Summer Challenge



  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    Morning all - weigh in time!!! Good luck everyone!!!

    I was 153 this morning - a 0.8lb loss. Not much but every little counts!!
    Loving this challenge - it really keeps me motivated.

    I managed all my challenges this week :-) proud of myself!
    Done loads more exercise than I usually do and not touched a drop of alcohol - even with friends staying over at the weekend, I stuck to my water while they had wine.

    Looking forward to next week's challenges....have they been posted yet? Dont think I've seen them anyway xxx
  • bleistiftspitzer
    bleistiftspitzer Posts: 19 Member
    Next Goal: 154.8. When I hit this, I'll have a healthy BMI!
    SummerGW: 143
    UGW:In the 130's

    I started a new job that works long hours, so my calorie intake has been low on those days (but Father's Day was high). Unfortunately, this also means I have less than 3 hours between getting home, eating dinner, showering, working out, and going to bed. Tried to run with some sprints yesterday, but I about died which might have been a mix of the heat and not eating for hours.
    Didn't cut all string cheese out because the first few days, it was the only quick and easy snack I needed out the door.
  • livextoxrun
    I lost another pound this week!!! I am now down to 112 pounds. I've lost 8 pounds so far! :)
  • andreamkelly
    andreamkelly Posts: 169
    Happy Tuesday Everyone

    Weight today was 217.8

    I gave up diet soda for the whole week. Didn't get in extra exercise everyday. I have had bronchitis and an ear infection since last Monday. I did do an extra 45 minutes on the treadmill yesterday.

    I'll check back to see what this week's challenges are.

  • dajackson81
    SW: 176
    1st week: 174

    2nd week: Still at 174 :(

    3rd week: 171

    5 pounds down!!!
  • Brinasacat
    Brinasacat Posts: 505 Member
    SW: 188.7
    6/04: 186.9
    6/12 187.7 (ugh 2 days ago I was 185!)
    6/19 181.9

    GW: 168
  • RiverMelSong
    RiverMelSong Posts: 456 Member
    Lost another pound! ^^

    SW: 190
    CW: 186
    GW: 168
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    CW: 205lbs

    Goals for June:
    - Lose 6 lbs (199 lbs and under 200!!! )
    - Work out at least 4x a week
    - Drink 10 glasses of water a day
    - Eat every 3hrs
    - Eat all calories and maybe some exercise cals (dont want to go into starvation mode)

    6/5/2012204lbs (-1) 5lbs to go for June
    6/12/2012 204lbs (-1lb)

    6/18/2011: 203.5lbs (-1.5lbs) 4.5lbs to go
    GW:199lbs (June) / 189lbs (summer goal)
  • NYAngel1089
    NYAngel1089 Posts: 593 Member
    - Pick one thing you should cut out of your diet and CUT IT OUT for the week
    Pre-made/ frozen foods, everything will be fresh and homemade.
    I DID IT!!!
    - Add FIFTEEN MINUTES of exercise to your normal routine
    Typical = 45min (cardio and strength) or 60 min (just cardio).
    Plus 15 = 60 min (cardio and strength) or 75 min (just cardio).
    6/14 75 min cardio
    6/15 60 min cardio and strength
    6/16 100 min cardio (walking on trail)

    - Share your STORY with the group - why are you here and what motivated you to lose weight?
    Posted earlier

    SW= 170 lbs
    Wi1= 168.6 lbs
    Wi2= 166 lbs

    Wi3= 164.6lbs
    Loss this week = 1.4 lbs !!!!
  • ElaineP
    ElaineP Posts: 17 Member
    My weight stayed the same , but I am not surprised. I didn't log in every day.:frown:
    On a happy note it didn't go up.:happy:
  • zerbe6982
    zerbe6982 Posts: 68
    Pick one thing you should cut out of your diet and CUT IT OUT for the week
    I successfully cut out cokes, but it was tough.

    - Add FIFTEEN MINUTES of exercise to your normal routine
    I did not complete this. :(

    - Share your STORY with the group - why are you here and what motivated you to lose weight?
    Posted earlier

    SW= 196 lbs
    Wi1= 193.6 lbs
    Wi2= 192.6 lbs

    Wi3= 189.4 lbs
    Loss this week = 3.2 lb Yeah!
  • sdai3
    sdai3 Posts: 28 Member
    Wk1: 176.2
    Wk2: 174.4
    GW: 160

    Gained a little. Havent worked out though or really watched what I was eating. Got depressed for a minute, but now i'm back as of tonight!
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    CW: 182.1 lbs

    WK2: 183.6 lbs
    SW: 185 lbs
    Challenge GW: 170 lbs
  • kyrstin__1188
    kyrstin__1188 Posts: 170 Member
    Well I'm on vacation and don't have access to a scale, but I weighed myself before I left on Sunday morning, and I was at 137 so I will use that as my week 3 weight. :)

    W3: 137
    GW: 129
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Well I was right. Up 2 pounds. 154.2.
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Good weigh-in day!
    How was last week for everyone? I had a horrible food week. I need to get back on it.

    For this next week I challenge you to:
    - Eat in 6 out of the 7 days this week. Try to avoid EATING OUT!
    - Add some WEIGHT TRAINING to your workout routine if you don't already!
    - Pick one day and PAMPER yourself.
  • kateva143
    kateva143 Posts: 46 Member
    Last Week - 227
    This Week : 223.6

    Not as much as I was hoping for, but I did hit another mark.... I lost 30 pounds before my 30th b-day (tomorrow) and in less than 3 months. Yay!
  • momshorses
    momshorses Posts: 376 Member
    It's check in day and I am excited!! My weight went down instead of up!! Because I am just getting back to moving, I thought for sure my weight would go up because of muscle coming back.

    My weight this morning is 171.7. Yay!!!

    If I continue on, I may be below 170 for next weeks check in. :happy:

    Goal weight by the end of the challenge: 155
  • devonette
    devonette Posts: 263 Member
    Summer Challenge week 3 results:

    Challenge SW 5/29: 158
    Weight 6/5: 157
    Weight 6/12: 155.5

    Current Weight 6/19: 153.5 (2 lbs. lost this week!)

    Challenge GW:143 (total 4.5 lbs. lost toward goal since start of challenge, 10.5 lbs. to go!)

    week 3 additional challenge results (all completed!):
    1) I successfully made it through the entire week without having any chocolate at all (chocolate will be on today's menu!)
    2) I successfully added 15 minutes of exercise each day to my normal exercise routine (different exercise each day)
    3)Done - I added my weight loss story on page 8, I think.

    Bring on the next week, I'm ready!
  • araxiedyck
    araxiedyck Posts: 127 Member
    Summer Callenge
    June 1/12: 137
    June 4/12: 137
    June 11/12: 137 UGH! the scale won't move!
    June 19/12: 136.5
    June 26/12:
    June 30/12:

    I did cut out baked goods for 1 week (although had 2 ice cream sandwiches, but technically they are ice cream)
    I did not tack on and extra 15 per workout, but got in 2 extra days that I did not plan on, so made up for the 15
    posted my story---be healthy and in shape