Migraines are no joke.

    2. Hire a cleaning lady. You'll feel guilty about it at first, but only until you realize you haven't had to clean the toilet in 3 months and it's magically still clean. Bonus points if your cleaning lady will wash your sheets or put dinner in the oven for you.

    Don't be afraid to expedite and delegate. Your time is worth a lot. Not even your free time is free!

    *Edited to change "doctor" to neuro. My GP thought my migraines were all in my head (HA! Get it?) and told me to "treat" with Advil. ADVIL! My neuro got me on a fantastic cocktail of meds and I've been migraine-free for over a year.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    People often Misconstrued truth for rudeness..
    Actually truth can be rude.
    but it can set you free.

    Well, if being rude while telling the truth makes you feel better or "sets you free", then by all means it should be done. After all, this life is not about how I treat others, but what makes ME feel good. I forget that.

    LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that all I said was the truth can set you free and you made it part of one big effed up sentence so you could be sarcastic at me! thanks for the first interaction! It was fun! I was putting a pollyanna spin on it! Youre so nice! really!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    i come here to log my food and exercise......excuse me for not giving a #%@# about this......

    Yeah, you know, this is the chat section. Grow up and scroll past things you don't want to read. No-one gives a **** that you don't give a ****.