How did you meet your significant other?



  • Mykaylaliz
    Mykaylaliz Posts: 193
    I met my hubby in high school, freshman year. We didn't start dating til junior year. We have been together for 14 years. Married for 11 years, and we are only 30 years old =) A lot of our friends look up to us because now a days people our age are getting married now. I knew what i wanted back then and i still want him now =)
  • EEpling89
    EEpling89 Posts: 152
    She was my high school Engish teacher.

    Scandalous! lol
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member

    It all started in boot camp, for some reason we caught each others gaze one day and that's what started it all. I would blush so bad when he would look at me. For those that don't know about boot camp, you are not allowed to talk to each other. So our flirtatious looks lasted throughout boot camp. On graduation weekend my family and I were driving off base and I saw him and I asked my family to stop and invited him to go with us since he didn't have family come see him. First things first we went to a store and stuffed a bag full of candy we weren't really allowed to have sweets in boot camp and at that time we both enjoyed candy haha..We had went to wendys that day and got to know each other over frostys lol....We swam with my family in the hotel pool and spent alot of time lay on the opposite sides of a queen bed staring at each other lmbo I know we were just kids then...Well we ended up getting stationed in Pensacola for school so we hung out the first weekend we could. And had our first kiss with each other at the end of the road I grew up on lol. Well I didn't hear from him for a whole week so when the next weekend came around and I saw him out of the blue I broke up with him hurt thinking that either there was some one else or he just didn't like me that much I figure if he did he would come after me and stopped me (it wasn't until almost 9 years later I found out that he did infact try to come after me and one of my "friends" kepted him away) Well we lost contact cause after that weekend I got stationed in Virginia. I thought of him often and always wondered what happened to him I didn't know where he got stationed had no idea where he could be. Everytime I would find a site like myspace facebook etc I would be curious and do a search for him only to pop up no favorable results. Wow....the one that got a or so I thought
    So in late 2007 I found a site called Together we served. It's a military site where you connect with old friends from different stations and boot camp. Well once again thinking it was a lost cause decided to find Jon and this time I did. I looked at his profile and it said he was in california....atleast that is what I thought (he was actually in japan) but i was in california at the time so I thought about it after a day or two and I wrote him an email asking if he remembered me. Turns out he had just gotten that account days before I wrote him. So we spent some time catching up on our kids etc etc..... Found out that he had looked for me alittle as well at my old ship with no results... Spent many times throughout the years joking about what it would be like to hang out again...So talking here and there from late 2007 to mid 2009... He found out he was going to be stationed back in the states very soon. So we joked with the idea of seeing each other but nothing set in stone until around thanksgiving we decided that in january before I left for afghanistan that we would meet up. Well that quickly turned into an overnight driving trip for him in decemeber when I was disturbed about some personal issues....And honestly....when we first met all of the feelings I knew I had for him just hit me more so like a ton of bricks....And honestly since late december we have been truly whole heartedly head over heels in love.
    He came to Pensacola the weekend of the 23rd of April. We had rented a cabin on the beach. He asked me to take a walk with him on the beach and very reluctantly I did..... He ended up getting on one knee and asking me to marry him while we got wet (it was sprinkling) I went to hug him and ended on making him fall onto the beach... Its been amazing having him back in my life.

    Graduation weekend we were devouring candy lol August 1999

    This is us 2011 on our 12 year navy anniversary (sorry I I just had a kid so I am alittle pudgy)

    Needless to say now 2012 we are stationed together in pensacola and have 14 month old son together..

    I believe in the set them free if they come back it's meant to be saying......
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member

    ROFL! I'm Filipino and my husband is White.
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    I met mine on a snowboarding trip to Innsbruck, Austria. We were the only ones on the trip who actually planned on hitting the slopes instead of staying out drinking all night. We spent every day together and had our first date at an adorable Italian restaurant.

    I remember when we exchanged info at the airport, we included every piece of info possible, I still have the 20 franc that it was written on since I couldn't find a scrap of paper anywhere!

    The irony here is that we lived one town away from each other, had mutual friends and I had delieved pizza to his house once or twice when I was a pizza delievery girl!
  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    Met my wife in college in a Logic and Statistics class. She walked in that was it. I asked her out that afternoon, we had a wonderful first date shooting pool at a college hangout, then went to see The Towering Inferno. After the movie we walked hand in hand almost the entire night talking.

    On our second date, a dance, she asked me to marry her. 2 years later we got married and here we are, 35 years later, still together... The rest of the story is yet to be written. :)
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member

    We met on a Jewish Singles board.... that my MOTHER signed me up for. We were both in the process of getting divorced.
  • sel254
    sel254 Posts: 273 Member
    I met my late husband at a friends birthday party. I was 11 and he was 13. Someone told him that my birthday was the same day as his. He walked up to me and told me he was going to marry me one day and I screwed up my nose and walked off (I still thought boys had cooties!) 2 weeks later I went to the cinema with some friends and he was there again and I let him hold my hand in the film. We married 10 years later but he died within 6 weeks during a surgery he needed. That was Jan 2006 and I've been single ever since - not met anyone who's grabbed my attention that way again ;)
  • SWiel84
    SWiel84 Posts: 43
    my husband and i met on 5 years ago... i love telling our story because it's so funny how things happen! he had always been in my "top matches in my area"--if anyone is familiar with match, you know what i mean--but i didn't like the pic he had posted, and i didn't know why he had posted a few of himself and this girl (turned out to be his sister!). he emailed me one day and we started talking, just casually, and he said something that totally turned me off one day on the phone so i stopped talking to him. he called me again a few weeks later, after our sisters' weddings (our sisters were married 1 week apart), and we decided to meet up for the first time to get some coffee and talk about the weddings, since he was the best man and i was the maid of honor. i didn't want to, but he called me a chicken and asked what i had to lose. so, i went. as soon as i saw him, i just knew... he was everything i had been looking for on the website, right in front of my face the whole time! we were married last october and are very happy. coming from someone who thought she was going to be a cat lady, that was a big thing for me! :-)
  • susieq101178
    susieq101178 Posts: 305 Member
    At my brother's wedding - he was an usher and I was a bridesmaid. Went on a double date with my brother and sis-in-law two or three weeks later, but that was it (I was 15 and he was about to turn 20 - parents said "NO!") Stayed in touch off and on for a couple years, lost touch, random emails here and there, reconnected on MySpace in 2008 (about 14 years after the wedding), went on our second "first date" a couple of months later and have been together ever since. Married last July. :happy:

    Here's the complete "story of us".
  • cholibear
    cholibear Posts: 86
    I met mine through my cousin at Cedar Point.
    They played in a band together and my cousin said the drummer would be meeting us up there.
    I thought he was so cute and tried being flirty...however, he was having no part of it! haha
    I had to find him on Facebook (when I had one) and try to woo him!
    He finally cracked and explained his ignoring me as just doing his own thing and not being caught up in the drama girls bring lol

    3 years later, we are still going strong!
    I can honestly say it's been the happiest 3 years of my life and I can't wait to spend forever with him :)
  • Lspike92
    Lspike92 Posts: 20
    I first met my boyfriend in 7th grade but we didn't really become friends until my sophomore year (his freshman year). Even though he liked me at the time, he tried to hook me up with a friend of his that was interested. Needless to say it didn't work out and his friend and I pretty much hated each other for a good while (He is one of our best friends now). During my senior year my boyfriend and I became really close and talked everyday for hours and spent all of our free time together. He asked me out that summer but I was stupid and turned him down because I knew he was the man I would spend the rest of my life with, but I hadn't really dated anyone else and my dad had always told me not to marry the first person you meet. So I was hoping to explore more options first. I never did pursue anyone else and I finally gave in in the fall and we have been together since. Best decision I ever made. I only wish I would have accepted sooner.
  • ColleenAtherton
    ColleenAtherton Posts: 230 Member
    We met at a bar through mutual friends.

    Neither one of us had planned on going out that night, but got guilt-tripped into it by our respective friends. I was a regular at that particular bar and knew quite a few people. I saw him out of the corner of my eye and didn't recognize him, so I asked the friend he was there with to introduce us. We closed down the bar and ended up going for breakfast. I gave him my number and he actually called the next day! We had our first date about a week later and have been together for 7 years now and married for almost 4.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Not ashamed to say but I met my husband at a bar. Was having a wonderful time being single and was with a large group of friends over labor day weekend 6 years ago. My friend was talking to one of his friends and I actually went over to get her and literally ran into him not looking. I excused myself and retrieved my friend. Later on he bought me a drink, we talked, went on a double date the next week and have been inseparable since. Funny thing is his cousin met his wife in the same bar 8 mths prior to us. Happens when you least expect it to or even not want it to. :)
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    During a badmiton game at a pig roast. His boss put it on and invited extra girls as he had lots of single guys working for him. My roommate was a friend of the boss and invited me along. We will be married 30 years this August.
  • histwinkletoes
    histwinkletoes Posts: 100 Member
    I met my husband online on back in 2004. He was deployed to Iraq, I was in college and he was looking for female friends during his 2-week leave. We met in person, really hit it off and the rest is history. We've been happily married for almost 7 years now! :)
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
    At a bar!! 20 years ago!
  • marynmarty
    marynmarty Posts: 89 Member
    LOVE your story!!!! I met my husband back in '99. I worked at Sears and was good friends with this girl. Out of the blue she asked if I wanted to meet her cousin and he's single and would love for us to get together (she always joked that it would be great to be related since we were always together). So I said ok. We went to go meet him that next Friday night at his Aunt's house. We didn't really hit it off but we became really good friends. There was a group of us that always hung out. We went through a lot and one night something big happened with another guy I was seeing. He came to get me and for some reason it clicked that everytime something happened he was always there to pick up the pieces (even though I was a ***** to him at times). It clicked and we've been together ever since. We will be married 9 years this June and been "together" since 2000 :-) We now have 2 beautiful little girls and we are the closest we have ever been.
  • Lotte34
    Lotte34 Posts: 429 Member
  • Lotte34
    Lotte34 Posts: 429 Member
    She was my high school Engish teacher.

    I so want this to be true