Turbo Jammers 7/27-8/3



  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Still not eating my exercise calories yet though--when do you think I should bump my calorie intake up again? Or not?I'm sure I will be checking back later--I am ALWAYS on this site!:laugh: :tongue:
    I am so proud of everyone and the accomplishments we've made! Let's keep it up girls!!!

    Now that 1500 is easy enough, it might be time to try for 1550 or even 1600 for about a week.

    I'll be bumping up by 50 to 100 calories each week until I'm on maintenance since I'm 1 pound away and it's been coming off quick this week.
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Morning!! Had a great day yesterday. Was busy moving around all day. I got in the 20 minute workout and FB. I also just got the 30 Day Shred. I tried it after these two workouts. Was too tired and lasted 5 minutes.

    I also got 12 hours of much needed sleep on Friday. Very rare but love when I can accomplish that.

    Will check in later once I work out.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Everybody,
    Lots of new faces and that's really good to see!! I haven't fallen off the fitness wagon just incredibly busy - like everyone else, lol!! Haven't made time to check in - but have logged food and exercise- so grateful for consistency with that.
    Accomplishment this week - I added sculpting/ strength training 3 days for the 2nd week and that means there's a positve pattern developing here!! Yea!! So glad my attitude changed about adding the strength training and I actually look forward too it. I am doing a 55 minute Firm dvd - from the 4 dvd set (they rotate instructors for each particular fitness focus) which btw I never even tried when I was doing "FIRM" b/c that instructer really irritated me. Turns out she does a great job and works the crap out of you, super ab section at the end to wrap it up and I like the music. Moving up to 7lbs weights tomorrow, if my tricepts can handle it if not I'll do what I can and keep pushing. I am doing this one and turbo sculpt - depending on how much time I have - still loving my TJ and doing those on my cardio days and getting my "wogging" in in the evenings. Seems like I'm mixing it up and it's working for my attitude - for me it starts with that.

    Hope you all have a fantastic Sunday!!!
    Mehan, Casey and Ghanie - You all continue to inspire and amaze me, thanks for all you bring:heart:

  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Finished CP3 and Booty Sculpt!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good evening all! I finally found time to check in today! I've been back and forth but haven't posted. Anyway, did my FB first thing this AM, then some Winsor Pilates to stretch (I got a charlie horse this morning right when I woke up in bed:mad: :sad: ) It was raining, so no bikeride:frown: Maybe tomorrow though! I prepared a tuna salad lunch for some friends of mine that were coming over and relaxed a bit early afternoon- then it was back to it with TurboJam 20 minute and AbJam early. My grandparents came over for dinner as well- salmon, toss salad and green beans--but of course gram made a cake--:explode: I was for some reason really stressing over it so I posted on here and some folks got back to me-final word was eat the cake because otherwise I would probably be rooting through the fridge later because I didn't. Haha--I am trying not to feel too guilty about it:embarassed: I did not go over in any areas but it boosted my calories to like 1700 for today (into my exercise cals):ohwell:
    All in all I guess tomorrow is a new day and I am not craving cake tonight--haha
    I hope everybody's day went well and look forward to hearing your trials as well! haha:smile:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    What a busy weekend! I ended up taking a rest day on Saturday and then hit it hard with Burn it Off and Recharge yesterday. Hoping to get Lean 1 in tonight and some cardio.

    Ghanie, great job on the weight loss, you're doing something right for it to drop like that! Maybe it's all those muscles you developed from P90X burning all those calories!

    Spiralgirl, great job on the workouts, you are kickin butt girl!

    Lilangel, good job on the eating! I'm glad you had the cake...you have to do that from time to time or else you'll go overboard when you finally do get cornered with the sweets!

    Erica, way to go coming up with ideas of workouts you can do to let the rest of your body rest, but still get something in!!!

    Janet, glad to see you back! Which FIRM dvd(s) are you doing? I have 3 DVD's and have been avoiding them because the instructors annoy me too much, but watched one last night and think I'll need to just tune the instructor out, as the workout is great!

    Megan, I hope you can find a protein that works for you! I really enjoy my shakes, not only for the muscle repair part, but the taste is great and keeps me full until morning snack time!

    Casey, I wish I had some of your energy right about now! The length of time you can run for on a weekly basis is just amazing...some day I'll be doing that too, but it will be awhile yet!

    Well, gotta get the workday started. Have a good one!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey all! I started my morning out kinda late today:grumble: Apparently my body likes to sleep in (which I guess is ok-it's back to work early tomorrow!) Though, I did get my lazy butt outta bed around 7:45 and jammed with TurboJam CardioParty Mix 1-again that one I have GOT to work on--I'm sweatin by the end, but today WAS easier:heart::happy: :heart: Finally I got my protein shake and made a delicious breakfast-buckwheat crepes with blueberry sauce:love: also made some scrambled eggs with egg whites, tomato and arugula, and cooked up a strip of Litelife Smart Bacon-it's actually pretty good! I am so happy when I can take the time to put together a breakfast like that, on work days I just don't get to:frown:
    So I've already logged everything in for today--hit exact on carbs and fats, and as usual I'm over on proteins but thanks to you guys I am not worrying so much! I am also hitting around 1550 calories, which is exactly where I want it right now! I am starting to get the hang of this putting different meals together and balancing it out deal--it DEFINITELY helps eating 5-6 meals a day (keeps my energy higher:happy: ). Thank you guys so much! Ghanie and Casey--you guys are a big inspiration and GREAT motivators:smile: I think I would still be in big trouble with the calorie deficit thing if I hadn't found ya!:heart: So thanks again, and I will be checking in all day because I can't get off this site!! hahaha.........:blushing:
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Oops! I totally forgot to start the new thread today. :blushing: If I miss it Monday morning feel free to start a new week. Just be sure to post the new link in the previous week so we can find you! :happy:
