What would you say to your 18yr old self...



  • fluffeesquirrel
    fluffeesquirrel Posts: 63 Member
    Your parents' advice really is sound... no matter how ridiculous it sounds, the chances are high that they're right.
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 1,005 Member
    Just say no...he's not THAT CUTE! ( Ex-husband!)

    ^^^^ That about sums it up :drinker:
  • heatherallen1020
    Don't listen to doctors when they say eat more food becuz you are not gaining enough weight...Dummy!!!! Doctors don't know everything!!!!!! :explode:
  • carolynmittens
    oh man. i would tell myself, "do things exactly as you are doing them. make mistakes, go crazy. because when you're 27, UNdoing all of that crap will give you some seeerious character."
  • bleacheblonde
    I would have said....above all, this **** gets better! Stick it out! All your suffering all these years is not your fault...you have a problem, and you're not alone. But it's not going to ruin your life and you don't have to be so scared of it all the time because it doesn't own you. Oh, and this whole college thing will get WAY BETTER, just stick it out for 6 months and you'll see what I mean. And when you start working out soon...DON'T STOP NO MATTER WHAT, because alllll that weight is gonna come back eventually, and it will sneak up on you. Always make time for art and music. Love...older me :)
  • kmcrey87
    kmcrey87 Posts: 422 Member

  • Falling2Grace
    Falling2Grace Posts: 220 Member
    Dont go to college hoping you will figure out what you want to do with the rest of your life...too expensive for that and Penn State will cost you $900 per month in student loan debt for the next 25 years-not worth if you do what you've always wanted...be a SAHM because mothering does not require a bachelors degree.

    oh and you are pretty...just wait until youre 24 and you have added 40lb and look like an oompa loompa,minus the orange color :laugh:

    Holy ****! 900 per month for 25 years? That's a mortgage, not a student loan!

    Yeah, and i'll probably have this debt till the day i die :grumble: Penn State is a great university...but not worth that price! LOL and you want to know the crazy thing?? I had FULL federal/goverment funding! Thats how expensive that school is! ..should i have learned it was the most expensive public college in the us before committing :huh:

    Wow! I'm only paying 80 a month for the degree I'm not using. I also had a full scholarship too though. It just didn't cover housing or books...and my part time job didn't cover all of it either.. so I have a little debt.

    I had a couple small scholarships, full federal funding, university grants, and 2 part time jobs. My husband was in the Honors Program, so a lot of his tuition was covered and he had 2 part time jobs as well. the scholarships/grants did not cover our housing or our books-books were a ton in a science field!...so i will carry this burden forever...blah!
  • susanne181818
    Stop the beer drinking NOW! You're going to gain 25 lbs because of it! SMH
  • SaraSM143
    SaraSM143 Posts: 10 Member
    Dad is right. Dad is right. Dad is right!!
    Apply yourself better in school.
    Join the military.
    Go to college for computers or graphic design.
    Real friends are few and far between, you will learn the difference and yes, it will be painful.
    Don't be so quick to jump into bed with men. The ones worth it will wait.
    Walk away from Brent. Don't even say hello once.
    Immigrate to New Zealand.
    Don't marry someone after knowing them two weeks. (He is amazing but not for you)
    Learn to say no and don't gain weight to protect yourself.
    Accept responsibility for your mistakes and let others take responsibility for theirs.
    Tell Lori that even after a dozen years you still think of her.
    Oh and by the way, Dad is right!
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    To stay active and that at 135lbs I was fine and looked good!

    (in my young 20's I got up to 185lbs - never again will I say 135lbs is fat/overweight!)