Isn't annoying how people "judge" you based on your diet?



  • monalissanne
    monalissanne Posts: 159 Member
    People are dumb. I have a relative who complains bout how she's gained weight, but when she sees me logging my food at work(we work together) she says 'i'm not so fat that i need to count calories, that doesn't work, i'll just exercise'. Annoying!

    People who say that doesn't work are probably making half *kitten* efforts and not really measuring properly because they think they can eyeball everything and have no idea how skewed their idea of a portion size is. If you are being consistent, accurate and honest with yourself, it's the only thing that will work in the long term without eliminating important food groups. It's simple math!

    And to the OP, I'm sorry to hear that. Stories like yours and others I see on here make me thankful that for the most part everyone is really supportive of what I am doing. I just go about my business measuring stuff, and I try not to talk about it unless someone asks me something. I don't want people to think that's the only thing I'm about, and I also want to serve as the example that it's not that big of a deal. The time and effort it takes to measure and log becomes second nature and easier over time. My concern is that when people talk to me about it at work, the other people listening think I am fishing for compliments. That's why I try not to say anything unless someone asks.
  • Leimaro
    Leimaro Posts: 148 Member
    It's amazing how friends and family can be the most critical, unsupportive and sometimes hurtful when losing weight.
  • harrietlg
    harrietlg Posts: 239
    I have the opposite, my parents criticise everything I eat, they go mad if i get some chips after a night out! I don't think they realise you don't have to cut everything out completely. My dad for one should know! my mum put him on a diet once and he would go to sainsburys for lunch everyday because he didn't want to get stuck eating my mums salads ! my mum used to give me 150 cal salads for lunch and that was all i was allowed! no wonder I got fat at uni haha
    I suppose at least i've learnt how to eat moderately now and make better choices when I go out now! I guess i'm lucky for the support I have in my friends and my friends on here too
  • sasssurf
    sasssurf Posts: 58 Member
    A very good point. Sadly people are so judgemental sometimes. Let's all keep it up. This site obviously works as so many are succeeding. Dancing -ballet. Jazz. Modern- Horton technique. Most of my life. I never thought about my weight. 10 + I stopped and now I am bigger that I like. Clinical depression ...... I will be happy to befriend folk who don't judge what it takes to rise up. :)
  • womanathewell
    womanathewell Posts: 26 Member
    YES,it really bugs me!!I really think people who think its funny will one day wished they ate healthier.