Meat eating vs. Vegan debate



  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    One question I have for vegetarians/vegans: Do you eat meat *flavored* stuff? If you found something that was absolutely vegan but tasted like a really yummy steak (assuming taste is NOT why you chose veganism/vegetarianism), would you be okay with that?

    Odd question, but inquiring minds and all that...
    Not a silly question, a friend of mine has never eaten meat in his life but he eats beef flavoured pot noodles.

    My kids (ages 20 and 16) have never eaten meat, and have no desire to (according to them, and yes--they have had opportunities to try it). My oldest loves faux meat though, probably for its hearty, umami taste. His favorites are: Gardein chic'n, veggie taco 'burger', veggie 'hot dogs', Gardein beefless tips in stew, made as cutlets, etc.
  • future_runner
    future_runner Posts: 136 Member
    Well on the flip side of the taste question, I am an omnivore and I LOVE Boca burgers. I pretty much always have them in my freezer.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I am a vegetarian. Meat is simply disgusting.

    in your may chose to eat meat or not, just don't try to shove your self-righteous bull$hit down everyone's throat.
  • BrokenButterfly
    I am a vegetarian. Meat is simply disgusting.

    in your may chose to eat meat or not, just don't try to shove your self-righteous bull$hit down everyone's throat.

    Shh. No BS here.
  • VegesaurusRex
    VegesaurusRex Posts: 1,018
    I do want to know if any of the vegans or vegetarians on here miss eating meat. I live in NJ and miss Taylor Ham. That is really the only thing I miss, small sacrifice I guess.

    Not a bit, but I haven't eaten meat since 1979. I am extremely healthy - did a 43 mile bike ride the other weekend. Work out about 5 times a week at the gym. Have a black belt in Shaolin Kempo Karate. I have two teenage kids (whoops -one just turned 20.) I am 69 years old. I watch the meat eaters I know who are much younger than me developing their chronic illnesses and becoming more and more incapacitated. I wonder why everyone just doesn't get it.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I am a vegetarian. Meat is simply disgusting.

    in your may chose to eat meat or not, just don't try to shove your self-righteous bull$hit down everyone's throat.

    Shh. No BS here.

    Thank you.

    I think you are getting some genuine answers.

    When I was a kid, I couldn't sit at the table with certain types of meat without gagging. The summer before first grade when I would have to sit at a lunch-table with kids gnawing chicken legs, my family taught me how to tolerate that lunch scene by looking away from people's plates. At the time, it was a little like training yourself to look away from a roadside accident.

    The aesthetics of bones, gristle, blood, veins and fat was something of a challenge for me, and to some extent, still is.
  • SuperSneaky
    SuperSneaky Posts: 43
    PC > Xbox 360 > Beubonic Plague > PS3

    Some very sobering truth here.
  • BrokenButterfly
    I do want to know if any of the vegans or vegetarians on here miss eating meat. I live in NJ and miss Taylor Ham. That is really the only thing I miss, small sacrifice I guess.

    Not a bit, but I haven't eaten meat since 1979. I am extremely healthy - did a 43 mile bike ride the other weekend. Work out about 5 times a week at the gym. Have a black belt in Shaolin Kempo Karate. I have two teenage kids (whoops -one just turned 20.) I am 69 years old. I watch the meat eaters I know who are much younger than me developing their chronic illnesses and becoming more and more incapacitated. I wonder why everyone just doesn't get it.

    What made you decide to give up on meat?
    And again, i'm unsure whether we can really say it's meat that's the health issue here or all the other s*it that people eat daily. I just feel that if meat really was causing all these problems then dieticians and doctors would blo*dy well make a point of making it common knowledge. The whole thing is still very 'underground' in terms of publicity.
  • BrokenButterfly
    I am a vegetarian. Meat is simply disgusting.

    in your may chose to eat meat or not, just don't try to shove your self-righteous bull$hit down everyone's throat.

    Shh. No BS here.

    Thank you.

    I think you are getting some genuine answers.

    When I was a kid, I couldn't sit at the table with certain types of meat without gagging. The summer before first grade when I would have to sit at a lunch-table with kids gnawing chicken legs, my family taught me how to tolerate that lunch scene by looking away from people's plates. At the time, it was a little like training yourself to look away from a roadside accident.

    The aesthetics of bones, gristle, blood and steak was something of a challenge for me, and to some extent, still is.

    It's been a lifelong issue for you, then! But i'm glad your diet works well for you now. Again, may be worth me trying to go without meat some time (after i've tried eliminating the ridiculous amount of things i might be intolerant to for a while) to see how I fare and whether I feel any different. I suppose it really is a matter of opinion and you have to go by how you feel physically.
  • BrokenButterfly
    PC > Xbox 360 > Beubonic Plague > PS3

    Some very sobering truth here.

    PC wins every time. Not the X box though >_> Don't ask me why, just never ever liked the thing.
  • VegesaurusRex
    VegesaurusRex Posts: 1,018
    I do want to know if any of the vegans or vegetarians on here miss eating meat. I live in NJ and miss Taylor Ham. That is really the only thing I miss, small sacrifice I guess.

    Not a bit, but I haven't eaten meat since 1979. I am extremely healthy - did a 43 mile bike ride the other weekend. Work out about 5 times a week at the gym. Have a black belt in Shaolin Kempo Karate. I have two teenage kids (whoops -one just turned 20.) I am 69 years old. I watch the meat eaters I know who are much younger than me developing their chronic illnesses and becoming more and more incapacitated. I wonder why everyone just doesn't get it.

    What made you decide to give up on meat?
    And again, i'm unsure whether we can really say it's meat that's the health issue here or all the other s*it that people eat daily. I just feel that if meat really was causing all these problems then dieticians and doctors would blo*dy well make a point of making it common knowledge. The whole thing is still very 'underground' in terms of publicity.

    Ethics. I realized what a hypocrite I was saying I like animals and then eating them.

    I believe diet is the issue in 99% of illnesses. I know one woman, for example 10 years younger than me who has mercury poisoning. Yet she loves fish. It's killing her but she loves it. Go figure.

    I know many other much younger than me who have cancer. All meat eaters. Vegetarians so rarely get colon and other cancers that you can almost say they are immune.

    People cannot come to terms that what they were brought up eating is killing them. So they resist. As I said in a previous thread, there are literally thousands of studies showing that eating meat can cause chronic illness. There is not one single study that shows that eating vegetables can cause chronic illness. Nonetheless, people say the dumbest things. I guess it is the bell shaped curve in action.
  • mrf330
    mrf330 Posts: 19 Member
    One question I have for vegetarians/vegans: Do you eat meat *flavored* stuff? If you found something that was absolutely vegan but tasted like a really yummy steak (assuming taste is NOT why you chose veganism/vegetarianism), would you be okay with that?

    Odd question, but inquiring minds and all that...

    Not an odd question at all. I'm vegan for health reasons, and before, rarely ate meat because I didn't like how I felt afterwards. But, I liked the taste of some meat dishes, so I occasionally eat vegetarian-meat versions, like seitan. I also like cheese a lot, so I eat vegan cheeses.
  • hallie_b
    hallie_b Posts: 181
    I do want to know if any of the vegans or vegetarians on here miss eating meat. I live in NJ and miss Taylor Ham. That is really the only thing I miss, small sacrifice I guess.

    Not a bit, but I haven't eaten meat since 1979. I am extremely healthy - did a 43 mile bike ride the other weekend. Work out about 5 times a week at the gym. Have a black belt in Shaolin Kempo Karate. I have two teenage kids (whoops -one just turned 20.) I am 69 years old. I watch the meat eaters I know who are much younger than me developing their chronic illnesses and becoming more and more incapacitated. I wonder why everyone just doesn't get it.

    What made you decide to give up on meat?
    And again, i'm unsure whether we can really say it's meat that's the health issue here or all the other s*it that people eat daily. I just feel that if meat really was causing all these problems then dieticians and doctors would blo*dy well make a point of making it common knowledge. The whole thing is still very 'underground' in terms of publicity.

    True My husband is a meatosaurus and he is in incredible shape. He does biking too (and running, and swimming, kayaking, climbing, will someone please tell thisman to come inside). His vitals are awsome, we just had a big work up done on him because he turned 35 and wanted to make sure he really was in good health. He is in waaay better shape than I am and I don't eat meat. I agree that more studies regarding health and longevity need to be completed before we can say - yes eat meat, or no don't eat it.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I am a vegetarian. Meat is simply disgusting.

    in your may chose to eat meat or not, just don't try to shove your self-righteous bull$hit down everyone's throat.

    Shh. No BS here.

    Thank you.

    I think you are getting some genuine answers.

    When I was a kid, I couldn't sit at the table with certain types of meat without gagging. The summer before first grade when I would have to sit at a lunch-table with kids gnawing chicken legs, my family taught me how to tolerate that lunch scene by looking away from people's plates. At the time, it was a little like training yourself to look away from a roadside accident.

    The aesthetics of bones, gristle, blood and steak was something of a challenge for me, and to some extent, still is.

    It's been a lifelong issue for you, then! But i'm glad your diet works well for you now. Again, may be worth me trying to go without meat some time (after i've tried eliminating the ridiculous amount of things i might be intolerant to for a while) to see how I fare and whether I feel any different. I suppose it really is a matter of opinion and you have to go by how you feel physically.

    I grew up on a small family farm where we raised and killed some animals for food--mainly chickens, turkeys and cows. So, even as a pre-schooler, I was involved in the slaughter process. I have no recollection of it bothering me while it was happening, but sitting down to the dinner table was a different matter. But like many little kids, I would eat things that were neutral in appearance--like hamburgers and hotdogs.

    I absolutely encourage you to explore a meatless lifestyle. I am continually tweaking my diet to find better ways to feed myself, and continue to conduct experiments in different eating styles to increase nutrition, and reduce cravings for foods which are hard to stop eating once I start.
  • BrokenButterfly
    I do want to know if any of the vegans or vegetarians on here miss eating meat. I live in NJ and miss Taylor Ham. That is really the only thing I miss, small sacrifice I guess.

    Not a bit, but I haven't eaten meat since 1979. I am extremely healthy - did a 43 mile bike ride the other weekend. Work out about 5 times a week at the gym. Have a black belt in Shaolin Kempo Karate. I have two teenage kids (whoops -one just turned 20.) I am 69 years old. I watch the meat eaters I know who are much younger than me developing their chronic illnesses and becoming more and more incapacitated. I wonder why everyone just doesn't get it.

    What made you decide to give up on meat?
    And again, i'm unsure whether we can really say it's meat that's the health issue here or all the other s*it that people eat daily. I just feel that if meat really was causing all these problems then dieticians and doctors would blo*dy well make a point of making it common knowledge. The whole thing is still very 'underground' in terms of publicity.

    Ethics. I realized what a hypocrite I was saying I like animals and then eating them.

    I believe diet is the issue in 99% of illnesses. I know one woman, for example 10 years younger than me who has mercury poisoning. Yet she loves fish. It's killing her but she loves it. Go figure.

    I know many other much younger than me who have cancer. All meat eaters. Vegetarians so rarely get colon and other cancers that you can almost say they are immune.

    People cannot come to terms that what they were brought up eating is killing them. So they resist. As I said in a previous thread, there are literally thousands of studies showing that eating meat can cause chronic illness. There is not one single study that shows that eating vegetables can cause chronic illness. Nonetheless, people say the dumbest things. I guess it is the bell shaped curve in action.

    The ignorance is due to it not being public knowledge. If you decide to become a vegan or veggie (for whatever reason) you're more likely to look up the health benefits of not eating meat than someone like me who, until I came across a few vegans a few days ago didn't even THINK about it.
    This is exactly the area I am most interested in - whether there are any REAL benefits to eating meat that you can't get from other sources or whether we are literally just eating it because we always have and just have a taste for rich foods. Meat was a huge benefit back in the pleistocene, when it wasn't so easy to get but now it's in abundance we're definitely over-doing it.
  • BrokenButterfly
    I am a vegetarian. Meat is simply disgusting.

    in your may chose to eat meat or not, just don't try to shove your self-righteous bull$hit down everyone's throat.

    Shh. No BS here.

    Thank you.

    I think you are getting some genuine answers.

    When I was a kid, I couldn't sit at the table with certain types of meat without gagging. The summer before first grade when I would have to sit at a lunch-table with kids gnawing chicken legs, my family taught me how to tolerate that lunch scene by looking away from people's plates. At the time, it was a little like training yourself to look away from a roadside accident.

    The aesthetics of bones, gristle, blood and steak was something of a challenge for me, and to some extent, still is.

    It's been a lifelong issue for you, then! But i'm glad your diet works well for you now. Again, may be worth me trying to go without meat some time (after i've tried eliminating the ridiculous amount of things i might be intolerant to for a while) to see how I fare and whether I feel any different. I suppose it really is a matter of opinion and you have to go by how you feel physically.

    I grew up on a small family farm where we raised and killed some animals for food--mainly chickens, turkeys and cows. So, even as a pre-schooler, I was involved in the slaughter process. I have no recollection of it bothering me while it was happening, but sitting down to the dinner table was a different matter. But like many little kids, I would eat things that were neutral in appearance--like hamburgers and hotdogs.

    I absolutely encourage you to explore a meatless lifestyle. I am continually tweaking my diet to find better ways to feed myself, and continue to conduct experiments in different eating styles to increase nutrition, and reduce cravings for foods which are hard to stop eating once I start.

    My diet does need some massive changes - mostly due to intolerances and things that give me problems like oats and bread and cheese. If I don't become vegetarian, and providing intolerances don't render me almost foodless, I may consider eating less meat than I do at least. It's always worth attempting to maximise your health.
  • VegesaurusRex
    VegesaurusRex Posts: 1,018
    I do want to know if any of the vegans or vegetarians on here miss eating meat. I live in NJ and miss Taylor Ham. That is really the only thing I miss, small sacrifice I guess.

    Not a bit, but I haven't eaten meat since 1979. I am extremely healthy - did a 43 mile bike ride the other weekend. Work out about 5 times a week at the gym. Have a black belt in Shaolin Kempo Karate. I have two teenage kids (whoops -one just turned 20.) I am 69 years old. I watch the meat eaters I know who are much younger than me developing their chronic illnesses and becoming more and more incapacitated. I wonder why everyone just doesn't get it.

    What made you decide to give up on meat?
    And again, i'm unsure whether we can really say it's meat that's the health issue here or all the other s*it that people eat daily. I just feel that if meat really was causing all these problems then dieticians and doctors would blo*dy well make a point of making it common knowledge. The whole thing is still very 'underground' in terms of publicity.

    True My husband is a meatosaurus and he is in incredible shape. He does biking too (and running, and swimming, kayaking, climbing, will someone please tell thisman to come inside). His vitals are awsome, we just had a big work up done on him because he turned 35 and wanted to make sure he really was in good health. He is in waaay better shape than I am and I don't eat meat. I agree that more studies regarding health and longevity need to be completed before we can say - yes eat meat, or no don't eat it.

    Please give me a break. When you're 35 it's easy to be in great shape. The trick is being in good shape at twice that age. I ate meat at 35 too. I ran marathons. I invented the beer and ice cream diet. I weighed 155 lbs ( I am about 185 now and very muscular - some of it's not muscle. however.) Anyway, a combinaton of diet and exercise is hard to beat. Bytheway, I also work full time and have no intention of ever retiring.
  • hallie_b
    hallie_b Posts: 181

    My diet does need some massive changes - mostly due to intolerances and things that give me problems like oats and bread and cheese. If I don't become vegetarian, and providing intolerances don't render me almost foodless, I may consider eating less meat than I do at least. It's always worth attempting to maximise your health.

    Celiacs and lactose intolerances are quite common together. also wheat alleries and lactose intolerance are common. (Celiacs is not the same as a wheat allergy
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    Dead animal...mmmmmm....yum. Now I'm hungry again.
  • BrokenButterfly

    My diet does need some massive changes - mostly due to intolerances and things that give me problems like oats and bread and cheese. If I don't become vegetarian, and providing intolerances don't render me almost foodless, I may consider eating less meat than I do at least. It's always worth attempting to maximise your health.

    Celiacs and lactose intolerances are quite common together. also wheat alleries and lactose intolerance are common. (Celiacs is not the same as a wheat allergy

    Forgive my ignorance, what is 'celiacs' exactly? I've heard of it and am / have been too lazy to look it up.