Sarvation mode is just wishful eating...



  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    I was eating below my BMR to start out with. I lost weight. And then stopped. And I felt like CRAP. I upped my calories and started eating a more realistic amount of food/calories an started losing again. And I'm much happier. I could drop my calories ridiculously low and drop weight really fast, but just because you can drop weight doesn't mean you are benefiting your overall health in the long run. And most people who drop their calories too low are extremely sensitive to weight gain if they go over. I'd rather eat more, lose weight at a steady rate, and not be a miserable hag in the process. Call it starvation mode or whatever you want but I know what I felt like when I was going low cal and it wasn't fun!
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    Im not saying it doesn't exist, Im just a bit unsure as to it!! Logic would tell you that eating less would result in a bigger loss.......?!?

    Yes. Until your metabolism slows down in an attempt to keep energy reserves since your body isn't getting enough. There's eating less, and then there's not eating enough. Where that boundary lies varies from person to person based on activity levels, genetics, and other factors. MFP uses 1200 as a cutoff because it seems to work.
  • nichalsont
    nichalsont Posts: 421 Member
    Starvation mode is the excuse we food addicts use to not stop eating so much. We want to have our cake AND eat it too. We need to learn to eat only when we are hungry.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Starvation mode is the excuse we food addicts use to not stop eating so much. We want to have our cake AND eat it too. We need to learn to eat only when we are hungry.

  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    Starvation mode is the excuse we food addicts use to not stop eating so much. We want to have our cake AND eat it too. We need to learn to eat only when we are hungry.


    I'll add a *sigh* to yours...
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    Starvation mode is the excuse we food addicts use to not stop eating so much. We want to have our cake AND eat it too. We need to learn to eat only when we are hungry.


    Agreed. *Sigh* is right. Some people will just never get it.

    These people can go ahead and eat way less than their BMR - sure, you'll lose weight, but you'll feel like crap, won't be able to push through workouts efficiently and will have to fight to hang on to any lean muscle that you may have. Personally, I prefer to eat between my BMR and TDEE everyday, switching up the calories so my body doesn't get used to a set amount every day, but I feel GOOD. I have the energy to push HARD through my workouts. And I'm still losing - albeit at a slower rate than if I were to only eat 800 calories a day, but that's okay because I know I'm building muscle, which guess what? If you build muscle you'll lose more fat.

    Eating more (meaning eating between your BMI and your TDEE as opposed to eating below your BMI) does equal weight loss. Maybe not at first because your body's adjusting to the PROPER amount of fuel it needs to get through a day, but after a few weeks, the weight will come off again. True story.

    And please, conscious of what you're chosing to eat. Eating Mcdonald's multiple times a day is not good for your body, even if you're still within your calorie allotment.
  • Bakerchk
    Bakerchk Posts: 424 Member
    Starting with the OP, this post is so wrong (technically speaking) I can't even read what people have to say. shesh.
  • JonathonMars
    JonathonMars Posts: 358 Member
    I don't care if starvation mode exists or not! I'm eating more than I ever have before, and losing weight. And I'm okay with that! Really, I am!

    This sandwich is delicious!