Couch - to - 5k Running Plan



  • Laine
    Laine Posts: 82 Member
    I didn't know there was a board for the C2 5K! So excited to have to have some accountability...I did day 2 of the 3rd week this am. I run on the treadmill. I walk at 4 and run at 5. Feel like its too slow but it gets my heart rate up and it isn't easy for sure! I'm nervous for week 4 but am sorta excited at the same time. May sign up for a 5k in Oct. Good luck all and thanks for the board!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I did day 2 of week 1 last night in between the rain. This is my second time doing week 1. :embarassed: It's still hard for me. I was thinking of repeating week 1 for yet a third week but I'll see how it goes on Saturday. I'm looking forward to moving forward. My daughter is on week 5. Holy cow! I was looking at the schedule at week 5 and I can't even imagine myself being there. :noway: Oh well, I'll just go at my own pace and eventually I'll get there. Hopefully. Looks like I won't be running a 5K this year at this rate. I'll strive for next year. :ohwell:

    Good luck everyone. :flowerforyou:
  • RecliningFigure
    RecliningFigure Posts: 214 Member
    I did day 2 of week 1 last night in between the rain. This is my second time doing week 1. :embarassed: It's still hard for me. I was thinking of repeating week 1 for yet a third week but I'll see how it goes on Saturday. I'm looking forward to moving forward. My daughter is on week 5. Holy cow! I was looking at the schedule at week 5 and I can't even imagine myself being there. :noway: Oh well, I'll just go at my own pace and eventually I'll get there. Hopefully. Looks like I won't be running a 5K this year at this rate. I'll strive for next year. :ohwell:

    Good luck everyone. :flowerforyou:

    If I can do it, you can too!!! The hardest part is the beginning. Also, I don't know if you're there yet, but you got to get over the hump of running. For me, it's usually around 1 or 2 songs (sorry, that's how I count where I am in running: song 1, song 2.... song 7, almost done). But once I'm over the hump, something kicks in and the running is like smooth sailing. So after the first two songs, the running gets easier. I'm almost there, I'm on week 7 (although it took me about 10 weeks to get here (took 3 weeks to get over week 6)). What ever you do, don't give up. Everytime you do it, it gets easier (even if you're doing the same thing from last week).
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    Bumping for later tonight.

    Have wanted to do the C25K but was going to wait for my treadmill. But I've decided I can't wait until then since it would be January or later. I live in the country though and was curious how far everyone has been running on first week runs. If no one knows then I guess I'll have to try to figure out where half way is on the intervals so I know when to turn back not so I get stranded away from home and have a long walk back.

    Can someone tell me what the different podcasts are like? I saw someone post a list on the first page or something but I would like to know what's different about each one and how they work. I've never downloaded a podcast since I got my ipod for Christmas, are there any tips I need to know?

    Any advice on the podcasts would be greatly appreciated.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Bumping for later tonight.

    Have wanted to do the C25K but was going to wait for my treadmill. But I've decided I can't wait until then since it would be January or later. I live in the country though and was curious how far everyone has been running on first week runs. If no one knows then I guess I'll have to try to figure out where half way is on the intervals so I know when to turn back not so I get stranded away from home and have a long walk back.

    Can someone tell me what the different podcasts are like? I saw someone post a list on the first page or something but I would like to know what's different about each one and how they work. I've never downloaded a podcast since I got my ipod for Christmas, are there any tips I need to know?

    Any advice on the podcasts would be greatly appreciated.

    The one I have is a Christian version and I believe week 1 has 8 runs so I start back at the 5th run. I don't remember what it's called but the guy tells you when to walk and when to run. Using a podcast really helps me. Good luck to you. :flowerforyou:

    I don't know how to download the podcasts though. My son downloaded mine for me. :smile:
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    I am attempting to download week 1's podcast. Will be heading outside to do it as soon as it's finished.

    Wish me luck! I'll need it :laugh:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Good luck Amy. I'm 55 years old. I f I can do it you can do it! :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    I just got back from doing the first day. It wasn't hard for me but I sure did sweat a lot. I can work up a pretty good sweat on any hot day liesurely walking so I'm not sure if how much I sweat is a good indicator of how many calories I'm burning :laugh: I don't have a HRM so I use sparkpeople to figure out how many calories I'm burning. It's still not as accurate as a HRM but I input the route I took and how long it took me to do it so it calculates how fast I'm going and how many calories I burned. 190 according to sparkpeople. No way to know how close it is without a HRM.

    I did misjudge how long the work out was though so I ended up having to run around my house 3-4 times to finish it up. But seeing that I went 2.08 miles I know for the next two times where I can go and turn around from. Living in the country sucks sometimes...I don't want to get stranded really far from home at the end and then have to walk back, especially tonight cuz no one is home.

    I used the hip-hop pod cast someone posted the link to. Liked it a lot. I heard music I've never heard before. (I listen to mostly country though :laugh: )

    Hope everyone has a good night and is doing well!

    P.S. When I used the hip-hop pod cast it took me 35 minutes to do the warm up walk, alternating the walking and jogging and the cool down walk...the website says to do 20 minutes of the alternating, so with both warm up and cool down walks it should only be 30 doesn't matter than I did an extra 5 minutes with the podcast does it?
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I finished Week 3 Day 3. It was tough in the beginning then got a tad easier at the end of the run. Week 4 should be quite a challenge! :noway:
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    I'm also just starting this. The first time I only managed 6 reps but yesterday I did the full 8. I was running on the sidewalk, so after 4 reps (60sec run/90sec walk) I turned around and did 4 reps on my way home. I found it easier the second time because I ran uphill for the first half and downhill for the second. I also resisted the temptation to go too fast.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I haven't been doing it outside, but inside on the treadmill. I do, however, set it to random and on level 1 to sort of imitate being outside and going over small hills and such.
  • dwnjjugalette
    For those who are doing this program, I have a question for you.

    How often do you run? Daily? Three times a week as suggested?

    When i was doing it before, i would do it 3 times a week like clock work, monday wednesday friday. and i would do yoga and pilates and weights on the other days, god i miss being under 190 :cry: My goal is to be under 200 on new years, i have a little ways to go but i can do it! I will be restarting C25K next week after i move, wish me luck!
  • dwnjjugalette
    I'm also just starting this. The first time I only managed 6 reps but yesterday I did the full 8. I was running on the sidewalk, so after 4 reps (60sec run/90sec walk) I turned around and did 4 reps on my way home. I found it easier the second time because I ran uphill for the first half and downhill for the second. I also resisted the temptation to go too fast.

    try running on the asphalt, it has much more give than cement and will be better for your body, your knees especially.
  • Laine
    Laine Posts: 82 Member
    Hey all! Hope you are having a good weekend. I just finished week 3, day 3. Had to talk myself into it all day--finally did it at 6pm! If I don't exercise first thing in the morning I have a hard time doing it at all. Plan on starting week 4 on Monday-- a little nervous but up for the challenge! Have a good nite!
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    I've tried running on a treadmill and hated it. Outside is much better; the fresh air and the view especially. But just in case we're getting our usual three-month deluge this winter, how do you change the settings between walking and running? Is it just one number difference or more?
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    I have been doing the plan outside every time and i missed my run thursday so I had a break at work (I work in a fitness facility) I decided to do my run inside on the treadmill...NEVER AGAIN! the actuall running part was definately easier than running outside but I kept looking at the countdown every 20-30 seconds instead of just running to the end of a song/podcast where I get told when to walk/run lol!

    I forgot my MP3 player so I had to look at the clock to know when to change gaits but REALLY!!!! it was so hard and I ended up wanting to bail early because I was getting frustrated at myself. I think from now on I'll stick to outside so I can just go and go and go!! My hats off to the people who can do it continually on the treadmill!!!!
  • Laine
    Laine Posts: 82 Member
    Woo Hoo! I just finished week 4 day 1!!!!! I can't believe I did it. I run on the treadmill in the morning because I can't leave my son, my treadmill has the speed buttons on the side so I change between 4 and 5 with just the buttons. Wish i could run outside, feel like it would help break the monotony. Have a good day guys!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I finished week one again on Saturday. Daughter, s-i-l and I went to a park (different location than I normally go to) and it seemed easier for some reason. So on Tuesday, I'm going to brave day 1 of week 2. I'm excited. Good luck everyone. We can do this. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    u go girl!!!!!! :flowerforyou: i'm starting mine tonight!!! woohoo!!!!
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    W2D1 completed last night. I actually felt like I could have done another run interval but stuck to the plan - don't want to go too quickly. I am only running at a 4 on my treadmill but am working on the time aspect and can increase speed later. Just this little bit of running has almost doubled my calorie burn from just walking on the treadmill.