5'4 girls... "perfect" weight?



  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    I'm barely under 5'4" (I'm 5'3.85") and I'm aiming for 125-130.
  • mrsward2010
    mrsward2010 Posts: 61 Member
    Im 5ft 4 and started at 280lb. Im now at 207lb but aiming for 154lb. might take another 2 years but i dont care!!! lol Once im well outta 200's ill see how i feel and look at every 10lbs xxx
  • boombalatty123
    boombalatty123 Posts: 116 Member
    My "perfect" weight is 132. I was very comfortable at that weight for several years before I started gaining. I have a medium frame. I was 121 for a short time once when I was very ill, but it didn't feel right (probably because I was sick, lol).

    Right now my initial goal weight is 140, because I'd be willing to settle for that after 20 years and having a kid. But I'm hopeful that I'll be able to get closer to 132 in the end. Maybe even a little lower, since these days I know more about building muscle than I ever did back then.
  • Dreed71
    Dreed71 Posts: 12 Member
    I am 5'4" and 43 years old. I have had 7 children. My whole life I have weighed 99 to 115. I wore a size 0 to 1 jeans. In October I started gaining a little weight, but, I didn't think much of it. I guess I should have as by Feb. I was at 141. Even after having children, I never had to "work" at losing weight, and I gained alot with each one. I was 200 plus when I had them. After I within a few weeks I would be back to my size. I am now 132 and I can wear size 7 to 10 jeans. I would like to get to 115, as that is where I felt the healthiest. Most of all, I would like to tone back up and not have all this weight in my tummy area and hips! I have no idea what caused the weight gain, but, now I find that I have to watch everything I put into my mouth. I hope one day to be able to eat a piece of bread LOL! I would also like to get into a size 2 jean at least.
  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    IIIIISerenityNowIIIII Posts: 425 Member
    I'm 5'4" and would love to be 125. I would call that my "perfect" weight.
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    112. Just shy height-wise @ 5' 3 1/2."
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    Weights from mybodygallery that I find particularly attractive: 100-140 pounds. In other words, there is no 'perfect' number.
  • gabylewis22
    gabylewis22 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm the same height as you and had exactly the same problem. I'm 129 at the moment - my goal is 126 and then I'm stopping. I'm happy with my size, it's now all about the tone!
  • kirsteeeeenxo
    kirsteeeeenxo Posts: 17 Member
    I'm the same height, a year ago I was about 115 and for me that was perfect. I've since gained about 15lbs and am so miserable and self conscious at this weight I just want to lose this extra stone
    But finding the motivation to go to the gym is hard, if possible I feel too embarrassed and fat to go to the gym?
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    I'm 5'4" and am getting happier and happier between 125 and 130 lbs. I think I'll go down to 125 lbs and continue to lift heavy and work out and I'll be happy with that.

    I was the same way. I was 167 and got down to 150 and wasn't happy. Then 140 and wasn't happy, then 135 and still wasn't there lol. It's a work in progress.
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    I'm the same height, a year ago I was about 115 and for me that was perfect. I've since gained about 15lbs and am so miserable and self conscious at this weight I just want to lose this extra stone
    But finding the motivation to go to the gym is hard, if possible I feel too embarrassed and fat to go to the gym?

    It sounds like you need help darling.
  • nikkohli
    nikkohli Posts: 311 Member
    I'm 5'4" and I always (ALWAYS) seem to settle at 133. There was a brief point last year when I got down to 122. I wasn't starving but I really had no room for error and watched everything I ate. My goal is to be around 125 (though 122 would be great), anything below 130 and above 120 : ). I have a small frame and carry all my weight in my stomach so I'd like a lower weight to be a little more balanced and less apple shaped!

    This is almost exactly me. If I am not eating all the food and exercising at least 2X a week I settle at about 133-135. Last year I was really observant and got to 120 and while I wasn't starving or exercising 60 hours a week....it was a lot of work! I got a lot of "too skinny" comments and I really was a little too thin but I felt great. My goal is 125 but I am hoping to motivate myself to include body comp in that goal so if I am a higher weight with lots of muscle, that works too! :smile:
  • sweetjess2056
    I'm 5' 4" and I'm aiming for 130-125lbs :)
  • Tiff1124
    Tiff1124 Posts: 261 Member
    I am currently 157 and would love to get back to 130. Doesn't seem that difficult but man it's tough!
  • kirsteeeeenxo
    kirsteeeeenxo Posts: 17 Member
    I'm the same height, a year ago I was about 115 and for me that was perfect. I've since gained about 15lbs and am so miserable and self conscious at this weight I just want to lose this extra stone
    But finding the motivation to go to the gym is hard, if possible I feel too embarrassed and fat to go to the gym?

    It sounds like you need help darling.
    I probably do, it's always been an issue with me. It's one extreme or another
  • cgallagher1019
    What you really need to ask yourself, is what body type do you want and what is "perfect" to you. YOu seem to be envious of the 'athletic' body types. If you like curves, and a 'healthy' looking body it takes a lot of work. And, most of those girls weigh way more than you think. At 5'5 I typically sit around 165-170lbs, but, I also maintain 19%-20% bodyfat. Do you lift? If you you do, and do it properly with coaching and help you can quickly change the make-up of your body. those girls at 5'4 and 125lbs are 99% of the time what I call Skinny-Fat. They're cute and little, and look fine in clothes, but take it off, see them in a bikini at the beach and they just jiggle....typically sitting at around 30% body fat, verging on the definition of obese.
    So, what do you like? If you looked through instagram at pics of girls, who inspires you? Whos body do you want?
    I love having a 28inch waist and 42 inch hips, I love my muscular calves and boulder shoulders, lol....but it takes time, dedication and eating to support the bodybuilder type lifestyle. .
  • kristinh000
    kristinh000 Posts: 2 Member
    Im 5'4 and 19 years old and i weigh 110, and i just had a baby almost 4 months ago. Ive looked up so many different sites that say the healthy weight range and for a girl who is 5'4 its 110-135, anything else is overweight or obese for that height.
  • kristinh000
    kristinh000 Posts: 2 Member
    okay and i also work out a CRAP ton, and i never got stretch marks, and the comment saying that the skinny girls "jiggle" is a lie. I live in Florida and i can assure you the skinny girls who look fine in clothes do NOT jiggle like you say that they do. I don't "jiggle" you can judge me and other skinny girls just because we are skinnier than you with just as much muscle.. that's rude and unfair. and not to mention my husband love my body type, and i am sure that women with the same type of skinny bodies that you are talking about get complimented on there body alot more that a women with man arms with a height of 5'4 weighing almost as much as him if not as much as him at 165-175!
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    . those girls at 5'4 and 125lbs are 99% of the time what I call Skinny-Fat. They're cute and little, and look fine in clothes, but take it off, see them in a bikini at the beach and they just jiggle....typically sitting at around 30% body fat, verging on the definition of obese. <snip>

    Holy body shaming, Batman. I'm 5'3.5" and 120 lbs and around 17% BF. Perhaps you should keep your opinion of other people's weight to yourself. Proud of you for having self confidence in your weight and what you do but that doesn't have to involve cutting people down in the process.

     i am sure that women with the same type of skinny bodies that you are talking about get complimented on there body alot more that a women with man arms with a height of 5'4 weighing almost as much as him if not as much as him at 165-175!
    And body shaming on the other end of the spectrum, perfect. I like my man arms.

    How about we not pay attention to the scales and focus on loving ourselves for who we are. Work on body composition rather than a scale weight goal. Embrace being unique and different. So as long as you're being healthy and realistic with your goals, go for it. Just...can't even:noway: