How did you meet your significant other?



  • _hi_hat3r_
    _hi_hat3r_ Posts: 423 Member
  • HellsBells61
    How weird! My husband & I were reminiscing about this only last week!

    We met at a party at a mutual friend's house - the friend was someone I worked with and my husband-to-be was a friend of a friend of his. It was a fancy dress party, I was dressed as a French maid - complete with skimpy skirt and stocking tops! - and he came a someone who had crashed his motorbike - which he had 2 weeks before! (either that or he didn't get the memo!) - with ripped jeans and "bloodstained" leather jacket (actually just a red crayon). Our eyes met across a crowded room, he asked me to dance and 25 years later we are still together, married for the last 20 of them. :love: They say that people you meet at parties are never the same person in the cold light of day, but, as our best man said at our wedding, sometimes you just realise that you've happened across something special.
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    I was his waitress his first day in town on a construction job, he asked me out, I said no, he came back 2 more times that night. I said no 2 more times. He came back the next day, I said no. He came back again, I said fine! lol Me, him, my friend & his friend went out to a pool hall. My hubs & I were married less than a year later. My friend & his friend married a few years later. The End
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    We met at my job. I had seen him come in a few times for uniform shirts but my boss waited on him( I was a rookie so I was always in the back ironing Class A uniforms). I never in a thousand years thought he'd ever look at me so I just admired him from afar. Then one day he came in and she was gone on maternity leave and he introduced himself to me and shook my hand. It was crazy because I practically felt the universe shift lol. Now I joke with him and I tell him we imprinted on each other like they do in Twilight ( yeah I'm a dork ). And here we are 7 years later.
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I originally met him my freshman year in high school (he was a senior) but he doesn't remember that because he was hung up on my friend at the time, lol.
    So our official first meeting was at a halloween party 2 years later (at the same friend's house). I was dressed as a gothic fairy, and he stopped by to take my friend's brother out (to get him out of the house so my friend could have the party with just her friends). He hung out for a little bit before the two of them left. About a month later, he started working at the same place I worked and we developed a friendship and starting hanging out. 3 months after that I broke up with my boyfriend of 1 1/2 years because it wasn't working anymore. He asked me out the next day. We've been together for 8 years (married for 4) :heart:
  • zmzmzm19
    zmzmzm19 Posts: 155 Member
    A blind date.....32 years ago!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 682 Member
    We met on Myspace back in 2008
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    She was my high school Engish teacher.

    I so want this to be true

    It is. Here is the story.

    We got together 10 years after I got out of high school (nothing happened in high school!). I stopped by my old high school for some reason and ran in to "Mrs Hobbs" who was smoking hot from what I remembered. When I was a student she was the stereotypical Englisg teacher - hair in bun, ugly glasses, frumpy clothes, etc. Now there was this hottie with loose hair, in a red dress chatting with me and catching up.

    Came to find out her husband had died the year before and she didnt get out much. Me and a bunch of friends (also former students for the most part) were going to go see the Rocky Horror Picture Show that night and on the spur of the moment I asked her to go. She said yes and quite frankly I thought she was going as a friend (when she found out I was single still she even tried to set me up with someone a week or so later).

    So for the next few weeks she hung out with us all. I kept getting weird signals but ignored them as I was like she just cant be interested in me. Then one night we met at a movie theater to see Total Recall. "The Gang" never showed up- just me and her. I was like WTF? I thought we had the time right, etc but no one else was there (this was pre-cell phone so no way to contact the group). My wife said "well since we are here lets see the movie anyway".

    After the movie she invited me back to her place on some pretext (moving something I recall). Then she said how her back hurt, so I gave her a back rub... next thing I know I am being dragged across the hardwood floor to the bedroom - claw marks are still left in the floor- tossed onto the bed where I whimpered something to the effect of "please dont hurt me". We were married a year later and this year will be 21 years married.

    Oh- I found out WAY later that she had called everyone in the group and personally threatened them with disembowlment if they showed up for that movie. She said she did this as I was being kind of dense in picking up that she liked me.

    Oh- she is also 20 years older then me.
  • Dozrzz
    Dozrzz Posts: 245
    I met my boyfriend online on a free dating website. You always have to be careful with the dating websites (especially free ones) because they can be full of creepers. We started chatting one day but really had no intention of actually meeting since he lived 4 hrs away in South Carolina. Well then as it turned out my sister moved that summer to SC and I went to spend the summer with her. So we figured, why not and decided to go on a date. I never would have imagined that we would still be together now, almost 3 years later! It has been a long distance relationship the whole time which has been extremely difficult. On average I might see him once a month. But he is so worth it and I just try to remember how lucky we are that we even met in the first place!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    going to the nightclub with a girlfriend of mine that wanted to date him (I had never met him)...she wanted him but he didn't want her. He called me a couple of nights later and we've been together ever since 15 years.:flowerforyou:
  • bigdogc23
    bigdogc23 Posts: 66
    I sold my soul to the devil for a piece of chocolate cake so the devil hooked me up with my wife and being married to her is my version of hell... I don't remember how I met her I just woke up one day hooked to the ball and chain....
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    I met my husband at church and I swear I heard God telling me that this was the man I was going to marry. We got engaged 3 months later and married 3 months after that. It was rocky, especially since he has 3 boys, and while I regret it was so quick and I was so young (I was 26 and he was 31) I wouldn't change a thing. We are looking forward to our "couple" time when the boys leave in a few years - they will all be in HS officially next year (Senior, Junior, and Freshman). I can't wait to see them start their new lives, but I would kick their *kitten* if they did what my husband and I did.
  • BriskisGrl
    BriskisGrl Posts: 461
    I was 18.. he then 24. We met originally online. In person he came to my job and came through my line with a single white rose. He waited for me to get off work. Spent a few hours talking, swimming. He's had me since the first kiss. I'm now 29 and he's 35.
  • ajalcazar
    ajalcazar Posts: 76 Member
    My wife is my high school sweetheart. We met while in the JROTC program. We were really good friends for 2 years before we started dating. All of our friends said it would only last a week. Now, 12 years later, we joke that we are barely on Tuesday of said week.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    He asked me to dance two-step at a country bar in a casino in Reno. He was in town for a training for work for a week, I had actually canceled plans to travel out of town, and we hit it off and talked all night that night, and the next. He had to go back to New Mexico at the end of the weekend, but we stayed in touch and made plans to meet up again.

    Which was a good thing, since a month later I got the enviable job of telling him I was pregnant. Almost three years, one almost two year-old and two states later, we're making it all work.

    And I have such a great story to tell my daughter one day when she asks how we met. I can just see the blushing already. It is evil that the thought of her future embarrassment makes me giggle?
  • xoalyssaox
    xoalyssaox Posts: 320
    We met at a restaurant downtown about 14 months ago, and then went bar hopping with mutual friends. We talked A LOT that night. I knew that night that I wanted this man in my life for a very long time. We hit it off so well, he had every quality I wanted. We exchanged numbers that night. The next morning he asked me on a date for that evening. We have been inseparable ever since, getting married in October :) I looove him :)
  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    I was dating an aquaintance of his, who treated me appallingly. I eventually dumped him. By then, Hubby and I were friends and spoke to each other nearly every day. I moved house and found, to my surprise, that he was living in the next street (I'd never thought to ask).

    We sort of fell into a relationship, lol. That was seven years ago. We will have been married for five years this August and our son will be six next month. We also have six other children between us.
  • terraskye
    terraskye Posts: 370 Member
    Met my husband on this this chat server called ICQ

    I moved to Canada one month later and we got married two months after that.

    August 1st is our 11 years Anniversary :)
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    In a chat room nearly 10 years ago.
  • interceptor311
    interceptor311 Posts: 980 Member
    Electronic grabber machine. B***tch cost me 10 tokens! ;-)