First Negative Comment



  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    I didn't know you could link facebook with MFP, but I personally wouldn't do it. I don't think people would understand it like MFP ppl do haha i actually think I am more addicted to MFP then Facebook.

    but congrats on staying committed to this and minimizing the partying, I am in the same boat with you, there are some people i haven't seen in over a month cuz every time we'd hangout it was just to party.
    I am a much happier person now then before.

    &you know it? there will always be people who don't understand what u do, or why u r doing it, but just look at this way, you're making your body stronger, who cares what they think,
  • mdj1501
    mdj1501 Posts: 392 Member
    I dont have my account linked to FB, I have wayyyyyy more support on here than FB!
  • lickmybaconcakes
    lickmybaconcakes Posts: 1,063 Member
    I think stuff like that is subdued jealousy rising
  • terraskye
    terraskye Posts: 370 Member
    my mom said something similar....she said all i ever seem to talk about is working out and dieting. I can't help it, i'm extremely involved in the aspect of fitness and health. Why would I not talk about something I'm so in to, right?

    my hubby kinda says the same thing...that i transferred my online gaming obsession to fitness and health....I told him to stuff it :) and then made him do it with me :)
  • _SpeshK_
    _SpeshK_ Posts: 496 Member
    You just have to do for yourself what is best. If you want to announce it to the world, then DO IT. Be proud of yourself for making the effort. Tell them to f off if they don't like it, they can hit "unsubscribe" at any time.
  • shodaimetruth
    shodaimetruth Posts: 137
    I see your points. i can't just go around in reality talking about working out with people that aren't, just like I can't talk about video games or sports with everybody. I guess the working out/healthy aspects are a personal gain and anyone annoyed by it just seems to be a personal attack towards me and my accomplishments. I will remember that bit of information and remember that people don't like to talk some subjects, but then again, i also like to annoy people, so if they don't like they can always block or delete. I'm not going to waste the energy to delete someone who is annoyed with me. That's energy I could be using on something else more useful to me.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    If they don't want to hear about that, they have the option to filter your posts in their feed or eliminate them altogether. And really, it's your account so you can post whatever you want however often you want. I have friends that'll go into sprees of sharing images I've seen a thousand times or posting youtube links or blog/news posts from other sites. I don't tell them to cut it out. If it bothers me I can just hide all the posts or filter it.

    When you actually go and b*tch in the form of joking to a person to stop then you've taken the internet too seriously and need either an ice cream cone or a kick in the nads.
  • zandrellia
    zandrellia Posts: 26
    I don't have MFP linked to facebook but I did make a post once when I finally (after years of trying) mastered the jackknife. In fact, I'd managed to work out my abs to where it no longer hurt and was actually kind of fun, so I was proud of it and made a post about that.

    Cue a ton of people who have no idea I am even trying to lose weight, let alone what a jackknife is. (Some thought I meant an actual knife...) I had to explain to them that yes, I meant the exercise and that I'm trying to lose weight. They just went "oh".

    Second facebook post was when I was rather proud of how much I'd worked out and burned in calories on one reaaaallly active Sunday. (I pretty much cleaned my whole house top to bottom, pulled all the weeds, mowed the lawn, washed the car by hand, reseeded the lawn... lots of work for sedentary me.) I hadn't expected it to be as many calories as it was (I used a calculator outside of MFP and rounded down, just to make sure.) but it was a lot! So I posted a screenshot of my diary where it shows how much I'd ate and how much I gained from exercise.

    Lots of people asked what I was talking about. I explained that I am trying to lose weight and get healthy and using MFP as a tool towards that end. Four people told me they signed up after that.

    So I guess what I am trying to say is, people on facebook may not understand - but neither did any of us before someone told us about MFP or we for some reason got the idea to find a website to help us be healthier. We all needed help to get here. Facebook can be a great tool for sharing your achievements with your friends and family. It may even convince them to start on their own path to a healthier life... possibly even save their life. So don't stop telling people about your health and fitness achievements. They're a part of who you are now and everyone in your life is going to have to accept that... even people on facebook.
  • ColleenAtherton
    ColleenAtherton Posts: 230 Member
    I do have MFP linked to my FB and Twitter. And I've gotten nothing but positive comments and tons of support from my FB and Twitter friends! I always post progress pics and such on both FB and MFP. I need all the support I can get, and odds are my FB friends would have a better chance of kicking me back up on the wagon if I ever fall off since I know them IRL vs just on the MFP website.
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    Exactly why I don't have any other social media linked to mfp
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    MFP is for this part of my life. Ravelry is for the knitting part of my life. Facebook is for a larger part of my life.

    Just like I don't need to hear that someone's morning glories are ready and they've now made sachets or some **** like that that automatically posts from the Zynga games, other folks that are not interested in MFP don't need to know that I did some bit of exercise or lost some portion of a pound. Generally auto updates are annoying. Your friends can probably block the MFP updates just like I block the Zynga updates, but truthfully, if you're not energetic enough to put it up yourself actually, its probably best you not clutter up other folks' newsfeeds with auto-updates about the minutiae of your day that you do regularly and is not their interest.

    At least when Nike+ was updating facebook automatically, or the Addidas micoach or mapmyrun, at least those all provide interesting data about how fast how long where. That makes it interesting. But 350 cals burned doing 39 minutes of "jogging, with stroller" is just clutter in my newsfeed unless you having a baby is new info. [ I never auto-updated the gps ones, though, because of the safety aspect of showing people exactly where your house is, what time of what days you tend to run, and what portion of the run you might be the most spent and unable to protect yourself. You never know who those friends of friends are.]
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I see alot of people posting that this is their FB page and if you don't like what I post feel free to unfriend me. I don't post things like this everyday so I don't have the problem but I do at time post my weight loss amounts and my exercise for the day. I just keep it down to a min. But I do feel if they don't like the way I post then they are free to unfriend me
  • _SpeshK_
    _SpeshK_ Posts: 496 Member
    I see your points. i can't just go around in reality talking about working out with people that aren't, just like I can't talk about video games or sports with everybody. I guess the working out/healthy aspects are a personal gain and anyone annoyed by it just seems to be a personal attack towards me and my accomplishments. I will remember that bit of information and remember that people don't like to talk some subjects, but then again, i also like to annoy people, so if they don't like they can always block or delete. I'm not going to waste the energy to delete someone who is annoyed with me. That's energy I could be using on something else more useful to me.

    Right on! Keep thinking this way. If you let it get to you in any way, you are letting them hinder you and your progress. Be happy that you are actually making the effort instead of like most of the world who says they will tomorrow and never follow through. You rock!!! :)
  • LynC33
    LynC33 Posts: 196
    OMG a$#@holes! Would they rather you be lying in a ditch somewhere? Good on you for changing your habits and being proud of yourself. If they were true friends, they would be proud too and know you well enough to know how important this is to you. I personally dont post to facebook because I d rather share my journey with like minded people with similar goals Jealousy is an ugly thing. Good on you and keep up the great work :-)
  • trishgrace
    trishgrace Posts: 285
    I don't connect mine to facebook at all. I don't personally know anyone on my FL on here. They all support me. I want to keep this all seperate for now.
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    I dunno, I really don`t like reading what someone is doing every second of the day on Facebook. I think they are taking a dig at you because of that?

    On the flip side, some people have told me the same thing. Truth was I was talking about weight loss all the time. It was a good wake up call for me. Not everyone is interested in what I am. Maybe it`s better to wait until they ask you.

    Posting pictures on Facebook is also way more interesting than a generic automatic post. If you have a picture of your new buff bod, or even not so buff but better than before buff, you might get more postive responses.

    But here we are all interested in fitness, so we will always be positive here!
    Your doing great!
  • 388gigi
    388gigi Posts: 485 Member
    I don't post on facebook. I always see people post stuff like "no one cares if you went to the gym today" etc. So I'm not going to put myself in the position where I am the person they are talking about.

    I understand being proud of your efforts, but most others wont. (except on MFP of course!)

    I post everything on here and only here, because this is where I get support for it!

    (I think they're just jealous!)
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    just another reason I left Facebook!
  • hsk1019
    hsk1019 Posts: 235 Member
    If they don't want to hear about that, they have the option to filter your posts in their feed or eliminate them altogether. And really, it's your account so you can post whatever you want however often you want. I have friends that'll go into sprees of sharing images I've seen a thousand times or posting youtube links or blog/news posts from other sites. I don't tell them to cut it out. If it bothers me I can just hide all the posts or filter it.

    When you actually go and b*tch in the form of joking to a person to stop then you've taken the internet too seriously and need either an ice cream cone or a kick in the nads.

    THIS! Let them turn off what they don't want to see. Keep doin what you're doin! In no time they'll be remarking about how different you look and how happy you seem!!
  • shodaimetruth
    shodaimetruth Posts: 137
    MFP is for this part of my life. Ravelry is for the knitting part of my life. Facebook is for a larger part of my life.

    Just like I don't need to hear that someone's morning glories are ready and they've now made sachets or some **** like that that automatically posts from the Zynga games, other folks that are not interested in MFP don't need to know that I did some bit of exercise or lost some portion of a pound. Generally auto updates are annoying. Your friends can probably block the MFP updates just like I block the Zynga updates, but truthfully, if you're not energetic enough to put it up yourself actually, its probably best you not clutter up other folks' newsfeeds with auto-updates about the minutiae of your day that you do regularly and is not their interest.

    At least when Nike+ was updating facebook automatically, or the Addidas micoach or mapmyrun, at least those all provide interesting data about how fast how long where. That makes it interesting. But 350 cals burned doing 39 minutes of "jogging, with stroller" is just clutter in my newsfeed unless you having a baby is new info. [ I never auto-updated the gps ones, though, because of the safety aspect of showing people exactly where your house is, what time of what days you tend to run, and what portion of the run you might be the most spent and unable to protect yourself. You never know who those friends of friends are.]

    you're right. i didnt' think about how boring it could actually be to read something like . how it could be so similar to an annoying game post. It's an accomplishment to them, but not to me and vice versa. Something I will keep in mind with regards to my future posts. I do think that maybe i should start posting accomplishments and things that seem interesting, not boring or unrelated to them and their INTERESTING life. Working out is something I do daily, so why do I need everyone to know I'm doing it. I wouldn't post every time I took a ****, how long I was in there or how much weight I loss, so why post something that is similar, but less gross?

    Lesson learned. Thanks.