too much sugar



  • misticache
    misticache Posts: 364 Member
    If you're diabetic or pre-diabetic you must absolutely be careful with your sugar. I am type 2 and I try to avoid sugary crap but I still have a cookie now and again and I love my fruit. I just don't eat alot of it in one sitting and if I have fruit I do it in the morning so I have all day to burn it off. The more you exercise the more sugar you will be allowed in a day as well. So with that said avoid pop all together and stick with fruit but only one meal. Add sugar to your counter if you haven't already. I don't always stay under but I used to be over 100 a day not I try to stay around 30-40. Big difference.
  • nikkitodhunter
    I don't count the sugar from fruit which is naturally occurring. I only count the sugar in food since I never add sugar to anything.

    You need to count this as sugar, since the sugar in fruit is the same stuff you put in your coffee. It only looks different.

    Agreed. It's the same reason why people who drink lots of fruit juice are at higehr risk from diabetes etc - in fact that nasty high-fructose syrup is essentially just fruit sugar. It's better than table sugar I guess, but will still make your blood sugar levels spike, affect your insulin levels, etc. You definitely need to count it!!!

    As for what this person is asking - how to lower sugar levels - I'd suggest:
    looking for lower-sugar fruits (blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, raspberries - most of the berries!)
    Steering clear of dried fruit and juices. Smoothies can seem like a healthy snack but they'll be packed with sugar too.
    Plus, even fat-free yoghurt tends to be packed with sugar too, so onyl have small amounts of it.
    Try and go for veggies rather than fruit - you get all those lovely vitamins, fibre etc, but without the sugar.
  • aqua_girl
    aqua_girl Posts: 17 Member
    Sugar is the devil, but artificial sweeteners are even worse. My advice is to stay away from both, but especially the artificial sweeteners as they just make you crave more sweetness, plus they are full of horrible chemicals that can damage your health. Try using Agave, a natural and low-glycemic sweetener made from the agave plant.
  • nikkitodhunter
    i love sweet stuff- desserts, drinks, ice cream, cakes is very hard to rid of this cravings.

    Me too - try looking up lower-sugar recipes of the stuff you love :) Try channel 4's website, I like the beacon hill cookies, SNOG chocolate brownies, and the frozen yoghurt recipes :) also, try Ben&Jerry frozen yoghurts, they're astoundingly guilt-free in my opinion!!
  • Kspaulding96
    I found this website that helps me with what calories, sugar, etc is in different foods like fruits.
  • Julienetan
    Julienetan Posts: 44
    If i dont find it sweet enough, i rather not take it. I dont want to substitute anything less sweet stuff either.
  • EveyRose
    EveyRose Posts: 74 Member
    BTW - I am under the advise of a nutritionist. Sugar does matter - whether it's from fruit or dairy. If you are trying to lose fat, you don't want to eat a lot of fruit (no more than one serving a day) and possibly cut out dairy all together. I'm dairy intolerant, so I have a bit of raw cheese only now and then. Max sugar grams as recommended by my nutritionist are 25 grams per day.

    I am so glad to see you post this. I have been trying to figure out what to do about my sugar as well and my main source of calcium is milk so I ned to find somthign else to fill that requirement.
  • nikkitodhunter
    If i dont find it sweet enough, i rather not take it. I dont want to substitute anything less sweet stuff either.

    Oh no don't worry, most low-sugar recipes use substitues like agave nectar or natural (maple) syrup. They're lower GI (so they don't give you that bad sugar spike that leaves you craving more liek half an hour later) and they're waaayy sweeter than normal sugar so you only use abotu a third of the amount. So you get all the sweetness with less of the guilt :D
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Sugar is the devil, but artificial sweeteners are even worse. My advice is to stay away from both, but especially the artificial sweeteners as they just make you crave more sweetness, plus they are full of horrible chemicals that can damage your health. Try using Agave, a natural and low-glycemic sweetener made from the agave plant.
    None of this has any basis in fact, and agave is just liquid refined sugar. It's actually molecularly identical to high fructose corn syrup, it just happens to be made from the agave plant instead of a corn plant. Cane sugar is natural as well using this argument, as it's made from sugar cane trees, or sugar beets. HFCS is a natural sweetener made from corn (they extract the glucose, fructose, and maltose from the corn plants and blend them together, there's no real weird voodoo involved.)

    Sugar is sugar is sugar, whether it's cane sugar, beet sugar, HFCS, agave nectar, honey, maple syrup, or any other sweetener.
  • nikkitodhunter
    I have been trying to figure out what to do about my sugar as well and my main source of calcium is milk so I ned to find somthign else to fill that requirement.

    Leafy green veggies like broccoli, spinach etc have a lot of calcium in, as do almonds :) some wilted spinach with toasted almonds would be a delicious side dish actually, and dairy free! :) tofy is also good for calcium I think.

    This article has a ncie list of recipes you could try XD
  • EveyRose
    EveyRose Posts: 74 Member
    I just completed my diary for the day and my total sugar grams were 11. It is possible! Don't eat processed food - chose plain yogurt over flavored - and chose Greek Yogurt if you can - lower sugar overall (because it's strained) and more protein. Fruits lowest in sugar are generally berries. Blackberries, raspberries, strawberries. Don't eat a boat load - but put a 1/4 cup on your yogurt. Eat lean protein (eggs, fish, chicken, beef) and vegetables as your primary foods, with some healthy fats - nuts, avocado.

    BTW - I am under the advise of a nutritionist. Sugar does matter - whether it's from fruit or dairy. If you are trying to lose fat, you don't want to eat a lot of fruit (no more than one serving a day) and possibly cut out dairy all together. I'm dairy intolerant, so I have a bit of raw cheese only now and then. Max sugar grams as recommended by my nutritionist are 25 grams per day.

    I am so glad to see you post this. I have been trying to figure out what to do about my sugar because I know I can jumpstart my weight loss by eliminating a majority of my sugar which comes from milk. I crave milk constantly adnit is my main source of calcium.
  • Julienetan
    Julienetan Posts: 44
    wow..thanks..guess you are the few who talk to me
  • Maasmondy
    Maasmondy Posts: 54 Member
    I'm surprised any nutritionist told you to eat Yoplait Light. It has like 10-15g of sugar alone! If you're concerned about losing weight, keep it as low as possible! Even if it comes from fruit.
  • tootzi
    tootzi Posts: 14 Member
    why don't you see how much it is on here before you start eating it.....
  • Dott2009
    Dott2009 Posts: 16
    Take vitamins and don't eat fruit.
  • leanne5025
    leanne5025 Posts: 26 Member
    I just completed my diary for the day and my total sugar grams were 11. It is possible! Don't eat processed food - chose plain yogurt over flavored - and chose Greek Yogurt if you can - lower sugar overall (because it's strained) and more protein. Fruits lowest in sugar are generally berries. Blackberries, raspberries, strawberries. Don't eat a boat load - but put a 1/4 cup on your yogurt. Eat lean protein (eggs, fish, chicken, beef) and vegetables as your primary foods, with some healthy fats - nuts, avocado.

    BTW - I am under the advise of a nutritionist. Sugar does matter - whether it's from fruit or dairy. If you are trying to lose fat, you don't want to eat a lot of fruit (no more than one serving a day) and possibly cut out dairy all together. I'm dairy intolerant, so I have a bit of raw cheese only now and then. Max sugar grams as recommended by my nutritionist are 25 grams per day.

    ^^This is excellent! ITA.
  • tamba01
    tamba01 Posts: 110 Member
    I am diabetic. I eat two servings of fruit a day and I eat greek yogurt. I know that I go over the 25 grams that is the limit on here. I do not have trouble with my diabetes if I eat fruit and yogurt , but I do have problems if I eat processed foods high in sugar.