Isn't annoying how people "judge" you based on your diet?



  • ThisisMiss
    ThisisMiss Posts: 187 Member
    Yeah, I understand completely. Don't worry, they are just jealous because they can't be bothered to care about their health as much as we do or actually put any effort or thought into what they do with their bodies.
  • stratusofkiser
    stratusofkiser Posts: 54 Member
    I had the same rant today! My step father (who is overweight himself and not trying to lose) was trying to tell me my "plan" wont work even though I have lost 20 pounds doing so! He told me to eat everything fried foods chips blah blah blah. It made me incredibly mad, so understand exactly where you are coming from. Just keep doing what your doing and prove him wrong! Thats what Im doing (after I told him to shove it where the sun dont shine:laugh: )
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    ~ We live in a society that relishes on other peoples choices ... it is unfortunate that one cannot just live by their own standards and let others make choices based on their own beliefs. When you choose to be healthy ... you should also choose to ignore ignorance. Most people who judge healthy eating habits or make fun of the fact that somebody wants to be fit and healthy are people who are missing a key factor in life : Happiness.

    Don't allow anybody to rain on your parade ... there is no better feeling than the feeling of greatness based on your body condition ! Wanna set dad straight ... challenge him to a fitness test ... but just be damn sure you know you can beat him ! Ha !

    My best advice to you is ... Never listen to the peanut gallery, listen to your body instead !

    Have a wonderful day and feel good about who you are ! :flowerforyou:
  • lucylAnneMason
    Don't worry about it, i come from a family where both of my parents are over weight, i'm only just overweight and don't want to be in the same situation as my parents so I decided to join this, I have 2 more pounds to go until I have an healthy BMI =)
    But my mum made a snide comment to me today and implied I was starving myself, with really hurt me, i'm just watching my food really well =)
    just carry on and ignore what people say =) xx
  • staceyo1211
    staceyo1211 Posts: 163
    Very annoying. That is why my diary is private. Too many people on here look at it and make comments like 'you should eat that its not healthy or you went over on sugar today you need to watch that". No one knows you and your life sometimes you eat things because you have to. I have low blood sugar so I have to have foods with sugar everytime I eat or I get dizzy later on and have passed out. I close my diary, I dont feel the need to explain this everytime someone makes a comment.
  • thekacers
    thekacers Posts: 68
    The last time a friend was giving me **** about counting calories and measuring my food, I told him "Well, I've lost 15 lbs, so it's working so far." I thought he'd be impressed, but his retort was, "What does it matter? It's not like it's going to stick." I could have strangled him. But I know, deep down, that he's just upset that I'm finally doing something to be healthier, while he's still not ready to do that for himself.
    People are always wanting to rain on someone's parade!

    I've had a few sceptical people try to rain on my MFP parade recently, they were all easily silenced by 1 small comment

    'I've lost a stone (14lb) so far'

    Nothing shuts people up faster than proving what your doing works, good luck on your journey and ignore the critics
  • Xx_mandown_scotty_xX
    yh its like that in my family too, but its my grandad as hes always telling me i hardly eat anyfin, and that im gunna pass out 1 day, but i always think to myself that, the people that judge u and make fun of what ur doing, r just jealous cuz u do it better than they ever cud, so just keep doing wat ure doing, and ull get the benefits, nt the people hu judged u. =)
  • shaelataylor
    shaelataylor Posts: 224 Member
    when people tell me it doesnt work or it wont help, i just tell them how much weight ive lost and how many miles i can run. it normally shuts them up because its proof that everything im doing is working.
  • 12goingon17
    Yeah, I know how you feel. :/ lots of people tell me I don't need to lose weight, which I don't understand because it's quite obvious I do. Then people call me "anorexic" when I don't eat at parties. It's quite annoying.
  • Tristis
    Tristis Posts: 288 Member
    I totally of my good friends, we've been friends for nearly 20 years, asked me how small I wanted to get. I said I've love to be a size 6. I've been heavy my whole life; so, I realize she has never seen me that small. She wrinkled her nose at me said I would look horrible that small! At the time, I was giving her my pants which no longer fit, so, I guess she may have been a bit jealous. Don't know...but it did hurt my feelings. It will not derail me, though...if anything, it will fuel my will power to achieve my goals! :)
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    Don't let them get to you :)


    ^THIS. lol
  • luke1437
    luke1437 Posts: 8
    I have to track this. I realized by tracking that I eat WAYYYYYY too much sugar every day. That is how I went from 190 to 210. YIKES. Hang in there. Luke
  • desert_rhino
    desert_rhino Posts: 104 Member
    Yep. All of the above. But then I show them how EASY it is with the droid app, and how much weight I've already lost... So far, it has shut them up every time. Of course, I owe my consistent loss and positive attitude to those around me, including here, who offer real caring and support.

    As for "it won't stick!" Well, you just need to show them you CAN make it stick. Set your "oh crap, I have let myself fall off the wagon" weight/fitness level VERY close to your optimum, and EVERY time you see it slide past that, FIX IT. It should become easier and easier as time goes on. Pretty soon, it should just not be an issue any more.

    I? plan to keep close tabs on my calories forever. It's just too easy to do, to throw away that important metric that tells me that I need to get to the gym or out on a long walk or run. That way, I can enjoy the "excesses" that I enjoy, and still keep my "books" straight. :)

    Haters gonna hate. Don't sweat it.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    I always see someone's "diet" as a work in progress. No judging here.
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    Crab mentality
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Crab mentality, sometimes referred to as crabs in the bucket, describes a way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you." The metaphor refers to a pot of crabs. Individually, the crabs could easily escape from the pot, but instead, they grab at each other in a useless "king of the hill" competition (or sabotage) which prevents any from escaping and ensures their collective demise.[1][2] The analogy in human behavior is that of a group that will attempt to "pull down" (negate or diminish the importance of) any member who achieves success beyond the others, out of envy,[3] conspiracy or competitive feelings.
    This term is broadly associated with short-sighted, non-constructive thinking rather than a unified, long-term, constructive mentality.
  • microburst20
    microburst20 Posts: 130
    I've had a few sceptical people try to rain on my MFP parade recently, they were all easily silenced by 1 small comment

    'I've lost a stone (14lb) so far'

    Nothing shuts people up faster than proving what your doing works, good luck on your journey and ignore the critics

    now I know what a stone is 14lbs. I have wondered. Thanks
  • jmax68
    jmax68 Posts: 11
    He probably doesn't mean any harm by it. Sometimes us parents can say things not realizing that maybe we should activate another brain cell or two before we speak. We don't realize how we are really making our loved one feel. But honestly ignore it and do what you have to do. All great things have been accomplished despite criticism and lack of support. I think this applies to creating a new and improved us as well. Maybe he is just a little jealous ;) Good luck and keep up the AWWWESOOOME work!
  • smartandtrim
    smartandtrim Posts: 123 Member
    Don't feel bad, I went out to dinner with a friend I haven't seen in about a year. I told her I was counting calories, she rolled her eyes and said "oh Lord, that won't help ya" then she laughed at me.

    I've heard that same type of reaction, but calorie counting is the only way I've ever had success.

    Exactly... weight loss is math.
  • desert_rhino
    desert_rhino Posts: 104 Member
    Exactly... weight loss is math.

    Yep, but Barbie says math is tough. I disagree, of course. :) "Math class is tough!"
  • RenjisGurl
    RenjisGurl Posts: 12 Member
    Some of my 'friends' tried to actually pressure me into eating more!!! It was unbelievable! 27 pounds later and a few of them have asked me what i've been doing, even though I told them what I was doing when I started. So, my advice is to just ignore them. Just keep going with the motivation that one day, you'll prove everyone wrong. That you CAN do it. :)