Closed Diary's



  • Sockimobi
    Sockimobi Posts: 541
    If they keep it closed, I defriend them. I feel bad doing it, but I can't really be your "friend" if you are keeping that significant of a secret from me.

    :noway: :noway:
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I keep mine open to friends but not open to everyone because I have seen people get attacked for their opinions based on what is in their diaries, even if it is completely irrelevant to the thread. I get a lot of questions and commentary on what I eat in real life as it is.

    I don't care if my friends don't have their diaries open but won't offer support on the "under calories for the day" because I don't know what that means. I don't want to "good job" someone who ate 300 calories. I do like when my friends have diaries open because I find it interesting, but it doesn't hurt and bother me if they don't.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    OP: Your diary is closed. :smile:
  • SweetSammie
    SweetSammie Posts: 391 Member
    Mine is open to friends. I have had some offensive comments, but then I can delete the person. I eat relatively healthy, but if I want ice cream I have it. When I go out for Mexican food the sodium is atrocious.We eat out frequently, though not fast food and often local restaurants where most foods are homemade. I drink whole raw milk and use real butter, and I've been questioned on it. I also don't sweat it if I'm over by a few cals, and I find it interesting that no one congratulates you when you are a couple of calories off. I've considered closing it, but my supportive friends keep me from doing that.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    Sometimes mine is open and sometimes I close it depending on how rough a time I am having. It's none of anyone's business. If you are my mfp friend you probably understand the ups and downs of weightloss. The idea that you would defriend someone because they are choosing to go about their weightloss more privately is ridiculous. I am an adult and I am aware of how I got overweight, I highly doubt you picking on my eating is going to make it magically better. How about some support. I thought that's what we are here for.
  • sophiathedss
    sophiathedss Posts: 97 Member
    I didn't even know mine was private! lol I think I will keep it that way...unfortunately there are some really outrageously rude trolls on here, and since I beat myself up enough, I don't care to get it from them..I am sensitive!!!!! ;) for those that are so supportive, thanks!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • steinbok
    steinbok Posts: 82
    I think the ones that open up diaries are just that more ready to be accountable for what they eat, both bad and good.
    I don't nitpick every bad thing, just will sometimes mention the obvious, but that person usually beats me to it.... It's a nice balance. Now, that's support!
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    Leave me the hell alone.

    I do it just to make a**holes frustrated.
  • sarasmile144
    sarasmile144 Posts: 108 Member
    I don't comment on closed diaries that are under any more because as far as I know.. their diaries are completely blank.
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    Mine is closed but I never really thought about it. I hate how some people though are so negative. I am losing weight but I dont deprive myself of anything. I dont need someone to look at my food diary and comment about the 3 glasses of wine I had on girls night. I don't know if I wanted advise on my diary because I wasnt losing weight I would open it but I know to lose weight I need to eat around 1500 calories a day and work out so I figure it's my own business
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    um, diaries*

  • asia_hanebach
    asia_hanebach Posts: 275 Member
    I do most of my calorie counting in my head. I use mpf mostly to make sure that at the end of the day I haven't forgotten something I ate that morning. I usually only log the first half-ish of what I eat in a day, and I generally don't actually "complete my entry." I don't want people to be under the impression that that's all that I've had to eat, so I keep my diary private.
  • Adshill
    Adshill Posts: 130 Member
    Mine is closed for several reasons.

    - I feel that if it was open, I wouldn't be totally honest on a really bad day. I had really bad days both today and yesterday. I logged everything so that I could keep myself accountable and be able to look back at whatever time and realize why I didn't lose this week. If I knew people were seeing it, I probably wouldn't have put everything on there.
    -I make diet choices based on what works in my life. Not everyone is the same. I don't always stay within my macros and I don't always make the healthiest choices, but for me it is about making small, sustainable choices at a time. I don't want to be feeling good about staying under my fat and calorie intake and then have someone obnoxiously point out that I've gone over on sodium.
    -I saw an excellent post on here quite awhile back about the "organic rainbow lettuce brigade" or something or other basically pointing out how crazy the "clean eaters" can be around everyone else. I don't buy into clean eating and it's not something I feel I can sustain for a lifetime. I don't want those people making negative comments about my food choices because I sometimes eat processed foods. It works for me, and I don't want people making me feel bad about it.
    -It's a privacy thing. No one needs to know exactly what I put in my mouth 24/7. My IRL friends don't even know that.

    ^^^ this exactly ^^^
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    Because it's none of anybody's business what I eat. I don't need your approval to validate my weight loss.
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    Mine was closed for a little while because I had no idea that it was private. Once I realised I changed it.

    I imagine there are a lot of reasons someone might choose to keep their diary private so I won't extend a comment on what someone else is doing but I know that it helps me to keep mine public.

    1. I am working really hard to find a balance between the fat kid who ballooned up to 200lbs and the other part of me who has lost 22lbs - I am proud of my diary - the good, the bad and the ugly.

    2. I eat it - I own it. I know some people who stop logging once they go over - that simply doesn't work for me. I don't care if I am over by 25 calories or 2500 - if I eat something, I add it.

    3. By no means do I stalk other peoples entries but I do check them out when I feel like it. Lots of times I see things that I like and want to replicate in my own food choices and occasionally I see things I know I should shy away from. Almost all of my friends have theirs open and I have never seen anyone rip someone a new one over a bad choice. My group of friends is my portion of the greater community and we all hold eachother accountable but are supportive and respectful - and I wouldn't want it any other way.

    4. I feel that if I had my diary closed it would be easier for me to eat crap food because I know no one could see it. As long as I stayed under my calorie goal - no one would be the wiser. That doesn't fly with me! I am still learning how to be a healthy person and I don't need any opportunity for my inner fat kid to sneak in and take over.
  • cmthorsness
    cmthorsness Posts: 83 Member
    Sorry about the mispelling. Mine is open to friends and I would happily open to everyone I really don't care. No need for anyone to get pissy. It's just food... What seriously cracks me up is the closed diary people comment on mine. I never put others down. I don't care if they are under or over. I just was wondering why people would care and choose?? Thats all! Just a question. I am accountable for everything I eat or drink and don't give a **** who see's it and who comments on it. I have nothing to hide.
  • cmthorsness
    cmthorsness Posts: 83 Member
    I don't comment on closed diaries that are under any more because as far as I know.. their diaries are completely blank.

    I agree that was my point
  • cmthorsness
    cmthorsness Posts: 83 Member
    um, diaries*


    Ummmm oops, talking about others putting others down!!
  • cmthorsness
    cmthorsness Posts: 83 Member
    If they are my friend, I tell them I don't like it because I can't keep them accountable for being healthy if I can't see what they are eating or how far under they ate (alot of people with ED's on here and I DON'T want to encourage that). And I'm not going to go around calling people out on what they ate, unless we are close MFPers. But if someone ate all fresh vegetables, lean meats, healthy stuff all day and are under, I am going to compliment their diary. If they ate all Mcdonalds and cheesecake, even if they stayed under goal I'm not going to compliment them. I think there is more to MFP than just staying UNDER your goal, although it is an important part.

    If they ask me how to open it I tell them. .

    If they keep it closed, I defriend them. :ohwell: I feel bad doing it, but I can't really be your "friend" if you are keeping that significant of a secret from me.

    I haven't deleted anyone but they comment on mine but keep theirs private.. I was just wondering why?

    If they are not my friend I don't even look anyway...unless they are posting for help in a message board or something.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Sorry about the mispelling. Mine is open to friends and I would happily open to everyone I really don't care. No need for anyone to get pissy. It's just food... What seriously cracks me up is the closed diary people comment on mine. I never put others down. I don't care if they are under or over. I just was wondering why people would care and choose?? Thats all! Just a question. I am accountable for everything I eat or drink and don't give a **** who see's it and who comments on it. I have nothing to hide.
    Ahh, so you're revising your orignal thesis statement. Got it.

    and yes, meanwhile, yours isn't "open".

    Look, you posted a call out thread. And YOU got called out. It happens. Maybe best if you drop it. Lesson learned.