Quirky/OCD eating habits?



  • Oh, and soggy bread/vegetable condiments are the worst. I have to pack my sandwiches with toasted bread, dry. I'll add my tomato and veggies from another container/bag!
  • I chomp my string cheese. *hangs head*

    You MONSTER.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I can only eat my oatmeal with a certain spoon.
    I eat my food in a certain order at work, but only at work during lunch. First my chicken or meat, then my brown rice, then my fruit.
  • jmilian825
    jmilian825 Posts: 193 Member
    when I eat fries I like to line them up and poke them eating the soft ones first and the short crunchy ones later and when picking spoons I will always grab a teaspoon I don't like the big ones. When making a peanut butter sandwich I need to make sure the peanut butter is on there smoothly and evenly coating the entire bread.
  • GabrielleZelda
    GabrielleZelda Posts: 190 Member
    I hate eating in front of people, or having people watch me eat. Unless it's a best friend, but even then it irks me a little.
    I don't really like trying new foods or having my food prepared for me, either.
    I like to know exactly what's going into my food and how much of it! Hence, I almost never eat out!

    Can never eat a full portion of meat, I always take away about half.
    I remove cheese from 99% of what I eat, even pizza.
    I almost never eat full cookies, I break them in half and put them back in the box.
    I'll cut just about anything in half and put it back, sometimes never going back for it!
    I always count things that I eat - especially fries, any kind of candy, etc...
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I eat pizza and burgers with a knife and fork... Even 'finger food' I guess, I had having food all over my hands.

    I always eat veggies first.

    If I have rice with something like curry or chilli the rice has to be mixed in completely, I won't eat dry rice.

    My plate of food has to look nice, I won't let my partner serve food because he just throws everything on the plate, mine has to be ordered and neat. :P
  • bump
  • emilypresa51100
    emilypresa51100 Posts: 1 Member
    I always ALWAYS have to have the top bun on top whenever i eat burgers, it doesn’t feel right to me at all when the bottom bun ends up on top when going for the first bite, and it irks my soul to see people eat their burgers upside down, my boyfriend hates when i point it out to him that his burger is the wrong way :D
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Something leftover from my childhood days, I usually save the best for last but then am too full to enjoy what I thought was the best.
    I also am uncomfortable eating in front of other people and find myself getting very clumsy when I do.
  • ku140
    ku140 Posts: 65 Member
    While at home, I "need" to be reading to eat. Or need to eat while reading. I remember being a kid and thinking "I want to do my favorite 2 things at the same time!" while I walked to my room with a book and a snack.
    If I'm out, I have no issue eating without reading. If I am reading a REALLY good new book, I can sometimes read without eating. But I definitely have an eating and reading association. It feels like I can't enjoy, or fully focus on, my book unless I'm also snacking.
  • Coupongrl79
    Coupongrl79 Posts: 193 Member
    I don't eat colored frosting. I only eat soggy fries. I only eat potato chips that are folded. Cake and ice cream must not touch unless it's sticky toffee pudding and then it's permissible because it's not actually cake if it identies as pudding, and lava cake because it's a mini chocolate volcano that destroys everything in it's path including my diet and my stupid food quirks.