Summer Challenge



  • jennyhynek
    jennyhynek Posts: 17 Member
    I still need to post my recipe from last week's challenge. This came out of Outside magazine and it's super yummy and healthy.

    Quinoa and Bison Chili

    2 cups quinoa
    3 cups organic chicken broth
    1 diced red onion
    1 pound organic ground bison
    2 diced green peppers
    2 tablespoons minced garlic
    15 ounces precooked kidney beans
    1/2 cup corn (I used frozen)
    1 tablespoon chili powder
    2 teaspoons cumin
    2 teaspoons coriander

    Add quinoa and chicken broth to a small pot and bring to a boil. Lower heat and cook until tender, about 15 minutes. While quinoa is cooking, combine red onion and bison meat in a large skillet. Then cook for ten minutes on medium heat, stirring often. Add peppers, garlic, kidney bean, corn, chili powder, cumin, and coriander. Cook on medium-low until the bison is heated through and the peppers are tender. Season chili to taste with salt and pepper, then mix with quinoa and serve.

    I preferred to keep the quinoa and chili mix separate and just combine and I reheat for dinner each night. Enjoy!
  • kbresso
    kbresso Posts: 40 Member
    SW: 145
    CW: 147.8 :( TOM and a lot of extra stress at home and work last week
    GW: 130

    I wasn't really successful this week. There was just too much going on and I was happy if I just stayed under my calorie goal for the day, which some days I didn't. Sigh. Hopefully, this week will be better.

    To get the first challenge out of the way. I started working out and watching what I eat around December 2011 but didn't find MFP until January. My New Year's resolution was just to keep up with this lifestyle change and I've been going strong ever since. My "aha" moment and what made it really click for me this time were two things: One, I didn't want to think about what my health and body would be like some 20 years from now when my children are out of the house and me and my husband can do the things we can't do now, like travel. At the rate I was going, I don't think I would be up to doing anything except sit on the couch all day and watch TV. I want to feel and look they way I do now (as much as reasonably possible) 20 years from now.

    Two, my sister. She injured her back at work and now she's in constant pain. She can't workout and I know she wants to. It has made me really appreciate the body I have and I want to treat it right. Ok, one challenge down, two to go.

    The thing I'm going to cut out this week are crackers - wheat thins, animal crackers. I usually don't eat more than a serving but carbs for the day are always more than half of my daily cals and I'm shooting for 40% (not really getting there, though).
  • araxiedyck
    araxiedyck Posts: 127 Member
    SW 145
    CW 140

    UGW 125
    5/01: 139
    5/07: 139
    5/14: 137
    5/21: 137
    5/28: 137
    5/31: 137
    6/1 137
    6/5 137
    6/12 137 very discouraging as I worked so hard this week to exercise and watch my intake. I really was hoping for 1 poud loss. Well, I hope next week. Now I must keep motivated this week--it's hard when the scale does not move!
  • jennyhynek
    jennyhynek Posts: 17 Member
    This past week was tough for me too. I had to leave town on Wednesday for a funeral and didn't come back home until Saturday. This made it difficult to stick to my normal routine and I ended up consuming a lot more calories than I would have preferred. Nevertheless, the scale was up on Saturday, but it's back down this morning to what my weight was last week. I didn't lose any weight during the week, but I really thought I would have gained a pound or two.

    SW: 151
    CW: 150
    GW: 135

    A little about me, I have gone through periods in my life where I worked out a lot and was in amazing shape. As I've gotten older, my metabolism has slowed down some. I also got married a little over a year ago and we started going out to eat a lot and I put on about 10-15 pounds. I have been consistently working out for the past couple years and I'm in good shape, but I want to drop these pounds once and for all. I think the biggest challenge for me is staying consistent with my diet and exercise on the weekends. My husband is into craft beer and has gotten me into them as well. Of course these beers tend to be heavier in calories, so I'm sure this has contributed to the weight gain some too.

    Thanks InSkyDiamonds for putting this challenge together and tracking everyone's progress!
  • bleistiftspitzer
    bleistiftspitzer Posts: 19 Member
    Here are your next challenges:
    - Pick one thing you should cut out of your diet and CUT IT OUT for the week
    - Add FIFTEEN MINUTES of exercise to your normal routine
    - Share your STORY with the group - why are you here and what motivated you to lose weight?


    The 150's are so close I can almost taste them! I was up and down weight wise this week, probably only lost so much weight because I did a really hard run last night.

    I'm going to cut out string cheese. I'm eating it less and less now, but I'll just see if I can go a whole week. (But it's so delicious!)

    Two years ago, I had a lot of stress from life and school that caused me to just eat until I felt sick. I would stuff myself full, and I felt the only way to feel better was to eat more rather than wait to digest. Last summer, I went running everyday, but my diet was still the same, so I didn't lose much weight. Near the middle of school this year, my one pair of jeans ripped. I went shopping, and all I barely fit into was a 9. After wearing 5 for years, I was too embarrassed to buy any bigger, so I just squeezed myself into that one pair for the rest of the year. I want to do ROTC in college, and I know I am above their acceptable body fat, so that's my major motivation. I'm thankful for MFP because it has really gotten my over-eating under control. I actually stop when I feel full now, and that's success enough.
  • amycjd
    amycjd Posts: 3
    CW: 155
    GW: 145

    Gained back the 2 pounds I lost last week and am really discouraged. Seriously thinking about quitting.... I did well with last week's challenges; overall I'm a healthy eater and I exercise regularly; I admit I'm not tracking calories but I know I've made improvements in my eating. Is something wrong with me? Why can't I lose these 10 pounds?
  • momshorses
    momshorses Posts: 376 Member
    Yay!!! I found you again!!
    My weigh in today is somewhat depressing. I gained .7 pounds. My current weight is 173.3.

    I am not going to be too bothered by this though, because I know my weight fluctuates and I am trying to build some muscle back after being off my feet for a while. I am still not at full workout mode because I still have to be careful with my foot. I am going to work towards a lower weight for next week and try to get more water into my system again.
  • momshorses
    momshorses Posts: 376 Member
    CW: 155
    GW: 145

    Gained back the 2 pounds I lost last week and am really discouraged. Seriously thinking about quitting.... I did well with last week's challenges; overall I'm a healthy eater and I exercise regularly; I admit I'm not tracking calories but I know I've made improvements in my eating. Is something wrong with me? Why can't I lose these 10 pounds?

    Weight fluctuates. Don't be too hard on yourself .You can do this. Just focus on staying healthy.
  • chichi128
    chichi128 Posts: 83 Member
    Don't forget your challenges!

    - Increase your FRUIT/VEGETABLE intake this week
    - Get 30 minutes of CARDIO at least 4 days this week
    - Share a RECIPE with the group

    The spreadsheet is up! You can see it here:
    It will be updated every week and I will repost the link every week.

    Congratulations to the biggest losers this week!

    1. cateyes0831 - 7.4
    2. livextoxrun - 6
    3. chichi128 & jenniferv1986 - 5
    4. abby1176 - 4.2

    yay!!! thanks!!
  • devonette
    devonette Posts: 263 Member
    CW: 155
    GW: 145

    Gained back the 2 pounds I lost last week and am really discouraged. Seriously thinking about quitting.... I did well with last week's challenges; overall I'm a healthy eater and I exercise regularly; I admit I'm not tracking calories but I know I've made improvements in my eating. Is something wrong with me? Why can't I lose these 10 pounds?

    Weight fluctuates. Don't be too hard on yourself .You can do this. Just focus on staying healthy.

    ^^^ I agree with what she said about weight fluctuating, wait and see what next week brings.

    If you gain again next week or don't lose even a little bit, I would seriously consider tracking your calories to see if the explanation lies with your calories. You can eat healthy, but sometimes the healthy food you are eating has more calories than you think, and as you get more fit, sometimes your regular exercises don't burn as many calories as they used to.
  • LizCocco
    LizCocco Posts: 3 Member
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    I am so into loosing weight and even more motivated after reading some of your posts!... I accept the challenge!!!

    I've been doing cardio 3-4 times per week, walking, jogging and swimming which I love!... my major problems has been the carbs intakes, which I'm trying to control with this amazing Fitness Pal. I've already lost 4 pounds and this is giving me so much more energy and motivation to continue leaving my hard skin in the pool! ( it's a saying!)...

    Since I live in a tropical island, heat is helping me sweat a little bit more so Im taking advantage of it by going out for action at 5:30pm then at 6.30pm start swimming. I've learned that even when heat can be anoying, it can also be your allied when it comes to burn fat. (just to clarify, we have temps of 25-34 degrees, higher temps could be dangerous)
  • chichi128
    chichi128 Posts: 83 Member
    Happy Tuesday EVERYONE!!

    So lets start with the weigh in...

    SW 215
    (6/5) 208.8
    CW 207.9

    So another pound down!! i knew this week wasnt going to be as big as last week...especially since i had a ton of family activities to go to with a lot of food! But its a new week thats going to be great!

    This weeks challenges are going to be great..i definitely need to get serious about my dieting and theres no better way to do that than eliminating something that i'm constantly eating. i've wanted to try and go carb free for a while so i might try to do that..i dont really over do the bread thing but i'm not sure what else to eliminate right now. maybe sweets and sugar?! i have to give it some thought..might go through my food logs and look to see where those hidden calories are.

    adding 15 mins onto my exercise is going to be great too..i'm going to try and hit the gym at least 4 or 5 time from now until next tuesday. hopefully it will become a new routine.

    My Story isnt that original and i'm sure a lot of people on MFP can relate...

    I've always been overweight..struggled with being the chubby kid although i was lucky enough not to be bullied because of it. my family is the type of family that equates food with every occasion and all the women in my family have had a weight problem and i just learned from them...yo yo dieting is sort of a way of life. about 8 years ago i started losing weight just by cutting stuff out and not really paying attention to what i was really doing...few months after i realized i was losing weight and i felt better about myself so i continued to cut things out...everything in fact except about one salad a day and endless amounts of coffee. i ended up losing 80lbs dropping down to 145lbs over about a years time through starving every thought was about how to avoid food. 4 years into it i slowly started eating more and then moved in with my boyfriend who obviously had a completely different eating habit than i did and i ended up gaining almost all of the 80lbs back over these past 4 years. i havent felt this bad about myself in a long time but i realized if i want the weight to stay off and be able to start a family i need to lose this weight the right way and become healthy by eating healthy and exercising. i know i can do this..i've been down this road many many times and this time i am not looking back. this wil be the absolute last time i ever weigh over 200lbs in my life!!

    Best of luck this week guys!!
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    Here are your next challenges:
    - Pick one thing you should cut out of your diet and CUT IT OUT for the week
    - Add FIFTEEN MINUTES of exercise to your normal routine
    - Share your STORY with the group - why are you here and what motivated you to lose weight?

    CUT: It will be my cheese slices - WAY too high in fat!
    15 MINS: You Got It!
    STORY: I am here because I've lost the same 20 lbs (and gained it back) 3 TIMES in the last 1-1/2 YEARS! I saw this Summer Challenge Group and it was just the motivation I needed to get back on track. Everytime I get about 15 lbs lighter, I lose my drive and start to feel really good and go back to old habits. Why will this time be different? I took my Official Before Picture in a bikini that I bought 15 years ago as added motivation (I was going to lose the weight back then to fit into it)! NOW IS THE TIME!
  • zerbe6982
    zerbe6982 Posts: 68
    Here are your next challenges:
    - Pick one thing you should cut out of your diet and CUT IT OUT for the week
    - Add FIFTEEN MINUTES of exercise to your normal routine
    - Share your STORY with the group - why are you here and what motivated you to lose weight?

    I will cut out soda this week. It will be very tough, but I can do it.

    Adding minutes to my routine will be tough. I normally workout right before I have to go to work. Well, I will just have to get up earlier or squeeze it in before the future hubby gets home in the evening.

    Like most of you, I have been heavy most of my life, except, I never paid attention to it. I have always had a big chest and butt, so I didn't realize how much overweight I really was even in high school. The difference is that I was happy with my body. Yes I am 5'2" and weighed 140ish (overweight for height), but I was happy. However, in college I gained more weight and when I met my fiance I was probably around 160ish. After that I started my first desk job and ended at 197 before I realized how bad I looked.

    Due to some personal reasons, I started on a diet and was very successful. I lost approximately 50lbs and was excited. I have some nice pictures from that time. But like most, it didn't last and unfortunately I gained it all back and then some.

    So, here I am. My wedding is in 5 months and once again I am unhappy with myself.

    I set out on this diet for the sole purpose of losing weight for my wedding. However, it has become more than that. I am happier and for some crazy reason regardless of how tired I am at first, I look forward to going to yoga and working out in the mornings at the gym.

    So what started out as a wedding goal has become a long and healthy life goal!
  • livextoxrun
    i lost 1 pound this week. I am now down to 113!
  • shanna0413
    shanna0413 Posts: 600 Member
    SW: 214.5 (05-29-12)
    CW:214.5 (06-05-12)
    CW: 217.5 (06-12-12)
    GW: 199

    Here are your next challenges:
    - Pick one thing you should cut out of your diet and CUT IT OUT for the week
    - Add FIFTEEN MINUTES of exercise to your normal routine
    - Share your STORY with the group - why are you here and what motivated you to lose weight?

    I am gonna cut out candy for the week!!

    My Dad passed away a few years ago. After he passed I realized there were almost no pictures of us. I was always hiding from the camera. Then I lost my grandpa and again almost no pictures.

    I realized I needed to get healthy. So here I am.
  • araxiedyck
    araxiedyck Posts: 127 Member
    This weeks challenge. I am going to CUT all baked goods (I was eating a mini cupcake while reading the new challenges). So I decided to CUT baked goods/treats for the week. I have such a sweet tooth!
    Will try to fit in the 15 extra min even if I have to break it up.

    Want to healthy and strong = losing my belly fat. Although I am not overweight (heaviest I have been was 155 lbs, last few years 140 lbs, then had a baby) I am on the high end of the BMI for my height. I also have borderline high cholesterol, which I can contol without meds if I lose the belly fat. I feel I am "always" on a diet, but really have lost the same 5 pounds over and over for the last 5 years. This time I discovered myfitnesspal and started tracking my calories which I have never done. Really makes you think. Before if I was hungry at night I would eat whatever, prob consuming 500 ish extra caloires without even knowing. At least now I really think if I really need/want a snack, and if I am really hungry I usually opt for my greek yogurt which is filling and helps the sweet tooth.
    I decided I really want to be fit and trim and have started running and yoga, and now watching my calories. My GW is under 130, but UGW 125. I have been stuck at 137 for a month now. Honestly have not put any effort int it. I now want to get moving forward again and lose this weight--my famous last 10 pounds!
  • going2befit4ever
    going2befit4ever Posts: 225 Member
  • ElaineP
    ElaineP Posts: 17 Member

    Cut out of my diet: chocolate
    15min extra of walking with dog and husband

    I've always worked out and ate fairly well with a few binges here and there. I stayed the same weight for over 14 years (not counting pregnancy weight). Three years ago I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I gained weight before I started on meds. I am now trying to lose the rest of the weight that I gained. It is very difficult and I get discouraged and binge eat. But I am here to change that. Very excited about the 3lbs loss! :smile:
  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member
    Here are your next challenges:
    - Pick one thing you should cut out of your diet and CUT IT OUT for the week
    - Add FIFTEEN MINUTES of exercise to your normal routine
    - Share your STORY with the group - why are you here and what motivated you to lose weight?


    187 by the End of August.

    One thing I will cut out this week is BREAD. :sad: I love it.
    I WILL add the fifteen minutes. Probably on my stationary bike.
    The reason I am on MFP is I had decided to start counting calories. When I went to the internet to look for the calories for the foods I was eating for breakfast, I came across this sight. After checking it out I decided that MFP would be the way to go. I needed to track calories as I am Hypothyroid and the weight had been just TOO DARN HIGH. Plus being unhealthy. I'm so glad I found this sight. Everyone on here is so encouraging.

    I didn't post a recipe as I couldn't find one that I felt was nice enough to share. Especially as I really don't like to cook anymore. (Kids gone husband fussy.) There you have it. Oh I did increase my water and will keep that up.

    Healthy eating to all this coming week. Enjoy the summer.
