Getting hate for wanting to recover from..



  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    My BMI used to be 16 due to starvation when I was 14. Now it's currently 18.6-18.7 and people say I'm already looking pudgy and that I don't need to gain more weight even though my body isn't functioning properly.
    I feel so horrible now. People on here that are anorexic and still losing weight are telling me im disgusting and ruining all my hard work and I'm going to get fat and huge like a house
    My lowest I was only 69 pounds. I still feel cold, I'm anemic, my hormones are out of whack and I act insane and not normal. ):
    I'm miserable. Gaining weight is scary though.
    I gain weight quite easily and am doing it all by myself. no parents help or anything ( they dont care or believe im even sick )

    should I continue eating or just..go back like I want to ):
    currently eating 1,200-1,300

    You are taking notice of anorexics??? Hell, they can't even take care of their own bodies, let alone give advice to other people!!!

    Tell them to eff-off, continue eating - you only have the one body, treat it well.

    If there are any anorexics on your buddy lists, delete them if they are speaking to you in the way you are saying, you really don't need that crap.
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    We love ya summer!!
  • shunyata13
    shunyata13 Posts: 71 Member
    These so called friends don't want you to get better. As the saying goes, misery loves company, and as long as you are there with them they don't have to make a change. If they were true friends they would encourage you to be healthy not starve yourself. It is just like the smoker that wants to stop and all their smoking friends keep offerring them a cigarette. These 'friends' don't want you to get better. They have their own demons to battle and just are trying to keep you down there with them.

    If you need a therapist to help you with your break away from them or help with social anixety get the help you need, get one. The part of the picture you have shared does not portray a healthy body. I was in the hospital once where a woman was admitted for anorexia where her body had shut down due to lack of nutrician. When she stabilized they transferred her to my area. We would see her punch her stomach when she ate to try to get it to work. Unfortunantely it didn't. She died one night and left behind a husband and a young son.

    True friends do not want you to starve to death. They do not want you to put yourself in a place where your body starts eating its own muscles in an attempt to survive and have your organs shut down. You know that without proper food levels you are at a very high risk of having a heart attack and dying. My questions to you after all the posts people have left why do you even consider them your friends still? And why are you having such an issue in breaking away from people that are trying to get you to kill yourself through starvation?

    Maybe if you think of them in those terms it will be easier to break away but if not seek proper counciling to help you make healthy decisions for yourself and not be so influenced by other people.