Fat Acceptance



  • Gt3ch
    Gt3ch Posts: 212 Member
    Everyone, please step back and repeat after me.

    Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy.

    Continue repeating until you get it through your head.

    Unfortunately that's a total crock. The truth is some people handle extra weight better than others... until they don't. I've met many older people who are healthy and have their wits. NONE of them were overweight for even part of their lives. I've also spent much time around units that care for people with Alzheimers and dementia. Very few of the patients were slender in their earlier adult lives.

    There's a TREMENDOUS difference between being healthy and just not having a diagnosis of an acute disease at this very moment. It goes beyond risk factors. It also has to do with whether you're functioning at the lower or upper end of normal as well as whether your functioning is declining.

    Now there are people, who because of biological issues, have a much harder time controlling their urges and weight. They shouldn't be demonized. But it's absolutely absurd to call them healthy because some of them are not on lots of medication or in need of medical procedures at this very moment.

    Wrong both my great great grandmothers were larger lady's during their adult life, (not very morbidly obese but deffenitly obese to todays standers) any who they both were very physically active there entire lives, the one lived to be almost 90 and my other great grandmother is 89 and going strong, she has bet cancer three times, she has over come three heart attacks, and she still insists on doing the disheous,

    now my grandmother who died in her 50's was very lean,

    the only thing that happened to my great grandparents weight is it naturally dropped off when they got up there in age, and from what I heard it's good to have extra weight to loss when you have a disease,

    You're arguing against yourself. Your great grandmother had cancer 3 times and three heart attacks. Those problems were absolutely caused, at least in large part, to her weight, diet and lifestyle.

    You're also missing my larger point that heath isn't binary. It simply isn't the case that either you have a severe, acute, diagnosed disease or you are fine and operating at 100% health. People can "get by" and "seem ok," at least from a distance, with a number of limitations, problems, and ticking time bombs. But that's simply not "good health." If you have some need to set very low standards for health that's up to you. I just can't agree or support that.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    [If you come to Denmark they just make unhealthy food crazily expensive instead...]

    It's not just expense, it's the ease. I find it pretty easy to eat healthily when I'm in new york... bodegas and convenience stores and mini delis and fresh fruit on every corner. easier than a drive thru and mcdonalds.

    [We need to do this in the U.S. We wouldn't need "Obama Care" if we took care of ourselves.]

    ummm no hon,, we need 'obamacare' and it's not really a weight issue- it's more and issue of health care being tied to employment- as if only 'productive' people should benefit by cheaper health care.
  • Gt3ch
    Gt3ch Posts: 212 Member
    whe you get old enough you will have medical problem, you can't live for ever, and all those she got when she was in her 80's, but I have doezens of people in my family who were very lean that died young of cancer and have had heart attacks young in life

    That's half true. Yes everyone dies & it’s absolutely true that looking after your health isn't a 100% guarantee of never having a health problem. But it does give you the best fighting chance possible at a higher quality of life, fewer and less severe diseases, and greater resiliency at overcoming diseases and injuries.

    It simply isn't the case that EVERY person should expect to be riddled with health problems and dementia from middle age into their senior years. That ISN'T NORMAL, HEALTHY AGING!
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    Gotta love all them high horses... :smokin:

    Live and let live!

    how's this for a pony?
    ever been on a plane with someone's fat rolls rolling onto and over your arm rest and had a big fat ,hairy, sweating thigh pressed into your space? I try sucking in my shoulders but that doesn't work...but I believe in dressing up just a bit for plane rides...slacks and a decent shirt usually... although I HAVE flown in shorts.
    The James Bond theme applies here- Live and Let Die.

    and yes I know heavy people MUST fly ... emergency deaths in family.... I'm talking pleasure/vacation here... the flight from Aruba next to someone with flippers is difficult, especially if some sunburn is involved.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member

    here's the thing not all people who have access body fat are out of shape when I was in my early 20's I was about 220, I am 5'8 and I was doing palaties every day, riding my bike up hill for hours, I also unloaded truck by hand and out worked most of the guy's I worked with, then went and weight lifted at the gym, I was very inshape for and not just for an overweight person, PLUS I eat healthy foods, water, milk, mineral water (nothing eles) home made ffod like chicken, fish, oat meal, eggs, salad every day with the vinigeret dressing, and five fruits a day, not servings but whole fruits, I had no medical problems, and could run a mile streight threw in about 12 min, which my skinny sister could baarly walk up the stairs with out huffing, I could run up them.

    The only thing the doctars could say was unhealthy about me was that my weight reflicted a weight they said was to high, other then that I was healthy as a horse

    You were in your early 20s and, in all frankness, a 12-minute mile is not really all that fast for a young, truly fit person. See what the doctors say when you're 35 if nothing has changed. 220 pounds is lot of pressure to put on your joints, among the many other metabolic changes that being obese causes to the body over time.

    For every one I knew it was a good time spesh sense I just started getting into running, and the toehr thing is I have a LOT of muscle mass, at around 200 I am a "normal size" but the point is I was healthy, I was eating healthy and working out like crazy, my sister who is very lean but eats like crap and does not work out is haveing all sorts of meadical problems know, sooooo I think your logic is wrong, its not just the weight that matters, its the way people treat there body's, and while being drastically over weight, like were you can't walk up stairs is bad jut have some extra fat there is no medical evedence that that is harmful,
    Yes there is. I already cited it and a nice lady a few post up cited a whole bunch of sources.

    every body is deffernt, for instance I am now 250 and I do not have a fatty liver, or any other medical problem another person my size would have, and I know cause I have had all the test done and mri and blah blah blah

    So those test can not speak for every one until they study every body seperatly

    Yet...just give it time...long term health effects not short....also people are 99.9% genetically identical.
  • Aleara2012
    Aleara2012 Posts: 225 Member
    Gotta love all them high horses... :smokin:

    Live and let live!

    how's this for a pony?
    ever been on a plane with someone's fat rolls rolling onto and over your arm rest and had a big fat ,hairy, sweating thigh pressed into your space? I try sucking in my shoulders but that doesn't work...but I believe in dressing up just a bit for plane rides...slacks and a decent shirt usually... although I HAVE flown in shorts.
    The James Bond theme applies here- Live and Let Die.

    and yes I know heavy people MUST fly ... emergency deaths in family.... I'm talking pleasure/vacation here... the flight from Aruba next to someone with flippers is difficult, especially if some sunburn is involved.

    I've travelled next to equally unpleasant slim people.
  • comogirl
    comogirl Posts: 154 Member


    No matter what the FA people say, most obese people are not healthy, certainly not long term, and there are many obesity-associated medical conditions that are expensive to treat, for example, Tyoe 2 Diabetes, that insurance alone (if you have insurance) will never completely cover. We all end up paying. Most obesity is preventable.

    People's genes have not changed in the 30, 40 years. Their habits of consumption and levels of activity have. I'm not saying i't's all their fault; there are many conditions that come into play, for example, the lowered cost of food that has led to overeating. Still, the individual has to play his or her role and "acceptance" is not the answer.
    I wont get into my political beliefs but, there is a large population of people who are not obese that have diabetes, there is a large population of overweight people with insurance, and there is a large population of people with expensive health conditions that are not obese that we end up paying for.....

    --It is true that not everyone who has Type II Diabetes is overweight, but most are. They don't call it "Diabesity Syndrome" for nothing.

    --Even people with insurance are subsidized by the state. Hospitals, medical treatments, insurance does not pay for everything.

    --Everyone who ages gets ill, but it does make a moral difference if you are ill from a preventable condition about which you were fully informed for decades. Some people think that people should be able to do what they want, but if they make bad choices they should be required to pay for them. If people don't get control of themselves, that one day may be our system.
    So then by your standards everyone who partakes in risky behaviors should be persecuted?! Should people who ride motorcycles not be accepted? They know that is a risky behavior and a wreck (I am a nurse and have seen it happen) could lead to a life time of care on tax payer dollars. Should we not accept them because their life style is risky?
  • delco714
    delco714 Posts: 229
    lol.. god you're ignorant.. no she isn't joking.. let's just factor in two heath care problems that individuals have the most control over... type II diabetes mellitus and sexually transmitted infections.

    The cost has risen since then (2007), but, overall, diabetes costs the heath care system in the US over $215 BILLION annually, the vast majority of which is attributed to type II.

    STIs costs the system $17 BILLION last year.

    Each year, both keep increasing... these are just two prime examples of how the individual influences heath care costs. Cancers, auto-immune disorders and the likeness of which patients have no control is one thing.. but what you put in your mouth, who you have sex with, and how often you get off your @$$ is up to you.


    We need to do this in the U.S. We wouldn't need "Obama Care" if we took care of ourselves.

    OMG are you joking? We need "Obama Care" because our health care industry is corrupt and dysfunctional. It has nothing to do with people taking care of themselves.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member


    No matter what the FA people say, most obese people are not healthy, certainly not long term, and there are many obesity-associated medical conditions that are expensive to treat, for example, Tyoe 2 Diabetes, that insurance alone (if you have insurance) will never completely cover. We all end up paying. Most obesity is preventable.

    People's genes have not changed in the 30, 40 years. Their habits of consumption and levels of activity have. I'm not saying i't's all their fault; there are many conditions that come into play, for example, the lowered cost of food that has led to overeating. Still, the individual has to play his or her role and "acceptance" is not the answer.
    I wont get into my political beliefs but, there is a large population of people who are not obese that have diabetes, there is a large population of overweight people with insurance, and there is a large population of people with expensive health conditions that are not obese that we end up paying for.....

    --It is true that not everyone who has Type II Diabetes is overweight, but most are. They don't call it "Diabesity Syndrome" for nothing.

    --Even people with insurance are subsidized by the state. Hospitals, medical treatments, insurance does not pay for everything.

    --Everyone who ages gets ill, but it does make a moral difference if you are ill from a preventable condition about which you were fully informed for decades. Some people think that people should be able to do what they want, but if they make bad choices they should be required to pay for them. If people don't get control of themselves, that one day may be our system.
    So then by your standards everyone who partakes in risky behaviors should be persecuted?! Should people who ride motorcycles not be accepted? They know that is a risky behavior and a wreck (I am a nurse and have seen it happen) could lead to a life time of care on tax payer dollars. Should we not accept them because their life style is risky?

    You are required to have motorcycle insurance...your not required to have obesity insurance.
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member


    No matter what the FA people say, most obese people are not healthy, certainly not long term, and there are many obesity-associated medical conditions that are expensive to treat, for example, Tyoe 2 Diabetes, that insurance alone (if you have insurance) will never completely cover. We all end up paying. Most obesity is preventable.

    People's genes have not changed in the 30, 40 years. Their habits of consumption and levels of activity have. I'm not saying i't's all their fault; there are many conditions that come into play, for example, the lowered cost of food that has led to overeating. Still, the individual has to play his or her role and "acceptance" is not the answer.
    I wont get into my political beliefs but, there is a large population of people who are not obese that have diabetes, there is a large population of overweight people with insurance, and there is a large population of people with expensive health conditions that are not obese that we end up paying for.....

    --It is true that not everyone who has Type II Diabetes is overweight, but most are. They don't call it "Diabesity Syndrome" for nothing.

    --Even people with insurance are subsidized by the state. Hospitals, medical treatments, insurance does not pay for everything.

    --Everyone who ages gets ill, but it does make a moral difference if you are ill from a preventable condition about which you were fully informed for decades. Some people think that people should be able to do what they want, but if they make bad choices they should be required to pay for them. If people don't get control of themselves, that one day may be our system.
    So then by your standards everyone who partakes in risky behaviors should be persecuted?! Should people who ride motorcycles not be accepted? They know that is a risky behavior and a wreck (I am a nurse and have seen it happen) could lead to a life time of care on tax payer dollars. Should we not accept them because their life style is risky?

    There is a giant leap from PERSECUTED to ACCEPTED and ENABLED.

    I haven't read one post that encourages persecuting fat people or being rude in ANY way.

    Edit to say: One of the reasons I am losing weight (I weigh 230) is because I don't want my kids to think being fat is normal or ok. I want them to grow up thinking a healthy, active lifestyle is how it's supposed to be.
  • comogirl
    comogirl Posts: 154 Member


    No matter what the FA people say, most obese people are not healthy, certainly not long term, and there are many obesity-associated medical conditions that are expensive to treat, for example, Tyoe 2 Diabetes, that insurance alone (if you have insurance) will never completely cover. We all end up paying. Most obesity is preventable.

    People's genes have not changed in the 30, 40 years. Their habits of consumption and levels of activity have. I'm not saying i't's all their fault; there are many conditions that come into play, for example, the lowered cost of food that has led to overeating. Still, the individual has to play his or her role and "acceptance" is not the answer.
    I wont get into my political beliefs but, there is a large population of people who are not obese that have diabetes, there is a large population of overweight people with insurance, and there is a large population of people with expensive health conditions that are not obese that we end up paying for.....

    --It is true that not everyone who has Type II Diabetes is overweight, but most are. They don't call it "Diabesity Syndrome" for nothing.

    --Even people with insurance are subsidized by the state. Hospitals, medical treatments, insurance does not pay for everything.

    --Everyone who ages gets ill, but it does make a moral difference if you are ill from a preventable condition about which you were fully informed for decades. Some people think that people should be able to do what they want, but if they make bad choices they should be required to pay for them. If people don't get control of themselves, that one day may be our system.
    So then by your standards everyone who partakes in risky behaviors should be persecuted?! Should people who ride motorcycles not be accepted? They know that is a risky behavior and a wreck (I am a nurse and have seen it happen) could lead to a life time of care on tax payer dollars. Should we not accept them because their life style is risky?

    There is a giant leap from PERSECUTED to ACCEPTED and ENABLED.

    I haven't read one post that encourages persecuting fat people or being rude in ANY way.

    Edit to say: One of the reasons I am losing weight (I weigh 230) is because I don't want my kids to think being fat is normal or ok. I want them to grow up thinking a healthy, active lifestyle is how it's supposed to be.
    I must have missed the part about Fat Acceptance where you were asked to enable people to be fat. Is there a clause that requires you to buy a fat person a cheeseburger? How is fat acceptance enabling?
  • comogirl
    comogirl Posts: 154 Member


    No matter what the FA people say, most obese people are not healthy, certainly not long term, and there are many obesity-associated medical conditions that are expensive to treat, for example, Tyoe 2 Diabetes, that insurance alone (if you have insurance) will never completely cover. We all end up paying. Most obesity is preventable.

    People's genes have not changed in the 30, 40 years. Their habits of consumption and levels of activity have. I'm not saying i't's all their fault; there are many conditions that come into play, for example, the lowered cost of food that has led to overeating. Still, the individual has to play his or her role and "acceptance" is not the answer.
    I wont get into my political beliefs but, there is a large population of people who are not obese that have diabetes, there is a large population of overweight people with insurance, and there is a large population of people with expensive health conditions that are not obese that we end up paying for.....

    --It is true that not everyone who has Type II Diabetes is overweight, but most are. They don't call it "Diabesity Syndrome" for nothing.

    --Even people with insurance are subsidized by the state. Hospitals, medical treatments, insurance does not pay for everything.

    --Everyone who ages gets ill, but it does make a moral difference if you are ill from a preventable condition about which you were fully informed for decades. Some people think that people should be able to do what they want, but if they make bad choices they should be required to pay for them. If people don't get control of themselves, that one day may be our system.
    So then by your standards everyone who partakes in risky behaviors should be persecuted?! Should people who ride motorcycles not be accepted? They know that is a risky behavior and a wreck (I am a nurse and have seen it happen) could lead to a life time of care on tax payer dollars. Should we not accept them because their life style is risky?

    You are required to have motorcycle insurance...your not required to have obesity insurance.
    And motorcycle insurance rarely covers long term health care costs.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member


    No matter what the FA people say, most obese people are not healthy, certainly not long term, and there are many obesity-associated medical conditions that are expensive to treat, for example, Tyoe 2 Diabetes, that insurance alone (if you have insurance) will never completely cover. We all end up paying. Most obesity is preventable.

    People's genes have not changed in the 30, 40 years. Their habits of consumption and levels of activity have. I'm not saying i't's all their fault; there are many conditions that come into play, for example, the lowered cost of food that has led to overeating. Still, the individual has to play his or her role and "acceptance" is not the answer.
    I wont get into my political beliefs but, there is a large population of people who are not obese that have diabetes, there is a large population of overweight people with insurance, and there is a large population of people with expensive health conditions that are not obese that we end up paying for.....

    --It is true that not everyone who has Type II Diabetes is overweight, but most are. They don't call it "Diabesity Syndrome" for nothing.

    --Even people with insurance are subsidized by the state. Hospitals, medical treatments, insurance does not pay for everything.

    --Everyone who ages gets ill, but it does make a moral difference if you are ill from a preventable condition about which you were fully informed for decades. Some people think that people should be able to do what they want, but if they make bad choices they should be required to pay for them. If people don't get control of themselves, that one day may be our system.
    So then by your standards everyone who partakes in risky behaviors should be persecuted?! Should people who ride motorcycles not be accepted? They know that is a risky behavior and a wreck (I am a nurse and have seen it happen) could lead to a life time of care on tax payer dollars. Should we not accept them because their life style is risky?

    You are required to have motorcycle insurance...your not required to have obesity insurance.
    And motorcycle insurance rarely covers long term health care costs.

    It does for me? *shrug*
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member


    No matter what the FA people say, most obese people are not healthy, certainly not long term, and there are many obesity-associated medical conditions that are expensive to treat, for example, Tyoe 2 Diabetes, that insurance alone (if you have insurance) will never completely cover. We all end up paying. Most obesity is preventable.

    People's genes have not changed in the 30, 40 years. Their habits of consumption and levels of activity have. I'm not saying i't's all their fault; there are many conditions that come into play, for example, the lowered cost of food that has led to overeating. Still, the individual has to play his or her role and "acceptance" is not the answer.
    I wont get into my political beliefs but, there is a large population of people who are not obese that have diabetes, there is a large population of overweight people with insurance, and there is a large population of people with expensive health conditions that are not obese that we end up paying for.....

    --It is true that not everyone who has Type II Diabetes is overweight, but most are. They don't call it "Diabesity Syndrome" for nothing.

    --Even people with insurance are subsidized by the state. Hospitals, medical treatments, insurance does not pay for everything.

    --Everyone who ages gets ill, but it does make a moral difference if you are ill from a preventable condition about which you were fully informed for decades. Some people think that people should be able to do what they want, but if they make bad choices they should be required to pay for them. If people don't get control of themselves, that one day may be our system.
    So then by your standards everyone who partakes in risky behaviors should be persecuted?! Should people who ride motorcycles not be accepted? They know that is a risky behavior and a wreck (I am a nurse and have seen it happen) could lead to a life time of care on tax payer dollars. Should we not accept them because their life style is risky?

    There is a giant leap from PERSECUTED to ACCEPTED and ENABLED.

    I haven't read one post that encourages persecuting fat people or being rude in ANY way.

    Edit to say: One of the reasons I am losing weight (I weigh 230) is because I don't want my kids to think being fat is normal or ok. I want them to grow up thinking a healthy, active lifestyle is how it's supposed to be.
    I must have missed the part about Fat Acceptance where you were asked to enable people to be fat. Is there a clause that requires you to buy a fat person a cheeseburger? How is fat acceptance enabling?

    Larger seats everywhere? Demanding that a business be able to accomodate someone who weights 300+ pounds or that insurers must offer them insurance? Wanting to become a protected class? That is enabling.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    i know many very obese women and i look at them for who they are, not what they appear to be. if more people just minded their own business, then we could have a world worth living a long life in.
  • delco714
    delco714 Posts: 229
    easy for you to say since you don't have to take care of patients like this day in and day out.
    i know many very obese women and i look at them for who they are, not what they appear to be. if more people just minded their own business, then we could have a world worth living a long life in.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    easy for you to say since you don't have to take care of patients like this day in and day out.
    i know many very obese women and i look at them for who they are, not what they appear to be. if more people just minded their own business, then we could have a world worth living a long life in.

  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    easy for you to say since you don't have to take care of patients like this day in and day out.
    i know many very obese women and i look at them for who they are, not what they appear to be. if more people just minded their own business, then we could have a world worth living a long life in.

    and with that attitude, i'm glad i keep my health my own business. thanks for "serving".
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    easy for you to say since you don't have to take care of patients like this day in and day out.
    i know many very obese women and i look at them for who they are, not what they appear to be. if more people just minded their own business, then we could have a world worth living a long life in.

    and with that attitude, i'm glad i keep my health my own business. thanks for "serving".

    *Bites tongue*

    ... You're WELCOME! :wink:
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    lol.. god you're ignorant.. no she isn't joking.. let's just factor in two heath care problems that individuals have the most control over... type II diabetes mellitus and sexually transmitted infections.

    The cost has risen since then (2007), but, overall, diabetes costs the heath care system in the US over $215 BILLION annually, the vast majority of which is attributed to type II.

    STIs costs the system $17 BILLION last year.

    Each year, both keep increasing... these are just two prime examples of how the individual influences heath care costs. Cancers, auto-immune disorders and the likeness of which patients have no control is one thing.. but what you put in your mouth, who you have sex with, and how often you get off your @$$ is up to you.


    We need to do this in the U.S. We wouldn't need "Obama Care" if we took care of ourselves.

    OMG are you joking? We need "Obama Care" because our health care industry is corrupt and dysfunctional. It has nothing to do with people taking care of themselves.
    here's a stretch on health care... I'm wondering if you've noticed the increase in car accidents recently and if there are any studies/statistics out there? It seems I'm seeing 3-4 wrecks per week... people are probably using more health care because of it..I'm guessing a lot of that is distracted drivers with phones and devices.....so I wonder how choosing to fiddle with gadgets while driving affects health care costs? like I said, it's a stretch...