bigger girl at the gym



  • skinnieminniemouse
    I really respect bigger girls at the gym. I was running on the treadmill before watching quite a big woman doing intervals and I told everyone about her. She was really sprinting as hard as she could then walking quickly. She was putting in 100% and I had so much respect for her. You should be proud of yourself for getting up and making an effort, the gym isn't just for skinny or toned people, it is for everyone. I can promise you that a lot of the people there will respect you for trying so hard rather than giving up. well done :)
  • janey1306
    janey1306 Posts: 83
    Everyone at the gym is working to their own pace and ability, and trying to improve it. Do what you need to do and sod the judges! Most people will be impressed by your efforts im sure.
  • redcat17
    redcat17 Posts: 267 Member
    You shouldn't feel intimidated or worry about other people while at the gym. First off, most people are into their own workouts and don't pay any attention to what others are doing. Secondly, everyone has their personal challenges and no one at the gym is "perfect".

    Case in point: Yesterday I took my first yoga class at the gym. I was a little worried about how I'd do, but once the class started not so much. There were several very fit, athletic people in my class who struggled with some of the poses due to tight hamstrings, etc.

    So just do your thing and don't worry about it. Everyone...big or small, young or old...struggles with improving fitness if they are really making the effort. That is why we go there.
  • mommyred35
    mommyred35 Posts: 282 Member
    I used to feel the same way but once you realize they have that same crotchet sweat as you, you get over it. Hahaha
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    I love seeing big people at the gym, out walking fast, making a change. No need to be self conscious, we all have to start somewhere!

    You're doing it, that's the important thing.
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    It had been years since I belonged to a gym, and I was really intimidated when I first started. I stuck to cardio and the weight machines. That was in January. Now, I spend equal time in the weight room (if not more, because I get cardio in during work hours) and chat daily with many of the other women regulars around my age - we share exercises, recipes and complain about husbands (haha). There's only a couple I won't speak to, and based on their body language and the fact they are glued to their husbands in the weight room, I find it's best because it seems they are there more because of trust issues than anything.

    You might feel like you are being watched/judged, but everyone really is there for the same reason - to get a workout in! The best part, when I started talking to most of the female gym rats, it was because they were approaching me to tell me what a great job I was doing and how good I was looking :wink:
  • janey1306
    janey1306 Posts: 83
    You shouldn't feel intimidated or worry about other people while at the gym. First off, most people are into their own workouts and don't pay any attention to what others are doing. Secondly, everyone has their personal challenges and no one at the gym is "perfect".

    Case in point: Yesterday I took my first yoga class at the gym. I was a little worried about how I'd do, but once the class started not so much. There were several very fit, athletic people in my class who struggled with some of the poses due to tight hamstrings, etc.

    So just do your thing and don't worry about it. Everyone...big or small, young or old...struggles with improving fitness if they are really making the effort. That is why we go there.

    Ive done one yoga class, so cant compare to others but, to me it was more like stretches at the end of a work out. At the end she told us to lie there, eyes closed and just relax. I must have been soooo relaxed.... and woke myself up with one of those snort like snores!!! how embarrassing is that!!! In my defence, before it id done 45 minutes in the gym and a core work out class, and it was only 10.30 in the morning
  • PuggleLover
    PuggleLover Posts: 261 Member
    They are probably looking at you saying, "I wish I had the guts to try burpees."
  • sem41278
    sem41278 Posts: 89 Member
    If I was a fit person and saw a heavier person modifying an exercise and doing it id say kudos for you! Go on with your bad self! Anyone that looks down on another trying to better themselves is an a$$hat.
  • NavaGirl35
    NavaGirl35 Posts: 36
    We all started out somewhere.... We all felt like that before... so don’t worry....we are all there for the same times I tell the person good job on their healthy lifestyle and that they shouldn’t feel embarrassed...Cuz at times you can tell that the person is uncomfortable. But glad to hear that you are still going....don’t be intimidated and keep going....don’t focus on anyone just enjoy your time and push it thru.... :happy:
  • kansasbelle
    kansasbelle Posts: 264 Member
    You want to look out of place working out try being the largest girl in Zumba and the only non-latina with no rythm. They forget to speak english sometimes. But I go for me. My nickname was casper cause I am so fair. So I really stick out. LOL.. But I am loosing weight and having fun, and I don't care what those people think.
  • loseweightjames
    If the gym isn't for people trying to improve their fitness, who exactly are they for? :flowerforyou:

    showing off/dating.... unfortunately :( i know how she feels, i'm not huge but i still feel it
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    I actually find myself even more inspired and motivated by others doing that. You have to start somewhere and doing it regardless of what others might be thinking is great. I had to modify stuff starting out and thats where the progress begins. :) I love seeing people modifying and trying rather than just calling it quits.
  • walkner88
    walkner88 Posts: 165
    Anytime I see out of shape people at the gym I'm just happy they are there. You should never be embarrassed and you should also ask around if you aren't sure of a good way to modify an exercise. The people I've met in the gym are usually some of the kindest most helpful people I've met and really enjoy helping others.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I'd rather see a bigger girl at the gym who is obviously working hard to improve her fitness than some of the skinny posers with a full face of make-up that just walk on the treadmill for 20 mins texting the whole time... (sorry mini rant, we only have 1 treadmill working at the moment at my halls gym and it drives me crazy when girls do this!)

    I often see the heavier folks working at it MUCH harder than the posers. The makeup? Yeah... its on pretty thick to the point you need a putty knife to remove it... They are NOT there to get a good workout - not when the mascara and eyeliner are unscathed if you know what I mean.

    Your rant is justified - happens at the gym I go to as well which is why I decided early-early morning workouts were much better, no more BS.... the people that go in at 4:45am like I do are all busting their arses, walking out of there sweat dripping like me.

    To the OP: When you go to the gym, you should view the actual act of going as a sense of self-empowerment. Its probably the hardest part about exercise - the act of getting to the gym. Once you are there, its time to kick your *kitten* in to high gear and work it! Let the adrenalin fuel you to continue... what a rush!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ♥xenawarriorprincess♥
    So lately I have been going to the gym on a regular basis and because I am a pretty big girl who is not in the best of shape, I have to modify a lot of exercises. LIke today, I was doing burpees but instead of doing them on the ground, I had a bench in front of me (so instead of going all the way to the ground with my hands, I would just put them on the bench and jump out)....for those of you who are fit and do these exercises all the time- is it weird to see a larger person trying to do these? Sometimes I feel like i don't belong at the gym, and I feel like everyone is judging me

    sweetie, be proud of yourself for doing what you are able to do...who cares what others think, at least you are trying to better your health...if they want to judge let them, it will come back around in spades when you are healthy and looking awesome and they are still judging others.
  • sfoster3171982
    sfoster3171982 Posts: 76 Member
    I'm the only African American and the heaviest I have seen at my gym and I don't care if they are looking . Look all you want because I am doing this for me not you and as long as you keep that mentality who cares. Do you thing!!!!!!
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    I love seeing anyone who's serious about getting healthier at the gym. :)
    Awww thank you :D
  • summerlove2015
    i personally admire people who may be on the heavier side for takeing their fitness into their own hands and wanting to improve thier health. The gym should be a welcoming community full of support and no fear of judgement. I applaude you for pushing yourself to do things that may be harder and thinking outside the box to make them work for you!
  • fernanda78
    fernanda78 Posts: 40
    Absolutely not!!! Be proud and hold ur head up! Most girls don't even take that step. Congrats on ur journey. I wish u the best!