Food you thought you hated, but now Love



  • moskinnny
    moskinnny Posts: 118
    Artichokes - never liked them as a kid, but tasted them one day and fell in love

    Clam Chowder - always like the smell but was convinced all the chucks were clams so all I would do was sop up the broth with bread. Come to find out it was mostly potatoes.

    Chinese food - didnt even like the smell when I was younger, now I have to force myself to stay away. Unless I make stir fry at home.
  • Sharmender
    Sharmender Posts: 133 Member
    Peanut butter
    Greek yoghurt
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 542 Member
    Cottage Cheese.

    OOOhhh. And Jalepenos. :)
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    Sprouted bread, quinoa, spinach, plain greek yogurt, & almond milk.
  • weightloss12345678
    weightloss12345678 Posts: 377 Member
    Kashi Go Lean cereal
  • olee67
    olee67 Posts: 208 Member
    Asparagus, A: it has to be fresh, and, B: I only make it one way. Sauted with a tablespoon of olive oil and teaspoon of garlic to finish.
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    brussels sprouts, spinach, beans (it was a texture thing), blue cheese
  • travellernikki
    travellernikki Posts: 31 Member
    Green tea
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Spinach, eggplant and lima beans. I eat spinach pretty much every day!
  • Feed_the_Bears
    Feed_the_Bears Posts: 275 Member
    Lol. You mentioned prunes and it made think of this Polish treat I like. You'll never believe it: Chocolate covered prunes! That's right.

    But anyhoo, avacado used to be gross to me. Fats in general make me scared but now I love healthy fats more than anything (not until after I lost my gall bladder unfortunately). I like sashimi now as well. The only thing I'm trying to work up the courage for is ocra. That stuff is so slimy but I know it's really good for you.
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,249 Member
    Brussel Sprouts
    Cottage Cheese
  • pokeelyy
    pokeelyy Posts: 34 Member
    OMG. MUSHROOMS. I used to just cringe at the though of eating them, but now, I LOVE them raw :)
  • Kia148
    Kia148 Posts: 192 Member
  • cherrybomb_77
    cherrybomb_77 Posts: 411 Member
    Pretty much all the fruits and vegetables I grew up eating were canned. Until I became an adult and started cooking for myself, I just thought I didn't like fruits and veggies. Then I started eating them fresh, and WOW. Huge difference. I mean honestly, is there anything more disgusting than canned asparagus? But fresh asparagus is one of my favorites.
  • GCanha
    GCanha Posts: 66 Member
    Spinach! Now I have it at least 5 times a week!
  • PHATmommy68
    PHATmommy68 Posts: 112
  • PHATmommy68
    PHATmommy68 Posts: 112
    Kashi Go Lean cereal

    Here, here .... EXCEPT when the Flax softens~~then it tastes gross! Kinda slimy!
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    Brussels Sprouts - Hated them as a kid! But now, roasted in the oven at 370 degrees for 45 minutes with kosher salt and ground pepper... YUM!
    Yep! My mother used to boil them (or something.. they were little balls of mushy nastiness) and then practically force-feed us. I tried them as an adult and now they're one of my favourites! Roasted or sauteed with lots of salt & pepper, some olive oil, and garlic!

    Also, butternut squash. Another one of mom's favourites that I always thought tasted like baby food... until I tried it at my grandmother's once. (I dunno though-- her house seems to be inside some kind of forcefield that makes absolutely everything taste good, so who knows?)
  • Venturin
    Venturin Posts: 244 Member
    SO many fun responses!

    I like how virtually no-one likes liver! Ha, yea that ones pretty gross
  • rosewatershay
    rosewatershay Posts: 39 Member
    Beans - Now I can eat them without stuffing them behind furniture; except for peas :-)
    Fish - Only really eat fried fillet catfish; After going to the hospital with fish bones stuck in your throat 3 times when you were little................
    Cabbage - Can't get enough now
    Mango - Just started eating them