Home school vs public school?



  • VegesaurusRex
    VegesaurusRex Posts: 1,018
    More proof that public schools have nothing for bright kids:

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    More proof that public schools have nothing for bright kids:


    Personally, I find it irresponsible that these parents won't put their precious little princess into public school to be bullied and held back.

  • VegesaurusRex
    VegesaurusRex Posts: 1,018
    More proof that public schools have nothing for bright kids:


    Personally, I find it irresponsible that these parents won't put their precious little princess into public school to be bullied and held back.


    Right. Getting bullied and into fights is part of the American experience. It puts hair on your chest.
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 450 Member
    no offense to anyone that is home schooled or home schooling their children, I know what your thinking here comes the insult. Well you're right. I haven't met many people that are home schooled but the ones that I have are all socially awkward. That's just my opinion based on a limited experience.

    How do you know who is and isn't homeschooled? Maybe you have met a lot of homeschooled people but don't know it. It's like saying something about gay people... we interact with them everyday and don't know it, so how can you make judgements?
  • SuperSneaky
    SuperSneaky Posts: 43
    my homeschooled friends are awkward but smart. make sure she does something outside of home too - sport, art club, whatever. education comes first. also possibly have her look into alternative schools and un-schooling

    That's a shame. I feel sorry that the friends' parents didn't do more to encourage social interaction. =(

    I think it's also one of the biggest misconceptions across the board -- I was homeschooled, and my mom took me to a co-op group weekly. I went on dates, did sports, etc. If anything, it really honed my ability to make friends. I had to put myself out there. I feel like when children are dropped into a situation like a classroom, friend making becomes very easy. Almost to ensure mutual survival. That's just my opinion.

    You get what you put into it. By college, I was in a sorority. I became president my junior year. Hardly fits the awkward stereotype. ;)

    To give a little more background, I was "unschooled" to an extent.
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 450 Member
    As a certified, licensed school teacher, I am always concerned when parents pull their children out of regular school and say they will be "homeschooling" their child from that point forward.

    Just like most licensed and certified doctors wouldn't agree with most of our diets. It's a new day. The public at large has access to more information now than ever before. People can network easier. From my experience, ALL of the homeschooled people I know are persons of great integrity (isn't this important these days?) who you can trust and respect. A few are what we would call "socially awkward", but isn't that better than being morally bankrupt and a drain on society? I think we are better off as a civilization from homeschooling. Especially given the quality of teachers as a whole these days. (Exhibit A: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=vjpWaESn_9g )
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    As a certified, licensed school teacher, I am always concerned when parents pull their children out of regular school and say they will be "homeschooling" their child from that point forward.

    From my experience, ALL of the homeschooled people I know are persons of great integrity (isn't this important these days?) who you can trust and respect. A few are what we would call "socially awkward", but isn't that better than being morally bankrupt and a drain on society? I think we are better off as a civilization from homeschooling. Especially given the quality of teachers as a whole these days. (Exhibit A: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=vjpWaESn_9g )

  • SuperSneaky
    SuperSneaky Posts: 43
    To the "professional education" fans who have dismissed the credentials of a mother's ability to educate her children at home, I'll remind them that while they have four to six years of collegiate instruction in general instruction methods, a stay-at-home mother has six years of very specialized instruction regarding how THAT child learns and the best way to instruct THAT child to learn the required material.

    I have great respect for teachers, and their ability to teach a classroom full of average children en masse, but they also need to have respect for the time and years that a mother has put into learning how to teach her child in particular.

    My two cents on the whole "credential" thing...

    I always laugh when people try to use credentials to try and justify their viewpoint. Especially when it comes from a place of not understanding the other side: I've never ever EVER met a homeschooling family that wasn't competent. My mom had an associate degree, but I still came out at the top of my class in college for biology. Damn those mothers without teaching certification, they really hold back their children intellectually! /sarcasm ;)

    The truth is, people who use comments like "as a teacher," or "as a doctor" usually tend to use it to give some sort of credentials to their limited world view. I actually had a doctor who tried to discourage my nursing a large baby because "he's nto getting enough," then when I pointed out my son is gaining weight, thriving, etc, he said "I'm the doctor, not you!" Unbelievable. :)
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I am extremely against homeschool, particularly if the child is socially awkward. Surely it will only make her worse. My husband was homeschooled and he still has difficulty opening up to people, he hates that he never went to normal school.
    Perhaps if she is awkward have you thought of an independent school with smaller classes, my daughter goes to one and there are only 10 in the class .
    I strongly believe going to school is not just about the 3 R's, people makes lifetime friends at school and the extracurricular activities offered nowadays are fantastic. She will miss out on many opportunities if she is homeschooled.

    I guess you can't just lump all schools, and all homeschooling , together. Schools vary wildly, and homeschooling is really going to vary depending on how it is managed by the parents. I found out a good friend of mine went to the same high school as me, I hated it she loved it. But just because I hated school, I sure as hell wouldn't have been happier being homeschooled.

    As someone who currently works from home the isolation of spending such a large portion of time at home I don't think is healthy long term.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Fiona-- you have no idea if you'd have been happier being home schooled. You might have thrived. You may have found other home schooled friends and loved the entire experience. Who knows? Just because your husband hated his experience, doesn't mean you would have. As you've read here, a lot of people love it.

    Your point, though, of not lumping everything together is wise. There are good teachers. There are good public schools. There are good home schools. There are bad teachers. There are bad public schools. There are bad home schools.

    Thankfully, although the government is trying, we are not a "one size fits all" country. What works for you, may not for me, and vice versa--
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I am extremely against homeschool, particularly if the child is socially awkward. Surely it will only make her worse. My husband was homeschooled and he still has difficulty opening up to people, he hates that he never went to normal school.
    Perhaps if she is awkward have you thought of an independent school with smaller classes, my daughter goes to one and there are only 10 in the class .
    I strongly believe going to school is not just about the 3 R's, people makes lifetime friends at school and the extracurricular activities offered nowadays are fantastic. She will miss out on many opportunities if she is homeschooled.

    I guess you can't just lump all schools, and all homeschooling , together. Schools vary wildly, and homeschooling is really going to vary depending on how it is managed by the parents. I found out a good friend of mine went to the same high school as me, I hated it she loved it. But just because I hated school, I sure as hell wouldn't have been happier being homeschooled.

    As someone who currently works from home the isolation of spending such a large portion of time at home I don't think is healthy long term.

    I know very little can be said to sway you but I prove your theory wrong.

    I was shy. Anxiety ridden. I NEVER spoke. EVER. I was in a little shell and public school made that shell WORSE because I got picked on, teased and the like. I was pulled out in Grade 4 and spent the rest of my days in homeschooling.

    I am not socially awkward. I do not have any problem integrating with 'society'. Most people are shocked to hear I was homeschooled (usually people who have stupid pre-conceived ideas about homeschoolers).

    I agree with your other point. There are bad schools and good ones. Not all public schools are bad because one is and not all homeschool situations are bad because some were. People really need to pay attention to and listen to their children. For some kids homeschooling IS the best option, for others public school is but unless you're paying attention to your kids you'll never realize that the path you've chosen isn't ideal.
  • countrymom1
    countrymom1 Posts: 125 Member
    We home school and we are constantly on the go. My children have been in martial arts. They go to home school P.E. twice a week, co-op once a week. They are about to start golf lessons. They interact with kids from church at least 3 times a week. They are in 4-H, serving as council members.

    Home schoolers are NOT isolated. I am so tired of hearing, "What about socialization?" from people who have not home schooled. What about it? I guess if you consider hearing all kinds of filthy language in public school restrooms, hearing about drinking parties, sex and drugs, then, yeah, my kids are EXTREMELY unsocialized! Thank you very much! *slams head against wall*
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Thank you, countrymom-- you know, and not to mention....you know, we actually DO live in civilization. My kids are outside, every day, "socializing" with the dozen or so neighbor kids they play with.
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    I am extremely against homeschool, particularly if the child is socially awkward. Surely it will only make her worse. My husband was homeschooled and he still has difficulty opening up to people, he hates that he never went to normal school.
    Perhaps if she is awkward have you thought of an independent school with smaller classes, my daughter goes to one and there are only 10 in the class .
    I strongly believe going to school is not just about the 3 R's, people makes lifetime friends at school and the extracurricular activities offered nowadays are fantastic. She will miss out on many opportunities if she is homeschooled.

    I guess you can't just lump all schools, and all homeschooling , together. Schools vary wildly, and homeschooling is really going to vary depending on how it is managed by the parents. I found out a good friend of mine went to the same high school as me, I hated it she loved it. But just because I hated school, I sure as hell wouldn't have been happier being homeschooled.

    As someone who currently works from home the isolation of spending such a large portion of time at home I don't think is healthy long term.

    I was homeschooled and I have no problem with socializing. I had zero problem making friends in college or speaking up in class. I work for a state rep and I can assure you that I have no hangups when it comes to talking to new people and striking conversation with total strangers. Homeschooling doesn't make one an introvert. This generalization is about as ridiculous as people thinking you get good grades just because your parents are the one's grading your work.

    Your husband might have not like the experience, but he is in the minority of people who homeschooled. Look at the po
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I am extremely against homeschool, particularly if the child is socially awkward. Surely it will only make her worse. My husband was homeschooled and he still has difficulty opening up to people, he hates that he never went to normal school.
    Perhaps if she is awkward have you thought of an independent school with smaller classes, my daughter goes to one and there are only 10 in the class .
    I strongly believe going to school is not just about the 3 R's, people makes lifetime friends at school and the extracurricular activities offered nowadays are fantastic. She will miss out on many opportunities if she is homeschooled.

    I guess you can't just lump all schools, and all homeschooling , together. Schools vary wildly, and homeschooling is really going to vary depending on how it is managed by the parents. I found out a good friend of mine went to the same high school as me, I hated it she loved it. But just because I hated school, I sure as hell wouldn't have been happier being homeschooled.

    As someone who currently works from home the isolation of spending such a large portion of time at home I don't think is healthy long term.

    I was homeschooled and I have no problem with socializing. I had zero problem making friends in college or speaking up in class. I work for a state rep and I can assure you that I have no hangups when it comes to talking to new people and striking conversation with total strangers. Homeschooling doesn't make one an introvert. This generalization is about as ridiculous as people thinking you get good grades just because your parents are the one's grading your work.

    Your husband might have not like the experience, but he is in the minority of people who homeschooled. Look at the po

    Yay! More and more colleges and employers are looking for homeschoolers (per articles I have read).

    Doesn't it infuriate you to hear the socially awkward phrase? What does it mean? If it means my kids can have a stimulating conversation, good grades, articulate, etc, I WANT my kids to be socially awkward.

    Per the first quote, I went to public school all my life. I am introverted. So the public school made me that way??? I have trouble opening up to people. hmmm, can I blame the public school? Or can I say " all kids that go to public schools are druggies".
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I am extremely against homeschool, particularly if the child is socially awkward. Surely it will only make her worse. My husband was homeschooled and he still has difficulty opening up to people, he hates that he never went to normal school.
    Perhaps if she is awkward have you thought of an independent school with smaller classes, my daughter goes to one and there are only 10 in the class .
    I strongly believe going to school is not just about the 3 R's, people makes lifetime friends at school and the extracurricular activities offered nowadays are fantastic. She will miss out on many opportunities if she is homeschooled.

    I guess you can't just lump all schools, and all homeschooling , together. Schools vary wildly, and homeschooling is really going to vary depending on how it is managed by the parents. I found out a good friend of mine went to the same high school as me, I hated it she loved it. But just because I hated school, I sure as hell wouldn't have been happier being homeschooled.

    As someone who currently works from home the isolation of spending such a large portion of time at home I don't think is healthy long term.

    I was homeschooled and I have no problem with socializing. I had zero problem making friends in college or speaking up in class. I work for a state rep and I can assure you that I have no hangups when it comes to talking to new people and striking conversation with total strangers. Homeschooling doesn't make one an introvert. This generalization is about as ridiculous as people thinking you get good grades just because your parents are the one's grading your work.

    Your husband might have not like the experience, but he is in the minority of people who homeschooled. Look at the po

    Yay! More and more colleges and employers are looking for homeschoolers (per articles I have read).

    Doesn't it infuriate you to hear the socially awkward phrase? What does it mean? If it means my kids can have a stimulating conversation, good grades, articulate, etc, I WANT my kids to be socially awkward.

    Per the first quote, I went to public school all my life. I am introverted. So the public school made me that way??? I have trouble opening up to people. hmmm, can I blame the public school? Or can I say " all kids that go to public schools are druggies".


    my "socially awkward," like, kids, um, can, like, talk, um, to, like, people, like, of all, like, ages without, like, talking, like, like the average, like, idiot, like, teen! Ya know what I'm sayin'?

    Can you imagine??!!

    They actually have decent vocabularies and spelling, and can indeed carry on conversations-- polite conversations-- with anybody.

    Three cheers for social awkwardness!
  • ki4yxo
    ki4yxo Posts: 709 Member
    no offense to anyone that is home schooled or home schooling their children, I know what your thinking here comes the insult. Well you're right. I haven't met many people that are home schooled but the ones that I have are all socially awkward. That's just my opinion based on a limited experience.

    How do you know who is and isn't homeschooled? Maybe you have met a lot of homeschooled people but don't know it. It's like saying something about gay people... we interact with them everyday and don't know it, so how can you make judgements?

    I have to laugh at this. It's great to see the looks
    I get when ever someone asks my son what grade
    he's in, and if he likes school. They always ask
    "What school do you go to?" When he tells them
    that he is homeschooled, they're almost always
    caught off gaurd. rotfl2.gif

    My son is very social!
    Even when he was 4 (8 now) people would ask
    my son "How are you doing little man?" His standard
    answer is the same today as it was four years ago...
    "Doing pretty good..." Heck we take him to concerts,
    parties, (when there're other kids) just about every
    where we go, so does he. We do not shelter him at
    all. Like I said, when the neighbor's kids track out
    from public school, that's when he gets a break.
    Plus he palys with friends after school, and on

    It's a plus that he can carry on a conversation with
    adults. Heck, you should hear him give a rag chew
    on a local repeater, or talk to someone in another
    part of the world over the air! cheers2.gif
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    no offense to anyone that is home schooled or home schooling their children, I know what your thinking here comes the insult. Well you're right. I haven't met many people that are home schooled but the ones that I have are all socially awkward. That's just my opinion based on a limited experience.

    How do you know who is and isn't homeschooled? Maybe you have met a lot of homeschooled people but don't know it. It's like saying something about gay people... we interact with them everyday and don't know it, so how can you make judgements?

    I have to laugh at this. It's great to see the looks
    I get when ever someone asks my son what grade
    he's in, and if he likes school. They always ask
    "What school do you go to?" When he tells them
    that he is homeschooled, they're almost always
    caught off gaurd. rotfl2.gif

    My son is very social!
    Even when he was 4 (8 now) people would ask
    my son "How are you doing little man?" His standard
    answer is the same today as it was four years ago...
    "Doing pretty good..." Heck we take him to concerts,
    parties, (when there're other kids) just about every
    where we go, so does he. We do not shelter him at
    all. Like I said, when the neighbor's kids track out
    from public school, that's when he gets a break.
    Plus he palys with friends after school, and on

    It's a plus that he can carry on a conversation with
    adults. Heck, you should hear him give a rag chew
    on a local repeater, or talk to someone in another
    part of the world over the air! cheers2.gif

    YES! My teen kids can carry on conversations with people of any age. My 7 year old talks up a storm to people. She caught a H.S. English teacher caught off guard using the word "apparently". She was impressed but not me. I thought her vocabulary was normal. :bigsmile:

    OH, and my 18 year old daughter completed 5 college courses her senior year and then applied for Disney World college internship. She worked there for 8 months. Typically, they do not accept students until they are older due to having a semester of college completed.

    Yay for our homeschooled kids who are socially awkward :drinker:
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    As a certified, licensed school teacher, I am always concerned when parents pull their children out of regular school and say they will be "homeschooling" their child from that point forward.

    Just like most licensed and certified doctors wouldn't agree with most of our diets. It's a new day. The public at large has access to more information now than ever before. People can network easier. From my experience, ALL of the homeschooled people I know are persons of great integrity (isn't this important these days?) who you can trust and respect. A few are what we would call "socially awkward", but isn't that better than being morally bankrupt and a drain on society? I think we are better off as a civilization from homeschooling. Especially given the quality of teachers as a whole these days. (Exhibit A: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=vjpWaESn_9g )

    You're amazing.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I am extremely against homeschool, particularly if the child is socially awkward. Surely it will only make her worse. My husband was homeschooled and he still has difficulty opening up to people, he hates that he never went to normal school.
    Perhaps if she is awkward have you thought of an independent school with smaller classes, my daughter goes to one and there are only 10 in the class .
    I strongly believe going to school is not just about the 3 R's, people makes lifetime friends at school and the extracurricular activities offered nowadays are fantastic. She will miss out on many opportunities if she is homeschooled.

    Umm, not necessarily? I was a very vibrant, happy child. And guess what state schools done to me (amongst other things)? Turned me into a socially awkward wreck who hates herself and suffers from depression. I was bullied, marginalised and excluded in all five schools I went to.