MFP Runner's Club



  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member
    I went out today and did an easy 3 miles as a recovery run. I have been traveling the last 4 days and go to do beautiful run on Monday in Colorado Springs, CO. However, next time I am checking running sites before I pick a route. I thought with my GPS watch I would just run along the river next to the hotel I was staying at. However, 1 mile down the road there were signs for a state Prison and don't pick up hitchhikers. I turned around and ran around the hotel parking lot. :happy:

    YIKES! Good choice on heading back to the hotel parking lot!

    I love running in new places and on vacation. I'm sure Colorado Springs provided you with lots of good scenery as you ran.
  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    greetings all...just a quick post to capture the thread. hope to have good news to report later today.

    kechie -- quick question: I've seen other threads that go long, and it appears MFP puts a link in the first post that shows how to get back to previous chapters, and by the same token it puts a link in the last post pointing to the new thread. any idea how that happens? maybe i'll break in on one of these others i've been evesdropping on and see what they say.

    I have seen this too! I think the poster manually puts the links to previous chapters into the new post.? Can't hear what you find out!:smile:

    okay kechie (and group) -- i did a little experiment, and here's what i found out: each thread allows for 20 pages, and there are exactly 25 posts on each page. once someone makes the last post (#25 on p. 20 of the thread) the thread is locked, but MFP facilitates a continuation of the thread. the next person to reply to that last post becomes the first post on the new page, and MFP inserts the "links" I've been seeing automatically. it also helps by calling the new thread by the same name, and then adding "part 2" to the name.

    if you want to see what i'm talking about, take a look at the last thread you started. you all can laugh at me if you want -- i made about 5 posts in a row just to lock it, and then see where the next one went.

    SO -- for our purposes, i hope everyone makes it over here to this new thread where we're at now. if anyone accidently posts on the "part 2" thread (it's just me all by my lonesome over there now) i'll direct them here. when we get to the end of this one, just keep on posting, and once it's locked it will direct us all where to go to continue our little adventure.
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Heather --
    :drinker: CONGRATS on your tempo run -- but seriously -- you are NOT helping me! I have a 7 mile tempo run tomorrow that I am DREADING!!! I was unable to finish last weeks without now I'm all geared up and nervous. Hoping I can at least come close! PLEASE send me some of your... fast running, no-puking, lots of energy....vibes. PLEASE! And NO I ain't too proud to beg :sad:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Wow -- way to go figuring that one out. that how you've spent your spare time since you aren't running :laugh: Just joking bgood -- just made me laugh -- I did look back at your posts that closed the old thread.
    Way to look out for us -- it's easy to get lost on this giant internet stuff!!! :huh:
  • kblu0816
    kblu0816 Posts: 1,627 Member
    Ok so since I'm just getting back to running it seems I have alot to learn still. I've never heard of VO2 or whatever it is and how do I figure out what mine is. Itried to look at runnersworld but it didn't do a good job explaining it to me. Can someone help me? Thanks:flowerforyou:
  • bikegirl777
    I have been totally out of commission. All the humidity and exercise has caused a horrible dermatitis. So here I am, up late at night reading the message boards. No exercise = No sleep! My legs look a lot better today and finish the antibiotics in the morning. I'm going to try to get a run in tomorrow night when it's cooler. Next thing on my training schedule is .... argh, tempo run!

    Yeah, thanks for that grueling tempo run description! Can't wait to get right on it!
  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    Ok so since I'm just getting back to running it seems I have alot to learn still. I've never heard of VO2 or whatever it is and how do I figure out what mine is. Itried to look at runnersworld but it didn't do a good job explaining it to me. Can someone help me? Thanks:flowerforyou:

    that's a very good question, and I won't have a detailed scientific explanation for you, but maybe a little advice. VO2 Max is what you'll typically hear about, and it's a measure of how much oxygen you can take in and use while you're exercising, so it can also be used as a gauge of your overall fitness.

    that's the idea in a nutshell. others on here may tell you differently, but in my opinion it's a number we don't even need to worry about. it's the kind of thing the Lance Armstrongs of the world would be very interested in, because they're trying to push their body to the absolute limit and they want to know exactly where that threshold lies. for you and me and any other average, everyday runnner, there are a lot of other things for us to concentrate on. it might be helpful to know your own level, but it's not something you can't live without. i hope that helps.
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    I love Couch to 5K for starting out. However, if you can already run two miles, you don't need such an easy program.:drinker:

    What is the Couch to 5K??
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Chenoachem -- never thought about running into a "bad" zone! Been looking at watches so I could have the freedom to go wherever. What kind of watch do you use? I've been researching -- so any info would be appreciated! So far looks like the Garmin is the most popular and accurate -- just need to decide how much I'm willing to spend!!!

    Sherry -- sorry you still feel yucky -- hopefully it will pass soon!

    Jdubard-- I run 5 days a week -- but break it up so I never run more than 3 days in a row. Rest is important to allow your muscles to repair.

    I got in 5.5 miles today. tomorrow is my tempo run -- 7miles -- and once again i am dreading it! Have already decided it's okay if I can't keep up -- I'll just do my best (now that's what I'm thinking right now -- we'll see how the competitive monster inside me feels tomorrow -- hopefully it won't be a push till you puke! :sick: )

    Enjoy your day!

    I have the Polar FT60 G1. I liked it because it is a full training computer. I can get a gadget to download the data to my computer but not routes. I was trying to decide between a Garmin and this watch. I chose this one since it met my goals better. I put in that I have typically worked out 5 hours per week and I want to improve my fitness. Each time I go out it sets up my heart rate zones based on how tired I am and how quickly my heart rate rises. It helps me with how much time to spend in each zone, how much total training and if I am pushing too hard or not enough. Runner's World had a really good article on GPS/HRM watches recently.

    If I have had a good week it will tell me excellent and give me a little trophy display on the watch. If I don't do enough it will tell me that too. I also like that it doesn't have a lot of gadgets for other activities. I can use it running, biking, roller blading, walking, doing yoga, or weight training. The Polar waist strap is washing machine washable and softer than the Garmin. I also like the fact I can change my own batteries in all the components and don't have to worry about them dying 10 hours after starting it.

    The Garmin is nice if you want to be able to track specific routes and want fun toys. I didn't see a difference for around here for accuracy. The polar is within a 0.2 miles of my bike computer, which is fine for me. I live in the desert so I don't have to worry about tree cover. The polar also has the option of the foot pod if you are doing track workout s and want to calculate min and max speed.

    Let me know if you want more information.
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    I love Couch to 5K for starting out. However, if you can already run two miles, you don't need such an easy program.:drinker:

    What is the Couch to 5K??

    It is a 2 month program that'll have you go from sitting on the couch to running 3 miles in 2 months or 4 months if you're me.:laugh: If you Google it, you can see the details of the program.
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    kechie -- quick question: I've seen other threads that go long, and it appears MFP puts a link in the first post that shows how to get back to previous chapters, and by the same token it puts a link in the last post pointing to the new thread. any idea how that happens? maybe i'll break in on one of these others i've been evesdropping on and see what they say.

    I have seen this too! I think the poster manually puts the links to previous chapters into the new post.? Can't hear what you find out!:smile:

    okay kechie (and group) -- i did a little experiment, and here's what i found out: each thread allows for 20 pages, and there are exactly 25 posts on each page. once someone makes the last post (#25 on p. 20 of the thread) the thread is locked, but MFP facilitates a continuation of the thread. the next person to reply to that last post becomes the first post on the new page, and MFP inserts the "links" I've been seeing automatically. it also helps by calling the new thread by the same name, and then adding "part 2" to the name.

    if you want to see what i'm talking about, take a look at the last thread you started. you all can laugh at me if you want -- i made about 5 posts in a row just to lock it, and then see where the next one went.

    SO -- for our purposes, i hope everyone makes it over here to this new thread where we're at now. if anyone accidently posts on the "part 2" thread (it's just me all by my lonesome over there now) i'll direct them here. when we get to the end of this one, just keep on posting, and once it's locked it will direct us all where to go to continue our little adventure.

    Thanks! This helps us out a lot. I'll reply last next time and add part 2. Awesome!

    Thanks again:flowerforyou:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Please -- oh Please -- don't forget to send me fast running vibes tomorrow morning! Feeling queasy just thinking about about that horribly mean training schedule!!!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    I actually got up at 6am this morning to run, got off the couch, stood up....

    ...and promptly fell backwards into the couch and was comatose before I could even put my head on the pillow. I just can't seem to get myself to run in the mornings during the summer. Its so effing hot, and we don't have A/C. It's taking me a few hours a night just to fall asleep, so getting up early just isn't realistic. I'll be going out for a run this evening before we go to the bar for trivia night :laugh:

    Need to earn me some beer calories!

    Love beer too!:drinker:

    Since you have no a/c you are excused for missing your workout this am.:smile:

    I'm the luckiest girl in the world in that sense- I HATE beer! (and other foods that are bad for me... potato chips, burgers, and mashed potato). :bigsmile:
  • gustergirl
    gustergirl Posts: 534 Member
    Heading out for a 5 miler-hopefully wont get rained on since Im meeting up with people afterwards! LOL
  • thalli1
    thalli1 Posts: 332 Member
    I had to do a nine mile tempo run today. It was already about 75 degrees outside by the time I wanted to go, so I decided to go do it at the gym. I hate doing nine miles on a treadmill! It's so much harder mentally than running outside. But it was better than getting heatstroke. By the time I finished it would've been almost 90 degrees outside. So anyway, I'm done and happy about it, but it was a really hard run for me. It's tricky to get all the right training runs in during this hot part of the year, especially if you have a lot of miles to do. You either have to get up at 4 a.m. in order to not run in the heat, or you have to run too many miles on a treadmill, or you have to be superman/woman in order to run in the heat (imo). One of the main reasons I decided not to run the marathon last year was because I would've had to do a 17 and a 19 mile run while I was in Jamaica, and there was just no way I could've done that! It never got below eighty outside there, and 19 miles on a treadmill was unthinkable! Now I see why the Jamaicans are such great runners! They have to be superhuman just to run there!
    I'm really proud of those of you (like Kechie) who live in really hot parts of the country and still manage do it. I know I'm accustomed to mild temperatures, but I'm pretty sure I couldn't do that. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    well it's official now -- i am once again a RUNNING member of the MFP Runner's Club! 4 miles certainly isn't the longest i've ever run, but it was the best 30-some-odd minutes of my whole week so far (i don't know exactly how long, because after 3 wks of inactivity it appears the sensor on my nike+ has gone into hibernation). i've rarely dealt with injury problems, so i certainly feel for all of you that are struggling right now. i know we've got a few that are completely sidelined at the moment. but isn't it great to know you've got this little support group to welcome you back and cheer you on again? happy running everybody.
  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    that IS A BIG DEAL!!! GOOD LUCK....GOOD LUCK.....GOOD LUCK!!! :drinker:
    :smokin: Hope you have a happy, pain-free run!

    very happy, even if i was a little winded through much of it, and completely pain free! i'm sure it was all because of your good wishes; thanks for the support!
  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    Please -- oh Please -- don't forget to send me fast running vibes tomorrow morning! Feeling queasy just thinking about about that horribly mean training schedule!!!

    fast running, no-puking, high energy vibes coming your way! just don't think about it, then you won't get yourself all worked up. pretend it's an easy, long run, then look at the schedule right before you walk out the door. you won't have time to worry about it
  • Renee973
    Renee973 Posts: 28
    Please -- oh Please -- don't forget to send me fast running vibes tomorrow morning! Feeling queasy just thinking about about that horribly mean training schedule!!!

    Just checking in to get on the new thread!

    I'm sending you my vibes early! Even though you are dreading it, I know you'll do awesome!:happy:

    I'm waiting to run tonight until a couple hours after dinner. It is way too hot right now and I know I would have issues with my athsma if I bucked up and went out there.

    Hope everyone has a good night!:smile:
  • Tiddle
    Tiddle Posts: 762 Member
    Hey guys, I havent been around in a while... it's been pretty busy over here and I havent had much computer time.

    But I have been working out!! Just today I hit 300 miles that I've run so far this year!! Only 200 more and I reach my goal! woohoo! :smile: