Do you tell them or let them figure it out on their own?



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    People get my name wrong all the time. My first name is Renee. I have been called Lisa my entire life. Teachers, coworkers, people I deal with through work.

    I even get e-mails calling me things like Regina even though my name is on the e-mail to which the person is responding. All the time.

    I usually don't bother correcting people. Especially after the 10th time.
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    I would call him a random name back until he gets it right. It can be in a nice way- make it a joke, but also make sure he gets the point. It seems like after that long he should know better.

    My youngest daughters middle name(s) are Aukje Katje because she is Dutch... Try that one! ( al-key-uh, kah-tea-uh) lol
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    I agree with another poster. If this is someone that you just exchange pleasantries with and don't really know, I wouldn't care, but.....if you do correct him, make a joke of it, but make sure he says it correctly before moving on - then he has no excuse in the future.

    My first name is Tanya. My dad named me and decided on the spelling. It is pronounced with a short "o" sound (as in open up and say, aahhhhh!), not a short "a" sound (as in "and"). Whether he spelled it wrong or pronounced it wrong, it's his fault. I get asked how to pronounce it all the time, and when I do explain it, I get told all the time it's wrong. So I tell people to take it up with my dad. It's annoying. For people who don't see the spelling, I am called Tina, Tracey, etc when they don't remember my name.

    On the other hand, it's your name. Even if you don't want him to feel badly, tell him. If I was pronouncing someone's name incorrectly, I think I'd want to know.


    lol Tanya- the whole time we have been friends... I thought your name was TAN-YA not like Tahhhnya. lol Now I know!
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    It depends on who is gettnig my name wrong. If it's someone I'm going to have repeated face to face contact with, sure I'll correct them (though hopefully in a way that doesn't make them feel bad for getting it wrong!). I talk to people all day on the phone, though, and they're sort of "incidental contacts" - so I'm not going to worry about it if they don't get my name right. (Though how I wound up as "Paprika" one day, I will NEVER know...)

    There is a person in my face to face world who has known me for 8 years and STILL gets my name wrong - he can't remember it even after multiple repetitions. Now, when he gets it wrong I just agree that for as long as he's talking to me, I'm whatever name he's calling me by. He's happy because he thinks he's right, I haven't wasted any effort in trying to get him to remember something he's NEVER going to remember... win-win. :)
  • AlbaAngel25
    AlbaAngel25 Posts: 484 Member
    my name is Shemsija , but people dont realize its a silent J....(Shem-c-ya) is how u pronounce it... But i have heard it all , shem-c-gee shem-c-ga I just go by shemi for short, and i do correct if it it gets mispronounced or just say my nickname
  • NMJosephs
    NMJosephs Posts: 185
    We have a delivery guy that comes into the office that calls me Allison. My name is Nicole. He's been calling me Allison for over 2 years.

    Too late to fix it now.

    The awesome part is that I wear a name tag! :)
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    My name is Coach. However, my kids and players just can't seem to get it right. I get a**hole, pr*ck, mother f*****, son of a b***h, but never coach.

    I've even spelled it for them on the whiteboard for an entire week...nothing!
  • magichatter06
    magichatter06 Posts: 3,593 Member
    Same here with first and last name. Misspelled and Mispronounced all the time! When I was in 7th grade they even spelled my FIRST name wrong on an award that I received.. My first name is Vita pronounced Veeta.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I used to be called Gabriella by this guy. My name is NOTHING like that. I have a boy name actually lol I never did correct

    My manager always mispronounces my last name. I have never corrected him either. Makes me laugh seeing him struggle to pronounce it.

    For me it is the spelling that is more annoying. Everyone is continually spelling my name wrong - even people I have worked with for the last 6 years! So annoying! How can you misspell my name when you are sending an email to me and my name pops up? My name is RIGHT
  • dlblevins
    dlblevins Posts: 4 Member
    My name is Danella, no one every says it correctly. I basically will answer to just about any variation of it because I get tired of correcting people. I have even gone as far as saying it is kind of like vanilla except it has a D in front of it, but the same few people never get it. The girls I work with correct others and it still doesn't help, so I have just given up and answer to most variations of it.
  • NMJosephs
    NMJosephs Posts: 185
    My name is Coach. However, my kids and players just can't seem to get it right. I get a**hole, pr*ck, mother f*****, son of a b***h, but never coach.

    I've even spelled it for them on the whiteboard for an entire week...nothing!

    ^^LOVE IT!
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    My theory - it's MY name. My parents put a lot of thought into selecting it for me. I am not offended if you misspell or mispronounce it. I will correct you and I expect you to have enough respect for me to learn my name as I have learned yours.
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    **^^^ I love your response!**

    I have tried and tried to get the people at me work to call my by my real name and not my nickname. I cannot STAND my nickname. I'll even call and say "Hi so and so it's ALLEGRA," their response is ALWAYS "Oh hi Alley."

    I finally broke down and at least corrected their spelling of my nickname. I feel like it's a lost cause to try to get people to call me by my name anymore.
    It's like nails on a chalk board though....
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    If you've let it go on that long then there's no point in bothering. I have a common first name but it's lacking one letter the name usually has. If people write it the "normal" way I let it be because in the end they still know it's me.

    My last name is the one that I always correct. It's a German name and has a lot of spelling variations and usually one way of pronouncing it and none of them fit it. I'm used to it, I've had to deal with it all my life so it just becomes a casual, "actually, it's [pronounces last name]" rather than a fit. I do have to spell it out for people, but again that comes with the territory. The only thing that's ever ticked me off was just a couple weeks ago I was going to get weighed at a clinic and the new girl and the regular both were there. The new girl has trouble finding my file because it's alphabetized by last names and she keeps thinking it starts with Sn instead of Sch. The regular girl tells her where to find my file and the conversation went like this:

    "Oh, that's right! I keep forgetting."

    "Yeah, it's hard to remember because it's spelled the wrong way."

    Mind you I was within 3 feet of both of them and very visible. I don't mind being told my name's difficult, strange, or different but you don't tell me it's spelled wrong like my family's too stupid to know how to spell. That's the stuff you correct instantly.
  • BeautyAndTheGeeks
    If someone gets my name wrong, I correct them. Every single time. If I've introduced myself to you and you don't remember my name, fine, I'll happily remind you. If I've told you my name 8 times and you still get it wrong, I'll point it out until you get it right. It's hardly difficult to remember someone's name.

    I also get really pissed off when people I've known my whole life send me Christmas/birthday cards adressed to Michelle/Michael/Mikala/Mikayla/Michalea etc. Seriously, if you think about me enough to send me a card, think about me for a few more seconds and get my damn name right.
  • ChastinMiller
    My name is Chastin. I would go with the assumption that it sounds like it's spelled but I get Chase-tin alot. I took Home Ec in highschool for 4 years and the teacher said my name right twice the whole time. Every other time the whole class corrected her and I think that was when I didn't really care anymore. I'm really bad with remembering names so I'd honestly rather go by "Hey you!" Haha.

    I get more annoyed by people that tell me it's a nice name. I understand that they're trying to be nice and give me a compliment, but i'm getting tired of hearing it...
  • JustAmyRenee
    JustAmyRenee Posts: 80 Member
    I would clarify, I have 2 names AmyReneé confuses people, and they tend to call me Amy...which you wouldn't think would be a big deal but i dont answer to it... I assume you are talking to one of the 200 million other amy's born in 1980's. I used to work in a loudkitchen and the cooks shortened it to A-Reé (A Ray)
    I wait tables and have it emblazen across my not small chest.. AmyReneé. and when I walk up to a table I always say "Hi I'm AmyReneé, 2 names one person AmyReneé." and if they say hi Amy back, I always go "Oh sorry, we have several amy's that work here, but just one AmyReneé, don't want you to end up with the wrong server next time you come in." Only like 5 people on the planet are allowed to cakll me Amy, its always been confusing especially with a sister named Jamie...Amy and Jamie ya thats not confusing.
    So I always correct people, and when they can't get the weird 2 name southern thing I have going on then I tell them they can call me A-Reé for short.

    ** seperate note ** all through highschool I called this guy brian and it wasn't until senior year I realized his name was jason... HE NEVER ONCE CORRECTED ME! I was mortified, he said he just thought it was my pet name for him. So I would personally correct the guy and maybe even spell it out phonetically, or rhyme it for him so he doesnt realize at the company Christmas party he is a douche.
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 802 Member
    my 1st name is to easy to mess up " Lisa"

    but my maiden name "Cornutt" is a pain

    my mom says it as Cor net

    i have had people say Core Nute (sounds like mute)

    also Corn nut (um there is only 1 n people)

    I say Core Nut

    now my married name is easy "Thompson"
  • drkuhl2017
    drkuhl2017 Posts: 181 Member
    People always pronounce my last name wrong, mostly because I have 2 silent letters in it. And I always correct people when they say it wrong, mostly because people who don't know me don't say it right. When people are pronouncing something wrong, I just feel the need to correct them. I'm a teacher's daughter, so it's just in my nature. :)
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    no one mispronounces my name, they just get it flat out wrong, because it's not common.

    My name is Trent or Trenton - whichever is fine by me.

    I get:
    Tyler, Trevor, Travis, Taylor, Tucker, Timothy (Tim), Kent, Kenneth, Kevin, Kenton, and, of course, Brent.

    I'll correct people if I will be interacting with them for any length of time. But if I meet them once, and will like not see them again, I couldn't care less what you call me.