Do you tell them or let them figure it out on their own?



  • torygirl79
    torygirl79 Posts: 307 Member
    A boss of mine always got my name wrong, despite everyone pronouncing my name correctly and obviously around him. He also did it very loudly.... After about 10 months of this, his girlfriend asked how my name was actually pronounced.

    He then spent the next year not addressing me by name at all......
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    My name is Karen...but I get called Sharon and Carol a lot :noway:
  • ShandiH
    ShandiH Posts: 232 Member
    For some reason children and not-native English speakers can NOT pronounce Meredith. I never thought it to be a weird name, but apparently it's difficult to pronounce and those who are from regions that do not speak English have never heard of it. If somebody can't pronounce it after a few tries, I just tell them to call me Mer and be done with it.

    The Vietnamese ladies at the nail salon I go to all call me Meredy. I just go with it lol

    Some non-English speakers actually do not have the ability to pronounce the "th" so that can be some of the issue with the Vietnamese ladies. Asian speaking countries have a difficult time trying pronounce a word that ends in a consonant - their words all end in vowels. Also, my sister's name is Aleisha but Japanese people can't pronounce the "l" so they say it like "Areisha".
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    I agree with another poster. If this is someone that you just exchange pleasantries with and don't really know, I wouldn't care, but.....if you do correct him, make a joke of it, but make sure he says it correctly before moving on - then he has no excuse in the future.

    My first name is Tanya. My dad named me and decided on the spelling. It is pronounced with a short "o" sound (as in open up and say, aahhhhh!), not a short "a" sound (as in "and"). Whether he spelled it wrong or pronounced it wrong, it's his fault. I get asked how to pronounce it all the time, and when I do explain it, I get told all the time it's wrong. So I tell people to take it up with my dad. It's annoying. For people who don't see the spelling, I am called Tina, Tracey, etc when they don't remember my name.

    On the other hand, it's your name. Even if you don't want him to feel badly, tell him. If I was pronouncing someone's name incorrectly, I think I'd want to know.


    Ummm, this is sooo me!! My dad also choose the spelling LOL! At this point I just let people call me whatever they like, its better then the 'you spelled it wrong arguement' LOL. My daughters name is Ainslee, pronounced just how its spelled yet no one gets it right!! She gets called Annsley, Annalese, name it!! As for last correct people and they are always like "oh, how its spelled"! :)
  • luvJOJO
    luvJOJO Posts: 1,881 Member
    Telling someone how to say your name properly is perfectly fine... but telling them to roll the r's or say silent X's as Y's and twist their tongue backwards or pucker their lips or speak from the throat while holding your breathe at the end, etc..... then I would say no, don't do that.

    HAHA!!!! I agree!!!
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    **^^^ I love your response!**

    I have tried and tried to get the people at me work to call my by my real name and not my nickname. I cannot STAND my nickname. I'll even call and say "Hi so and so it's ALLEGRA," their response is ALWAYS "Oh hi Alley."

    I finally broke down and at least corrected their spelling of my nickname. I feel like it's a lost cause to try to get people to call me by my name anymore.
    It's like nails on a chalk board though....

    I get this. It's like they are your automatic bff or have an "in" with you if they can chop off half your name or turn it into something else. :laugh:

    I can handle my name being shortened to Krys at times but being called Kristi pisses me off. If someone is going to waste their breath on 2 syllables, why not make it the correct ones?
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    My sons name is Jayce. Said just like it's spelled & rhymes with "face".
    Anyways, he constantly gets "Jaycee" "Jaycie" "Jason" .....
    He has a twin brother named Jaxon. People always say to me "you named them Jaxon and Jason?" ummm no?
    I named them Jaxon and Jayce. Thank you.

    My married name is Galick. People are forever calling me "gay-lick" ........there is no y people.
  • Valqis
    Valqis Posts: 1,016 Member
    My first name is Dan... I work in collections all day... I get called Dave, Dale, Don.

    Last name is Teets. 99 chances out of 100 I have to spell it the exact instant I say my last name for someone.

    I can talk to the same person every month and they can get my name right three months in a row and then out of the blue I get called "Dale," I have learned to just let it roll off my back. As long as you don't cuss me out, I am fine with you.
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    Wow.. the apparent frequency with which people manage to mangle the most common and phonetically-spelled names (really? You can't pronounce "Lauren"?) around leads me back to a long-held belief:

    people are stupid.
  • ryliejaiden
    ryliejaiden Posts: 68
    My name is Rylie and I always get called Kylie or Ryan, even Rene, plus people can NEVER spell it right. Same goes with my last name, always spelled wrong and usually pronounced wrong (and my last name is pretty simple to figure out!). I get tired of correcting it, so I usually just let it slide. The only time I correct people is if it needs to be spelled correctly (on important forms, name tags, etc.). The only time it ever annoys me is if someone spells my name wrong when it is clearly spelled out right in front of them.

    If the person is someone who I'll see time and time again, I make it a point to clearly introduce myself and make sure they repeat it correctly, they usually figure it out pretty quickly.
  • JellyJaks
    JellyJaks Posts: 589 Member
    My sons name is Jayce. Said just like it's spelled & rhymes with "face".
    Anyways, he constantly gets "Jaycee" "Jaycie" "Jason" .....
    He has a twin brother named Jaxon. People always say to me "you named them Jaxon and Jason?" ummm no?
    I named them Jaxon and Jayce. Thank you.

    My married name is Galick. People are forever calling me "gay-lick" ........there is no y people.

    This made me laugh. How in the world do you get Jason out of Jayce?! :noway:

    And I feel you on "there is no y" except in my case it's "it's an o not an e" My last name is Wallingford. FORD not FERD.
  • terri0527
    terri0527 Posts: 678 Member
    I get tired of ppl asking does my name end in a Y, Terri is for both guys and girls but an I is for the girl and a Y is for the guy.That's what i've always been told anyway. Then they want to pronounce it like "turri instead terri...drives me nuts LOL :laugh:
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    My name is Alison. I used to take the bus to work and somehow I was called Alex. I didn't bother correcting my bus friends at all. One of them did ask why it took me so long to respond once when he was calling my name on the subway and I did get a funny look when I handed my tennis club application to a different guy and it clearly stated my name is Alison.

    I kind of thought of it as my alter ego. .."Alex, the bus rider". :). Btw I don't live in that area anymore so no more Alex.
  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    I have a slightly unusual first name because of the spelling, but the name itself is relatively common. There's a man who works on my floor who is very polite and likes to greet me by my first name. I gave it to him. He called me by something completely different the first few times so I corrected him. Now the error is minor, it's all variations used with the letters from my name, but never my name. It's been a year . . . do I correct it?

    Generally I say no, as they usually figure it out eventually. For example, my first initial and last name smushed together is a womans name, as is my first and second initial smushed in with my last name so sometimes I'll have people call me that instead. Usually they have reason to email me or something else going on that they realize.

    So, when someone gets your name wrong repeatedly do you correct it or let it be?

    I always say, "When a dog pees on the floor you rub their nose in it."

    So, get a dog, wait for it to pee on the floor and then rub this idiot's nose in it. :bigsmile:
  • slp415
    slp415 Posts: 2
    Since its been so long, I might just continue to let it slide.

    I get called Beth a lot (easily confused with Stef I guess - especially over the phone)...

    Best one was when a guy I was working with one day was calling me Jennifer. Not sure how he got Jennifer out of Stefanie .... but I let him call me Jenn all day because I got a kick out of it :tongue:

    HA! That's too funny, I'm also a Stephanie and for some reason when people can't remember my name they resort to Jennifer... there's been at least 3 people who've done that to me before!
  • ladyfox1979
    ladyfox1979 Posts: 405 Member
    My name is very popular where I come from but when I moved to the U.S it been f@#!ked up so badly that I just have people call "Mary" which is my middle name ironically.

    Sometimes I have to program my brain to recognize the name cuz I only get called that at work:ohwell:
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    I've been called Sarah loads of times, usually over the telephone. Where do you get Sarah from Faye, or they ask me to spell my name and then call me Saye, that's not even a name (is it?)
  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    I feel like most people that you plan on speaking to again would rather be corrected than saying your name wrong and then being embarrassed.

    I get my name messed up too, even though it's easy: "Rosa". I get "Rosie", "Rose", etc..

    But I mess up people's names too, so I don't think it's really something to be annoyed at. I always ask "Did I have that right?" to be sure, but I think it' a common mistake now that people are getting extra-creative with names. You just never know. Some names are spelled completely different from how they sound, so it's tough for everyone, I think.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    My name is so screwed up. Isabella AndersEn. (I'll give you my pin number later.) I am always Isabel AndersOn. People have called me that on the phone, to my face and even in business emails in which my name was spelled out for them. I've also been Isobel, Isabelle, Izabella, Issabell, etc. People call me Izzy or Bella because they cannot bring themselves to pronounce all the syllables. It's gotten so bad that I just ask people to call me Bee now because it's so much freaking easier, but you'd better believe I correct every single person who calls me Isabel. I am a pedantic a-hole, afterall. :laugh:
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    My name is Brenda. Few people can mispronounce that one, but I did have a teacher once who called me "Brinda". I corrected her the first time and then just figured she had a speech impediment and let it go. I have routinely been called: LInda, Barbara, Belinda, Melinda, Glenda. I also answer to Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Flanders, neither of which is my last name!

    It doesn't really bother me that much. I tend to do the same thing with names. Take, for example, my cats. Chloe answers to Fluffy, Fluffer-Nutter, Peanut Butter, Fluffernutterbuttbuttbutt, and Favorite Fluffy Grey Cat. Misha answers to Meemer, Mimmily Nimmily, Mimmy, Mimsy, and Pest. Katie answers to Katie Bear, Bear Bear, and Fatty. So I guess I can answer to Linda.

    Maybe I'm just used to this type of thing. Growing up, neither of my parents could keep us kids straight. My siblings and I were all called AmyBrendaChristaRichard. We all knew which one was REALLY in trouble!