Why wont you open your diary?



  • Asil02
    Asil02 Posts: 261
    Mine is open to my friends on MFP. I really don't care what anyone has to say about what I eat in a day. Some days I am low on my calories. Some days I am over. I think in the end it will all wash out. If one of my friends wants to comment on what I log in my diary, they are welcome to. People can say what they want, it is up to me as to how I can and will let it affect me...or not.
  • hallie_b
    hallie_b Posts: 181
    Mine is open only to friends because there are too many people on this site who think they are experts at nutrition just because they found a lifestyle that works for them to get and stay in shape with. It's one thing to be judgemental but, they are often cruel about how they address their "concern".
    I really don't want and internet intervention for my supposed anorexia because 1 day out of 10 I was not able to eat lunch with my busy/backwards schedule, trust me my fat *kitten* made up for it the next day.
  • Devolucien
    Devolucien Posts: 55 Member
    Mine is %100 open. I need people to see (if they care to check up on it) what I am eating and make appropriate commentary. I don't expect everyone to be comfortable doing this but for me, keeping it open is a way of forcing myself to be accountable. Also, given that I was diagnosed with an eating disorder that I have had since I was 8 years old, keeping it open forces me to be OK with eating and letting people see what I am eating. It forces me to come out of eating in private and keeping food a secret guilty thing.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Mine is not open, because it is for ME. I am taking responsibility for my calories each day. I certainly don't think anyone else's opinion will make me change. I have to do that myself. Besides, I have seen comments about different diaries that are open. There are times when people will comment (Great diary! Looks fantastic!, etc.) and when I look at their diary, it is not completed for all the days, has gaps in some days, is way under 1200calories, contains a lot of high calorie junk food, etc. Why is it helpful to blow sunshine? Makes me wary of any comments I may receive. But, this is only my opinion. :ohwell:
  • Leslie85
    Leslie85 Posts: 265 Member
    I agree with a lot of the comments on here. I don't open mine because there are days here and there I might eat something that someone else considers "bad." Unfortunately there are way too many rude people on this site and I just won't want to deal with them!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    My diary is friends only, because I don't think it is anyone's business what I eat, and I have no interest in random strangers commenting on it.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Mine is closed simply because it's a personal choice. Trust me, it shows the good and the bad. I used to never log the bad stuff or slip ups, but now I do. I still prefer it to be for my eyes only though.

  • ready2tryagain42
    Mine is only open to friends. I need to be held accountable so that is why it was open. When I used MFP last year, I had it closed because people were judgemental and harse in their criticisms of what I ate. This time around has been better.