Looking for Feminist Friends



  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    To keep with the sailing motif, going left and then right is the only way to go straight while sailing. Its called tacking, I believe, and is used to keep the wind in the sails. So wouldn't God be saying that it takes a partnership?

    You've never sailed with a good wind at your back..have you.

    And for the record...you go either left or right for a longer distance, depending on where the wind is...still not equal.

    Sorry, I'm in a mood...had to pick apart your argument for practice =p.

    Seriosly though folks...they ARE in a partnership. They've already said so. I think if their husband started dictating to either of them how they were supposed to live...there would be issues.

    Dude, don't tear apart my finely crafted metaphor. I don't care about accuracy lol.

  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member

    I say left, he says right-- left! Right! Left! Right!

    Somebody has to have the final say!

    ..Or you can take turns compromising. One person doesn't need to be designated as having the final say (male or female)

    Well, they kinda do if you believe scripture-- which, personally, I do. Husbands are called to love their wives as Christ loved "the church" namely....giving his life for it. Women are called to submit to their husbands.

    It's beautiful when it's done right, lemme tell ya.

    Yes, this. :heart:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    Personally, I don't have a feminist bone in my body. I'm a happy, healthy, submissive Christian wife and mother of 9 children.

    This is why I don't like religion, its all about control others. There is nothing wrong with helping/caring for your family, that part of life but no one should feel they have to submit to someone else. There's no equality in submission.

    There is plenty of equality in submission. Submission can be a beautiful thing. I choose to submit to and respect my husband and he treats me like a queen. Submission has been given a bad name, but it doesn't have to be bad. To clarify my personal beliefs: as for religion, I am a Christian. My Lord and Savior came here as a servant-if my God can serve others, how much more should I be willing and able to? He could have come down powerful, as a King, taken what was rightfully his, etc-but instead he displayed a beautiful, loving, servant's heart. If he was not too good to serve others than I definitely am not. I know that other people don't necessarily have the same views, but those are partially my views on my personal reason for submission. I will admit that I am lucky, my husband is wonderful to me-I know that one of the reasons submission has been given a bad rap is because people take advantage of it and make it look bad. I love serving my family, it is my job and I take pleasure in it. While it is something I enjoy, it may not be for everyone.

    I was raised in a family of feminists, always told I "didn't need a man." There were hardly any men in our family, because the women treated the men poorly and chased most of them off. I used to bash men, and insist I could do everything on my own. I ended up being a single mother, raising 5 children alone and thinking men were the bane of my existence. When I realized my own error, and changed my attitude towards males in general, I ended up falling in love with and marrying a wonderful man. I'm so glad I treat him well and don't buy into the male bashing mentality any longer. Some of my women family members give me h*ll for it, but they are the ones alone and angry because they chased their men away-so eager to always prove that they "don't need a man". I'm happily married and living a life I never dreamed would be so good-I never realized having a mate to compliment me and share the load would be such a great joy. Once I stopped fighting my man and started working with him, things became much easier and more pleasant.

    Submission has a bad name because of what it is, its submission. Why can't you and your husband just respect and love each other? Why do you have to submit to someone who should be your equal? You don't have to male bash in order to be equal and respectful but you shouldn't have to submit, that's bashing yourself. It looks like you went from extreme to another.

    because our Bible calls us to. There can't be two captains of a vessel. Somebody has to have the final say what course the ship goes. God tells me that's him.

    I'm happy my husband and I aren't driving a ship! We just discuss things like equal partners.

    Really? Good-- and when you disagree, vehemently, and neither side wants to give in....then what?

    Compromise! or go with the one who has the stronger feeling towards whatever it is but there is no designated person to give the final say. But most of the time its compromise and most of the time we are able to discuss things which leads to a mutual decision.

    But what if you both have very, very strong feelings about "this" one. You say "most" of the time....what happens when you don't? What happens when you can't discuss it. What happens when you're both dug in? What happens when there is no ability for compromise?

    Seems too important an issue to leave up in the air.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    To keep with the sailing motif, going left and then right is the only way to go straight while sailing. Its called tacking, I believe, and is used to keep the wind in the sails. So wouldn't God be saying that it takes a partnership?

    You've never sailed with a good wind at your back..have you.

    And for the record...you go either left or right for a longer distance, depending on where the wind is...still not equal.

    Sorry, I'm in a mood...had to pick apart your argument for practice =p.

    Seriosly though folks...they ARE in a partnership. They've already said so. I think if their husband started dictating to either of them how they were supposed to live...there would be issues.

    Dude, don't tear apart my finely crafted metaphor. I don't care about accuracy lol.

    She's going down, Captain! :laugh:
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 204 MFP Staff

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