bigger girl at the gym



  • EPortJake
    EPortJake Posts: 54 Member
    Most of the people you think are judging you probably are, but not in the way you think. People who take exercising seriously have a lot of respect for overweight people going to the gym, because most overweight people don't make a positive change like you have. It takes a lot of guts to go in the first place and a lot of will power to stick to it. Keep it up.
  • fernanda78
    fernanda78 Posts: 40
    U go girl!
  • wendyrvp
    wendyrvp Posts: 46 Member
    I always felt strange going to the gym. Felt like all eyes were on me. But what I found out is that MOST people really admired me for trying so hard. It made it much easier to go. Like others said... there will always be those there who will look and judge, but youre not there for them. Youre are there for YOU.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Personally, I am more annoyed at the people hovering around equipment who are not working their tails off than someone who is out of shape and busting their butt even modifying the exercises so they can do them. Mad respect for you girl. Go kick your butt.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Sometimes I feel like i don't belong at the gym, and I feel like everyone is judging me

    The only judging would be people seeing someone who is determined to make a difference to their lives. Keep going!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Sometimes I feel like i don't belong at the gym, and I feel like everyone is judging me

    So what if they are? You paid your membership fee the same as they did. You have the same right to be there. Chin up and worry about you, not what others think. If you find yourself worrying about what someone else is thinking of you, push harder in your workout. Channel that insecurity into your run/lift/whatever.
  • Squeezalsize10
    My personal trainer was really big and now shes a UK size 8 and lean. So yes everyone starts somewhere. Ignore those little voices in your head that tell you that you don't fit in. The gym is there for a reason, plus being thin doesn't mean they are fitter.

    Dont give up no matter what!
  • coffeebydesign
    People are afraid of what is different. Half of the people in your gym have probably never done a burpee before.....that's the reason they are looking you. Look around for some of those people next time you are in the gym and more than likely you will see them foolishly trying to replicate your exercise.
  • g0tr00t
    g0tr00t Posts: 192 Member
    I love nothing more than seeing people getting into shape. When I see someone struggling on the bike trail, I usually give them a thumbs up and smile hoping to motivate. When I see a dad with kids on the bike trail, I give them a thumbs up and say how awesome of a dad they have to get them into exercising.

    I take my kids to my gym and they complain some days about it. its cool, I tell them I like to listen to them complain while they are on the give them something to look forward to after the gym

    Don't give up, ever, screw what other people think. You are doing it for no one else but yourself. Its you that matters and no one else at the gym. Do what feels right for you and one day, you'll be where you want to be, NATURALLY, no pharms, no secret, no short cuts!!

    Keep up and :thumbs up: great job!
  • taliesyn_
    taliesyn_ Posts: 219 Member
    I haven't been a member of a gym for some years (long story involving illness) but when I first started going I was 330 or so - I got all sorts of disparaging looks from the slim people there. I ignored them all for a couple of weeks, just got on the kit and did my thing every day - and the nods of acknowledgement and respect started coming. It seemed, with hindsight, a right of passage - perhaps they had seen other people of size come and go very quickly and didn't want to make friendships with people who weren't going to stick around.
  • Cocochickdeleted
    Cocochickdeleted Posts: 343 Member
    Don't worry about what people MIGHT think. My philosophy is that others don't own the gym anymore than I do. I am one of the rare females who dares step foot in the 'men's' free weight room. Not long ago, I would have been sooo intimidated, but I just don't think about it. I do what I need to do and then get out of there. I am serious about my routine and I'm sure it's obvious to the guys that I am. No pink Barbie weights for me. And honestly, they spend WAY more time jacking around than I do--hovering on one machine, chatting with their 'buddies', lifting more than they should be with bad form (probably trying to impress either me or the other guys in the room)...I find it humorous, actually.
  • memmers
    memmers Posts: 112
    No it is not weird at at all! Thats what the gym is for. I actually think its weird to see skinny people at the gym, hardly doing anything! Sometimes they might just be interested in the exercise you're doing. I've seen people stare and me doing lunges and then i see them doing that exercise!
  • DBBA21
    DBBA21 Posts: 104 Member
    I am a large lady and I so enjoy my time at the gym. Some days there are people in there that stare and look but hey I smile right back at them no one is going to make me feel bad about doing something I get so much enjoyment from. Sometimes I know people are looking at me and yes they have commented within my hearing but I shrug it off yes its not right but some people are not kind best to just ignore them.

    I do body pump, body combat and body balance thanks to the fantastic trainers and in particular one trainer who said every class is accessible to everyone it is the the trainers responsibilty to make it accessible to all who attend and yes i do the alternative moves but so do alot of other people for a range of reasons not just becasue they are large.

    Keep going and enjoy what you do!
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    I LOVE seeing bigger people at the gym! THATS WHAT ITS FOR! It shows that you are takiing control of your body and while you may be modifying moves now... eventually you wont need to do modifiers.

    What drives me insane are skinny people who are on machines with barely any weight on it talking on their phone barely putting work it -_- GRINDS MY GEARS
  • amyrchester
    amyrchester Posts: 11
    Just be friendly--everyone has a story. You might be surprised by the stories some of those fit people have to tell.
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    No way, I think it's inspiring! I can do unmodified burpees and I still don't have the courage to do it unless it's at my house or my boot camp class (where everyone is forced to do them any way).

    I'm super self-conscious about anything I do at the gym.. like when I try to run on the treadmill and I can only go for like 3 minutes at a time...

    But I'm always inspired by people who can focus on their own workout and not worry about what others think. So major props for that! :smile:

    Oh and burpees are an AMAZING workout, so if you keep them up, you definitely won't be the "bigger girl" at the gym for long!
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I get what you mean but I wouldn't worry about it.

    When I started doing shoulder presses with 5lbs dumbells I felt like an idiot and felt like people were looking at me like "That chick should be able to press more than that since she's so big" but I just tried to push those thoughts out of my head and kept going

    Now i'm up to 8lbs. Still feel a little ridiculous sometimes when I see these women come in and press 20lbs like the dumbells are made of foam, but I know they probably didn't just walk into a gym one day and start lifting 20lbs right away.

    You have to go through the steps. And I'm sure no one is thinking anything negative about your modifications. I think that is just our fears taking over.
  • shani251
    shani251 Posts: 145 Member
    When i first started working out at the gym at work, i was really super intimidated by the guys in the circuit training class. I would be over there on the elliptical in the corner working my behind off for an hour every other day and would have to walk through their class to get to the locker room. For an extremely shy person like me, this was a huge ordeal. However, i stayed with it and now they all say hi when i'm there and i feel like i fit right in. they even ask me what music I want to listen to!
    So i guess i'm saying, keep with it, and you'll fit in where you never expected to. :)
  • Way_2_a_Healthy_Mel
    Way_2_a_Healthy_Mel Posts: 175 Member
    I had that happen a few years ago, after going to a yoga class. I was SO embarrassed, and never went back...I actually only went back to that gym a few times after, because I felt like some of the people that were at the yoga class were still judging me. At my current gym, I have pretty much stuck to cardio machine and weight machines, but I REALLY want to start lifting, but worry I will have people laugh at me.
  • icandoit203
    icandoit203 Posts: 170 Member
    Dont give up i felt like that for a long time, but once you have u some music and headphones, go in to your zone and before long you will realize that noone is even staring at you. The reason you are there is to better your health so if someone says anything to you then shake them off,,,sometimes in order to get great form or to build up your resisitance you have to modify exercises. I was in a boot camp 2yrs ago and every exercises that required my abs she always had to show me modification until I was able to do it on my own. Modifications are great at least you are moving and creating a better you. Don't give up keep going you will get there.