Is it wrong that I have noticed more female attention ?



  • Irish_Lanie
    Irish_Lanie Posts: 100
    I *think* I just wish your loved one would compliment you more/and you noticed your loved one not complimenting you because others are starting to? Nothing wrong with wanting your loved one to give you some attention sometimes.
  • KenMontville
    KenMontville Posts: 27 Member
    Dude, it is sooo right. I am just starting (again, for the hundredth time) and I am also married with no intention of becoming un-married. It would be great to think I still "had it" especially since I'm not as young as I used to be. A little flirtation or "You look great" or whatever from women would be great motivation.
  • louised88
    louised88 Posts: 159
    I hope she does get a bit jelous!

    Why would you hope that she gets jealous? You're an asshat!!

    You just said you love her to bits......but now you're saying you want her to get

    I was about to say..before reading this comment..

    Attention from the opposite sex is fine..and flattering..just don't let it go to your head...

    Too already have.

    I love how quick women are to judge. Maybe his wife doesn't give him any attention. Maybe she is rotten to him. Maybe he does everything for her and gets nothing in
    return...been known to happen.

    Attention goes both ways...and if she senses this attitude, well then....compliments are really hard to give.

    When your motivation is to look good to "others"..rather than your SO.....that's when the problem developes.

    Don't give me that "Women are so quick to judge!" line.........he put it out there.

    Exactly. People here are judging him on what he said, not what this mythical wife may or may not be like. He said an a**holish thing, why should we bend over backwards to give him the benefit of the doubt? If you don't want people to think you're an a**hole, don't say things like that. I'm certainly not going to make excuses for you.