How great is your husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend?



  • territhefrog
    territhefrog Posts: 1,134 Member
    Amazing, i am actually on my way in the next 5 minutes to go pick him up...he just got home from deployment! YAY

    Tell your husband Welcome Home and THANK YOU. I was in the Navy for 5 years so I can really relate to being away from my spouse for so long.
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    Amazing! Her name is Suzie, she weighs about 350 lbs, lets me ride that *kitten* whenever I want to, and just takes the press of that big red button to turn her on and make her scream.
  • MermaidFaith
    MermaidFaith Posts: 495 Member
    1) he KNITTED ME A HAT (what boy does that so adorable)
    2) he folded and painted me a birthday bouquet of oragami roses
    3) he took me out to my favorite indian restaurant for valentines day
    4) we workout together
    5) he gives me kisses when i am sad
    6) he cooks yummy organic meals for me and never force feeds me fattening food
    7) hes a good back massager

    Uh oh! Sounds gay to me! lol!
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    My Husband, I get a lot of beef from others. Just because he only has a part-time job, and he is a online gamer. We live well beneath our means, poverty level income. I've honestly never been happier! My man Jeremy and I have been married almost 8 years. When I met him, it was a few months after I had tried to kill myself, I was still severally depressed. He helped me gain self esteem, and respect for myself. He stayed by my side when we found out we won't be able to have kids, without fertility and treatments (we can't afford). He does nothing but pick my brain, ask questions, and he listens. He respects me, compliments me and tell me I love you every single day. He is always there to calm me down when I'm fired up. Though, he has never said anything about my weight, he is so supportive of me. He will ask me how my calories were for the day, and even gave up our Friday night pizza, for something healthier. He doesn't mind eating my healthy food, with me either. I swear to God, If I had not met him, I'd be dead right now.
  • erikkasusann
    erikkasusann Posts: 104
    When you attend a wedding & a family member asks if you are "next", return the favor by asking them the same question when you see them at a funeral. I hated that crap before I got married! You'll fall in love when the time is right!

    That part, I couldn't do... I just buried my mom less than a year ago.

    I know, I shall fall in love when it is right... if it ever does happen. I am not worried, even if I go for the rest of my life being alone. I am fine with that.

    Though, it is still cool, reading up on all these stories :)

    I am honestly, from the bottom of my heart, sorry for your loss. That said, it was obviously a joke. I am obviously not reccomending that anyone tell their loved ones to drop dead. We've all lost someone we love, sarcastic & snarky chicks like me included. I make (admittedly tasteless) jokes.
    My intent is never to offend, I just happen to believe that good taste is sometimes overrated.
  • Cheshire_Kat
    Cheshire_Kat Posts: 69 Member
    10/10. Best. Wife. Evar.

    ^^^ This.
  • Cheshire_Kat
    Cheshire_Kat Posts: 69 Member
    She is pretty awesome to marry someone as awesome as I am.

    It was like Superman married Wonder Woman and gave birth to Batman ... wait that means I die... never mind

    Yeah she is awesome.

    Scale of 1-10 she is a 9 if I called her a 10 she would think I am just trying to get brownie points. So she gets -1 points for me thinking she is a 10 and her not agreeing.

    I stalked her in high school... she didn't notice me until I gave up stalking her...

    We dated in high school didn't work out but got together a year later and we have been together for 10 plus years and married for almost 6.

    She is the reason why I exist in ANY state of happiness.

    Wow, you are truly inspiring. want a lovely thing to say. you really need to give her a copy of this. it would make her heart sing.
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    When you attend a wedding & a family member asks if you are "next", return the favor by asking them the same question when you see them at a funeral. I hated that crap before I got married! You'll fall in love when the time is right!

    That part, I couldn't do... I just buried my mom less than a year ago.

    I know, I shall fall in love when it is right... if it ever does happen. I am not worried, even if I go for the rest of my life being alone. I am fine with that.

    Though, it is still cool, reading up on all these stories :)

    I am honestly, from the bottom of my heart, sorry for your loss. That said, it was obviously a joke. I am obviously not reccomending that anyone tell their loved ones to drop dead. We've all lost someone we love, sarcastic & snarky chicks like me included. I make (admittedly tasteless) jokes.
    My intent is never to offend, I just happen to believe that good taste is sometimes overrated.

    I understand, and understood the intent of the statement the first time. Just saying, I wouldn't say that for certain reasons. Normally, I just ignore them. Or change the subject.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    My boyfriend is the love of my life. He makes me sooo happy and i couldn't live without him. He listens to me b!tch and complain about my body/fears and supports me 1000000% in my effort to get healthy! We work out together, laugh together, and just have an amazing time spending time wth one another.
  • whatevany
    whatevany Posts: 109 Member
    My boyfriend is awesome. I gained over 100 pounds since I met him and he never made me feel awful about it. Even when I was at my heaviest he would tell me everyday "I love you". Now that I am thinner than when I met him, he tells me all the time how he is so proud of me. He brags to his co-workers about my weight loss :)
  • ColtyHan
    ColtyHan Posts: 59 Member
    My Hubby is great. He started MFP a week after I did. It is much easier doing this as a team. He is supportive of everything I do and is the best dad.
  • Maystar80
    Maystar80 Posts: 85 Member
    that's soo cute. I too have an awesome boyfriend. whenever I tell him of any of my insecurities (not be thin or pretty enough) he tells me he loves me just the way I am and the most important thing is me being happy with myself so he supports me with my goals.
    the only thing is he could do a better job of reminding me of how much he loves/adores me and my looks etc, but that's just mostly my insecurity talking. i know he probably thinks he doesn't have to keep saying it over again all the time, even though that's what I want. but how do you get someone to spontaneously compliment you more. it's just not smoothly done....
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Amazing. He has seen me through the darkest, scariest times in my life, and he didn't run when my bad fortune became ours. We we practically children when we met, and for all life has thrown at us he has stood by my side and never left. I was 165 when we met, and i went up to 230 pounds without a negative word from him. He has been my biggest support through my weight loss journey, and he is thrilled that i can now put his (29x32) pants on and do them up. They are still a little tight, but i can get in his pants in more ways than one:)
  • SandyAnnP
    SandyAnnP Posts: 251 Member
    Well I guess I am an "oldie" to a lot of you. I lost weight when I was younger , a couple of times, but it crept back on over the years. Never once did my hubs say anything negative about me. We have been through a lot of losses and illnesses over 43 years- yep you read that right. He is a very lucky cancer survivor, as well as having a lot of other health scares over the years. You know that saying- " What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger" ? Must be right!!! :)
    Anyway I have lost almost 29lbs since February, and more importantly I am exercising as well. I get every kind of support and encouragement from my husband.
    I have read some wonderful posts on here and you have some fantastic partners!! :)
    For anyone who is going it alone, you should be proud of yourselves too- go for it - YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!
    I wish each and every one of you every success, and don't give up even if you have a few stumbles along the way that is life- it is a journey!! :)
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    :embarassed: uh:blushing: he is ok
  • Linsey1973
    Linsey1973 Posts: 75 Member
    My husband's wife is pretty aewsome :laugh:
  • lelstar
    lelstar Posts: 374 Member
    My boyfriend is great. When I first spoke to him about how I wanted to lose weight he said that he thinks I'm gorgeous just the way I am but if it's what I really want he will help me. That is exactly what he has done :)
    My bf sucks. Why? I think he is trying to sabotage me. Hes always telling me he is craving foods, telling me he could get me off my diet. I am starting to really hate this guy. His sister tells she thinks he is scared, scared if I look good I may not want him or I may change, well sorry honey but thats the whole point.

    I think his sister is probably right - my boyfriend as mentioned it to me a couple of times, I just try to make sure he knows how much I love him and that I really appreciate his help :) Men have this rather *kitten*-about-face way of showing how they feel. Good luck with yours :)
  • vltaylor35
    vltaylor35 Posts: 72
    my girlfriend is amazing . despite being about 80pounds overweight,she has always told me im beautiful . and now she has joined MFP too and even set her calorie goal to be the same as mine for support . i love her very much .
  • hmbrandon
    hmbrandon Posts: 114
    Mine is awesome! Couldn't have asked for better! We have been together since I was a junior in HS and 125 lbs. He loved me then, and loved me when I got to my highest weight last year, 207. The weight changes over the past 9 years and 2 pregnancies haven't seemed to change his feelings or attractiveness toward me at all. Now at 169, at least 50 lbs from goal, he tells me not to lose too much because he likes my butt. <3 him!
  • GinaMauricio17
    GinaMauricio17 Posts: 69 Member
    my boyfriend is the greatest, biggest sweetheart! i was trying a new work out last night and he started doing it with me without me expecting it or asking. just because he wants to be apart of things i do and are important to me. he also opened up his own myfittnesspal. always so supportive! we can do anything together. its nice to have a partner that you can get healthy with.