Summer Challenge



  • zerbe6982
    zerbe6982 Posts: 68
    - Eat in 6 out of the 7 days this week. Try to avoid EATING OUT!
    I didn't do so well this week. I did not make this.

    - Add some WEIGHT TRAINING to your workout routine if you don't already!
    I weight train at least 2x a week, however this week I did 3x.

    - Pick one day and PAMPER yourself.
    Went to the ballpark yesterday.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    CW - 153.6
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    TUESDAY CHECK-IN: CW: 182.4 lbs (i'm up slightly)

    SW: 185 lbs
    WK3: 182.1 lbs
    Challenge GW: 170 lbs
  • Collidoscopekid
    Collidoscopekid Posts: 195 Member
    Still at 185.I just got back from vacation so I am going to work out extra hard this week to make sure there is a loss next week!
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,946 Member
    Just started this challenge yesterday by weighing in.
    Yesterday was my first day getting back on track with my weight loss and my goals.

    Starting weight (Monday June 25th): 149.6 pounds

    Today's weight (Tuesday June 26th): 148.9 pounds

    Lost 0.7 pounds :) so forcing myself back on track yesterday was worth it!

    This Week's Challenges
    -fell hard roller skating last month & really injured my knees & wrists & pulled all the muscles from my finger tips to my shoulders & still haven't recovered fully so at the moment I won't be attempting regular push ups or the ones on my knees which is what I am usually capable of doing but I did just do 2 sets of 25 wall push ups & I surprisingly felt the burn in my forearms during the second set so much that I had to force myself to complete the last few
    -since today is only my 2nd day attempting to get back on track my biggest focus is measuring & logging all my food accurately as well as working to stay under my calories as until this week I had been eating what I want when I want & lots of it but sugar is something I was almost always over the past so I will keep an eye on that this week & I am happy to say that yesterday my sugar at the end of the day was 0 so that is not over! ;)
    -as for sharing some time with someone, I love I will likely be spending a few days with my parents on the weekend
  • abby1176
    abby1176 Posts: 14 Member
    Ok. Did really great with the challenges this week BUT no weight loss. This always seems to happen to me. I start losing and quickly plateau. I even added in 30 day shred (5 days last week). I didn't do as much walking since my knee has been a bit swollen. I had surgery in April and sometimes I need to pull back when the swelling won't go down. I feel good but I want the scale to change and my clothes from last summer to fit. I was down to 135 and was so happy - bought lots of clothes for my honeymoon and now most don't fit :( Off to take a walk....
  • araxiedyck
    araxiedyck Posts: 127 Member

    136 lbs today, so down another .5lbs. But as I get closer to my goal weight I am finding the loss way harder, and more effort. I am aiming for 125, not sure if that is realistic, but definitely want to get to 130. so getting close.
    Chanllenges-did not eat out, that is easy for me
    No weights, don't like them, I will stick with my yoga as I found that has toned my body and am happy with the reuslts
    My pamper day was a hot yoga yin class
    hoping for a great week of staying on track!
  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member
    I Lost a pound. Boy was that hard to do. I'm tried to meet all the physical challenges. I don't make them every day but I'm trying and that keeps me honest, or least aware of what I'm doing or not doing. I didn't have a problem eating out. Not into it these days.

    200 Yay didn't think I lost any but for me 1 pound is good.
    6/26/2012....CW........199 Happy dance. Under 200. Hope it stays there.

    187 by the End of August.

    Have to look for the next challenge. I didn't see it posted, I probably missed it. I'll check again.

    Found it. New Challenges:
    - Challenge yourself to 50 PUSH-UPS for the week (if 50 is too easy for you or isn't practical, pick a more achievable but still challenging goal)
    - Pick one of your NUTRIENTS that you track and have difficulty with (besides carbs - so protein, carbs, sodium, etc.) and work at getting better at hitting goals/staying under maximums
    - Share some time with SOMEONE YOU LOVE
  • mando456
    mando456 Posts: 6
    sw 2/1/12 160 ish
    tw 6/26/12 151.8
    gw 8/1/12 145
    I am 5' 7" and have been between 147-155 for the past 4 years. i look much better at 147 :)
    I am getting married the end of august and have been trying to loose weight for that. my dress fits, but i want to look better in it!
    I just finished the jm 90 day shred and loved it! so I started over again. I have noticed inches lost and muscle tone, but still do not fit into my "goal" pants so I have been adding fruit and veggies, hard to cut out carbs since I am also training for my 2nd half marathon and need the fuel.
    I drink a lot of water in a day, but do not keep good track of how much, I have a water bottle I am always filling so I will try and keep track.
  • gmarrier
    gmarrier Posts: 27 Member
    SW - 220.2

    CW - 214.5 - 5.7lbs down so far

    GW - 199.9 - 14.6lbs to go - I can do it!!
  • go2anderson
    go2anderson Posts: 21 Member
    I check in at 221.8 ; more than 2 lbs lost since last week! Woohoo!
  • chichi128
    chichi128 Posts: 83 Member
    I made some progress, at 194 this week. That's .8 lbs lighter at least!

    wtg!! every little bit helps!
  • cherriewilliams
    cherriewilliams Posts: 107 Member
    SW 220.8
    W1 219
    W2 218.8
    W3 221
    W4 218
    GW 205
  • owensmommy0925
    I am 24 years old, 4'11" and weight 121 lbs, I am wanting to lose 10lbs. I recently changed my diet to include vegetables, fruits, and lots of protein. I eat whole grains every now and then. I eliminated all pop, sweets, and fast food. I drink only water. I was doing the advocare products for 24 days without much results. It is too expensive for me to stay on the product; however, I really liked the meal replacement shakes in the morning. Are the OTC Whey Protein Shakes good for weight loss? And is there anything else I could do to increase weight loss. I lost approximately 5lbs in 24 days with the Advocare and diet change. I work nights and have a baby so it is hard for me to find a lot of time to workout or sleep at that. Thanks for any feedback
  • ingalynn
    ingalynn Posts: 136 Member
    Found it. New Challenges:
    - Challenge yourself to 50 PUSH-UPS for the week (if 50 is too easy for you or isn't practical, pick a more achievable but still challenging goal)
    - Pick one of your NUTRIENTS that you track and have difficulty with (besides carbs - so protein, carbs, sodium, etc.) and work at getting better at hitting goals/staying under maximums
    - Share some time with SOMEONE YOU LOVE

    current weight 187.4
    weight loss for the week 1.8
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    I am 24 years old, 4'11" and weight 121 lbs, I am wanting to lose 10lbs. I recently changed my diet to include vegetables, fruits, and lots of protein. I eat whole grains every now and then. I eliminated all pop, sweets, and fast food. I drink only water. I was doing the advocare products for 24 days without much results. It is too expensive for me to stay on the product; however, I really liked the meal replacement shakes in the morning. Are the OTC Whey Protein Shakes good for weight loss? And is there anything else I could do to increase weight loss. I lost approximately 5lbs in 24 days with the Advocare and diet change. I work nights and have a baby so it is hard for me to find a lot of time to workout or sleep at that. Thanks for any feedback

    I personally don't like meal replacement shakes because I feel like they don't really help you permanently change your diet. I feel like the biggest part of weight loss is the ability to maintain when you're done (which I recently really screwed up due to stress in my life.) But part of that is teaching yourself to eat right so you can keep doing that forever.

    I think it'd be better to eat real, fresh food than something in shake form.

    But that's just me.
  • magtize
    magtize Posts: 42 Member
    Gave up peanut butter
    added 15 min cardio 3 days
    no story
    SW 169.4
    W1 166.6
    W2 164.8
    W3 165
    W4 166
    GW 155
    Had rough week Was in bed for 3 days with back out.No exercise,very little water,and not eating like I am used to.
    Next week will be better.At least I can now get out of bed
  • andreamkelly
    andreamkelly Posts: 169
    Will do... I'm tracking fiber, but I don't pay any attention to it, so now I will. I noticed on your spreadsheet that my total pounds lost column doesn't add up. Not a real problem though since the pounds to goal still works. Also, thanks so much for all you are doing for us! Off to try some push ups with the kiddies.....
  • bleistiftspitzer
    bleistiftspitzer Posts: 19 Member
    Weighed in at 160.0. :(
    I knew this was going to be a bad week though because I've hardly worked out and it was my brother's birthday. They dragged me to olive garden right after work, so the hunger made me shove down bread sticks. ive also had cake and ice cream. for a couple days last week I was very discouraged, so I could hardly bring myself to work out. I mindlessly went on a bike ride if I had any free time. I'm starting to get motivated again, went on a short run tonight. not a good week at all, but surprisingly ny body fat went down.

    ps sorry about typos. I'm on my phone, and this is difficult.
  • jennyhynek
    jennyhynek Posts: 17 Member
    SW: 151
    CW: 148
    GW: 135

    I had a good week in regards to consistently seeing my weight go down. I didn't make it to the gym as much as I wanted to over the last week and I'm leaving for Cancun on Friday. I won't be working out much while on vacation, but I will try and make good food choices. :)