How great is your husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend?



  • kmillar1224
    kmillar1224 Posts: 91 Member
    I have the most patient, loving, kind, caring, and supportive boyfriend in the world!! He truly is the man that I always knew I would share my life with. Not to mention, he does ALL the cooking - woot woot!!! :0) totally blessed!!
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    A-MA-ZING : )
    loved my thru thick and thin!!!
    Hes admittably a chubby chaser - but he tells me all the time how fabulous I look since I've shed over 100lbs and encourages me to keep going
    puts up with all my bull too haha
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    people person
    good career
    sexy body
    cooks my favorite food
    bakes nice confections
    pretty face
    smells good
    nice skin.
  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
    1) he KNITTED ME A HAT (what boy does that so adorable)
    2) he folded and painted me a birthday bouquet of oragami roses
    3) he took me out to my favorite indian restaurant for valentines day
    4) we workout together
    5) he gives me kisses when i am sad
    6) he cooks yummy organic meals for me and never force feeds me fattening food
    7) hes a good back massager

    def sounds like a keeper! the knitting you a hat part = LOVE.
  • beckybernardo
    beckybernardo Posts: 93 Member
    Wow, you are all lucky to have found someone so great. Gives me hope that the one is out there somewhere. Mine has only made a comment about my weight once, but he likes bigger girls. It is all the other abuse that is hard. He is always eating things that he knows that I can't have infront of me. He buys fattening foods and expects me or anyone in the house to touch it. After he spends so much money on the junk I have no money left to buy healthy foods, so I go without eating. He complains that he never has anything to eat, but I go weeks with almost nothing...oh well, what do you do
  • jsukhan
    jsukhan Posts: 149 Member
    non existant... I are alone... :cry:

    Same, dude we need to start a lonely hearts group or something lol

    Yall are not alone! May not have a significant other but you do have significant MFP friends :)

    Awww so cute
  • jsukhan
    jsukhan Posts: 149 Member
    non existant... I are alone... :cry:

    Same, dude we need to start a lonely hearts group or something lol

    dont give up guys you will find the right one! rooting for you! you sound like great guys:)

    Oh, I haven't given up... I just rearranged my priorities, finding Miss. Right, can wait until I finish school. I am just not looking forward to my brother's wedding. Someone is going to say, "So, when are you getting married," or "Do you have a girlfriend yet?"

    I sympathize. I hate family weddings too. When I my younger cousins started getting married I didn't feel so bad because my older sister wasn't married. Now she is. So everyone wonders what my issue is.
  • wendy3330
    wendy3330 Posts: 36 Member
    My fiance is the most amazing person! He's very supportive, goes with me to workout and makes sure if he takes me out to eat that it's at a place with healthy choices.
  • tyoung4
    tyoung4 Posts: 30
    My husband is THEE BEST! Very supportive and loving of anything I do with this battle.:love::blushing: :heart:
  • erikkasusann
    erikkasusann Posts: 104
    non existant... I are alone... :cry:

    Same, dude we need to start a lonely hearts group or something lol

    dont give up guys you will find the right one! rooting for you! you sound like great guys:)

    Oh, I haven't given up... I just rearranged my priorities, finding Miss. Right, can wait until I finish school. I am just not looking forward to my brother's wedding. Someone is going to say, "So, when are you getting married," or "Do you have a girlfriend yet?"

    I sympathize. I hate family weddings too. When I my younger cousins started getting married I didn't feel so bad because my older sister wasn't married. Now she is. So everyone wonders what my issue is.

    When you attend a wedding & a family member asks if you are "next", return the favor by asking them the same question when you see them at a funeral. I hated that crap before I got married! You'll fall in love when the time is right!
  • erikkasusann
    erikkasusann Posts: 104
    When I signed up for MFP my dear sweet hubs said "Why are you doing that? What do you weigh, like 120 lbs. or something?" Poor *kitten* was off by 40 on a good day, but that's what he sees. Just one more reason I love the guy <3

    p.s. I love this thread, makes my heart smile
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    She is pretty awesome to marry someone as awesome as I am.

    It was like Superman married Wonder Woman and gave birth to Batman ... wait that means I die... never mind

    Yeah she is awesome.

    Scale of 1-10 she is a 9 if I called her a 10 she would think I am just trying to get brownie points. So she gets -1 points for me thinking she is a 10 and her not agreeing.

    I stalked her in high school... she didn't notice me until I gave up stalking her...

    We dated in high school didn't work out but got together a year later and we have been together for 10 plus years and married for almost 6.

    She is the reason why I exist in ANY state of happiness.
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    1) he KNITTED ME A HAT (what boy does that so adorable)
    2) he folded and painted me a birthday bouquet of oragami roses
    3) he took me out to my favorite indian restaurant for valentines day
    4) we workout together
    5) he gives me kisses when i am sad
    6) he cooks yummy organic meals for me and never force feeds me fattening food
    7) hes a good back massager

    def sounds like a keeper! the knitting you a hat part = LOVE.

    yes he truly is a keeper...sadly hes going to be leaving me for a year...internship in SPAIN. holding on to something that is inevitably going to be whisked away by a big hipped spanish mamacita
  • MustBeTheRows
    MustBeTheRows Posts: 377 Member
    My girlfriend is amazing! She's beautiful, completely takes my breath away. She is also super smart, has a big giant heart, is an amazing cook, she's a wonderful mother and great with my kids too, and above all else she's my best friend in the entire world.

    I totally <3 her sooo f*cking hard.
  • placeboaddiction
    placeboaddiction Posts: 451 Member
    Any negativity I say of my wife is of saying negatively of myself. We are one. I have a wife who understands my deepest darkest perversions, and has seen me on my lows and on my highs, we've gone through amazing things together. We've been together 8 years, married 6, have had 3 kids, started college and ended college together, even took the same degree path and took every single class together. She's great.

    As a musician in an actively gigging band, she has always supported my art. Get this, she feels me not playing bass is robbing the world of something amazing. I've been in many bands, seen many wives and girlfriends who say "I'm completely supportive of my husband/boyfriend" but then ***** and moan and nag at the guy for going to practices and gigs. I have 0 worries of this. (I am also understanding of the wives and girlfriends, most of the time the guy wasn't a quality guy and didn't pull his weight in the relationship, just expecting everything to be done for them).

    Communication. This is why my wife is GREAT. We talk about everything. From the most light hearted to the most intense, we talk. We talk all the time. I love that I have someone to confide in.

    Its crazy, when you have a spouse that actually makes life easier, and not by doing everything for you(Shes my wife. Not my slave), its amazing what you can accomplish. I see a lot of my single friends (and no this isn't a knock on the singles, we love yall too!) and they worry about finding someone or never finding someone or are looking for someone or even not single but new in a relationship and investing into the beginning stages of a relationship, I am reminded as to how fortunate I am. I feel I don't have to worry about that stuff. I have more time to think about inventions, or my arts and crafts, or even deep thinking, and intellectual stuff, I just feel... Like I have turned that chapter, and its nice Really really really really nice.

    So after 8 years, and all the chaos, and drama out of our control (family, gotta love'em), through 2 pregnancies, through other health issues, 2 long periods of unemployment (the joy of working oil and gas), through near death experiences with one of our children, through money issues, and all that could cause problems, we have never fought (Not that its not OK to fight, we do believe every relationship, to each their own). She is logical. I am logical. We are similar. In fact, when going through the marriage process, our pastor wanted us to do a personality test. Took the test separately. We scored identical.

    This.. ALL THIS is why my wife is great. (This works for us.)
  • Evningstar81
    Evningstar81 Posts: 30 Member
    My husband and I met when I was 324 lbs and I lost about 100 lbs while we were dating. I then started creeping back up and am now sitting at 449.8 lbs. He has never once said I should lose weight and has supported me in all of my attempts to lose weight. The main thing he tells me is "I just want you to be happy". We got married when I weighed 425 lbs so I know he loves me at any size. 9 years together and 2 years married. Best. Husband. Ever.
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    When you attend a wedding & a family member asks if you are "next", return the favor by asking them the same question when you see them at a funeral. I hated that crap before I got married! You'll fall in love when the time is right!

    That part, I couldn't do... I just buried my mom less than a year ago.

    I know, I shall fall in love when it is right... if it ever does happen. I am not worried, even if I go for the rest of my life being alone. I am fine with that.

    Though, it is still cool, reading up on all these stories :)
  • territhefrog
    territhefrog Posts: 1,134 Member
    Got a good husband here too. Married nearly 23 years. Went through major health issues in 1998 and 1999 and was finally diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. He has always been there for me. He is also on here trying to lose a little weight and tone. We both want to do the Warrior Dash in Texas in November.