Closed Diary's



  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    My diary's open, but I can understand why some people wouldn't.

    Even if people ARE using this website for support, you commenting on their food choices may not be the type of support they are looking for or need. I delete people who make rude comments about my food choices - though it has only happened rarely. What I eat is my business and the tools on this website are to help me. While I love having friends who I can talk to about things and be supportive, I don't enjoy anyone going through my food diary with a fine tooth comb to decide if I what I ate is deserving of a "good job". The reason I do leave it open is because I'm not embarrassed about my food choices even on bad days (because hey, we all have them) and secondly, sometimes people do have encouraging things to say or advice to give that isn't rude based on what I do eat.

    But that was my decision to keep it open and no one needs to.
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    Mine is closed because like my paycheck doesn't pay your bills, my diary will not help your weightloss.

    When I am accountable to my team or friends for a challenge, I give them my password.

    That is why it is an option:flowerforyou:

    This is true. When people have their diary open its because it helps them, not because it helps their friends. The diary being open will help some people and hurt other people.
  • IrishHarpy1
    IrishHarpy1 Posts: 399 Member
    Because it's no one's business but my own, that's why. This may seem like a childish response, but quite honestly if I want someone's opinion I'll ask for it -- and I haven't the slightest care in the world what my MFP friends are/aren't eating. They're all adults as well, and since I'm no nutritionist I have NO right to tell them what they're eating is "bad" or "wrong" or if they could use "a little less sodium and fat." And if someone is going to de-friend me because I choose to keep my diary closed, then that's someone I don't want as a virtual friend anyway. Should I de-friend people because they don't work out over two hours a day EVERY day like I do? Would YOU like that kind of commentary? Or is it just the food you're interested in?

    Oh, and those days when someone has 1/2 a bag of Cheetos and a Diet Coke and nothing else? That was MY diary on Wednesday, August 31, 2011. For those of you with the need to be nosy, that was the day my 42-year old husband had a stroke, and I spent the entire day in the ER at his bedside praying that we'd be able to have a normal life again. Do you *really* think I needed someone all up in my face THAT day telling me what bad food choices I was making???
  • TnDMommy
    TnDMommy Posts: 15 Member
    I like to look at my friends' diaries, so I can get different ideas of what to eat. I respect the fact, that some are closed. If they need help then they will either ask, or open the diary.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Because some of us don't care what other people's opinion on what we eat are... I use the diary for my logging purposes to make sure I am hitting my macros and keeping track of my calories. I know what I should be eating and can keep myself accountable. Mine is open but I have had it closed in the past just for the fact that I don't particularly like people commenting on crap like my water intake (I don't log it), or unrelevant stuff like how I should just eat the Whites of eggs. It's not anybody's darn business what I choose to eat. :P
    This site is for logging and motivation/support. I can get and offer support and motivation without having to know what somebody is eating. Why would you need to look through my diary before offering support or encouragement? Looking to critique it? Thats not exactly the best kind of support..
    I rarely even look at the diaries of my friends because I'm here to offer support and encouragement when they need it not to offer suggestions on their diet unless they asked for it. =/

    Why is it so important for others to HAVE to see their friend's diaries? I don't understand that. Making comments on somebody's eating habits or knowing what they are eating is not the only form of support you can offer. If that was the only kind of friends I had on here, I certainly would never use this site again outside of logging.
  • babybluefire
    babybluefire Posts: 100 Member
    I've been put down my whole life about my eating habits, even when I was walking/jogging 15+ miles a day to work and working as a groom/exercise rider at one of my jobs. I needed calories then and was broke as all hell so I ate what I could get. I usually eat reasonably healthy. However my mother and others feel I eat like a hog because I am not yet stick thin and they think I need to seriously restrict my calories till I get there. This coming from my mother who was 5'11'' and 100 pounds.

    So yes I have personal issues letting people know how much and what I am eating, because everything feels like like crap.
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    Just deleted another person yesterday because they don't choose to open it up; my motto is if you want 100% motivation, provide me 100% of your diet/exercise. You get what you give...
  • perpetuallyfit
    perpetuallyfit Posts: 153 Member
    Is it just me? Do you wonder why people keep their diary's closed? I have had some just ignore me or some get pissed when I have asked them why?? Well why? I don't get why, we are here to support one another and people close out their diary and it says under calorie goal.... Why should anyone say good job if they cannot see it? Just wondering all, I find it frustrating.
    No you are not the only one to feel that way. I don't like commenting on anyone with closed diaries!
  • perpetuallyfit
    perpetuallyfit Posts: 153 Member
    Just deleted another person yesterday because they don't choose to open it up; my motto is if you want 100% motivation, provide me 100% of your diet/exercise. You get what you give...
  • hoppinfroggin22
    hoppinfroggin22 Posts: 165 Member
    Mine is closed! reason why some jacka** thought they were better than me and was making nasty to the ones that ask to see it I have it locked with a key and they have the key.. why because they are supportive! Not everyone on this site is supportive :(
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    Just deleted another person yesterday because they don't choose to open it up; my motto is if you want 100% motivation, provide me 100% of your diet/exercise. You get what you give...

  • perpetuallyfit
    perpetuallyfit Posts: 153 Member
    I've been put down my whole life about my eating habits, even when I was walking/jogging 15+ miles a day to work and working as a groom/exercise rider at one of my jobs. I needed calories then and was broke as all hell so I ate what I could get. I usually eat reasonably healthy. However my mother and others feel I eat like a hog because I am not yet stick thin and they think I need to seriously restrict my calories till I get there. This coming from my mother who was 5'11'' and 100 pounds.

    So yes I have personal issues letting people know how much and what I am eating, because everything feels like like crap.
  • hopeandlove91
    hopeandlove91 Posts: 40 Member
    I honestly don't understand why it bothers anyone. Everyone has different levels of privacy. I don't share my diary. I also would never put a picture of myself in a swimsuit on the internet. I'm not hiding anything. That's just me. I'm not going to NOT support someone because I can't go in and see everything they're eating. It's not really any of my business.

  • hoppinfroggin22
    hoppinfroggin22 Posts: 165 Member
    Because some of us don't care what other people's opinion on what we eat are... I use the diary for my logging purposes to make sure I am hitting my macros and keeping track of my calories. I know what I should be eating and can keep myself accountable. Mine is open but I have had it closed in the past just for the fact that I don't particularly like people commenting on crap like my water intake (I don't log it), or unrelevant stuff like how I should just eat the Whites of eggs. It's not anybody's darn business what I choose to eat. :P
    This site is for logging and motivation/support. I can get and offer support and motivation without having to know what somebody is eating. Why would you need to look through my diary before offering support or encouragement? Looking to critique it? Thats not exactly the best kind of support..
    I rarely even look at the diaries of my friends because I'm here to offer support and encouragement when they need it not to offer suggestions on their diet unless they asked for it. =/

    Why is it so important for others to HAVE to see their friend's diaries? I don't understand that. Making comments on somebody's eating habits or knowing what they are eating is not the only form of support you can offer. If that was the only kind of friends I had on here, I certainly would never use this site again outside of logging.

  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,226 Member
    Because they find many people completely judgmental about their diary, or they simply don't figure people need to know what they eat to be able to encourage them.
  • perpetuallyfit
    perpetuallyfit Posts: 153 Member
    Because some of us don't care what other people's opinion on what we eat are... I use the diary for my logging purposes to make sure I am hitting my macros and keeping track of my calories. I know what I should be eating and can keep myself accountable. Mine is open but I have had it closed in the past just for the fact that I don't particularly like people commenting on crap like my water intake (I don't log it), or unrelevant stuff like how I should just eat the Whites of eggs. It's not anybody's darn business what I choose to eat. :P
    This site is for logging and motivation/support. I can get and offer support and motivation without having to know what somebody is eating. Why would you need to look through my diary before offering support or encouragement? Looking to critique it? Thats not exactly the best kind of support..
    I rarely even look at the diaries of my friends because I'm here to offer support and encouragement when they need it not to offer suggestions on their diet unless they asked for it. =/
    Would you still offer your support knowing that person is starving himself/herself to death?? Or you would rather not know?

    Why is it so important for others to HAVE to see their friend's diaries? I don't understand that. Making comments on somebody's eating habits or knowing what they are eating is not the only form of support you can offer. If that was the only kind of friends I had on here, I certainly would never use this site again outside of logging.
    Would you still offer your support knowing that person is starving himself/herself to death?? Or you would rather not know?
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    Mine is closed! reason why some jacka** thought they were better than me and was making nasty to the ones that ask to see it I have it locked with a key and they have the key.. why because they are supportive! Not everyone on this site is supportive :(

    See, this is just wrong. I'm all for being supportive and honest. ANYONE who makes poor comments on your diary when it's open (honesty and being just plain mean are different) does NOT deserve to be on your friends list. I'm one of those that if you can't handle the cold hard truth about your diet, then you probably shouldn't add me as a friend. :-) No one is perfect and as long as everyone puts their goals and explains what they eat out in the open, I'm all about respecting that. It's the ones who post workouts, complain about it not working, but have closed diaries that you can't help them determine if it's their diet OR their workouts. You don't go to the doctor and provide 50% of your information in order to be diagnosed. Just doesn't work that way. This is strictly my opinion; to each their own. :smile:
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Lol, what? Why do you find that frustrating? Why does it matter???

    I don't get it.
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    None of your business. If they ask for advice, I can't help without an open diary, but other than that, who cares.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Mine is closed because its my own business. I bring in over 2000 calories a day and some people don't understand it and put me down for it.
    I've never been overweight ever. I've been skinny fat. A lot of people here cannot relate to me because there is no comfy little niche to put me in. I have nothing in common with the ED girls and nothing with the people that started out overweight, hence I have "different" eating habits. I've been called out for having a baked potato. F uck it, its closed.