Who here has a cheat day once a week?



  • spoonful
    spoonful Posts: 200 Member
    Do one every week normally on Saturday's and have managed to lose a few pounds.... Best of Luck...

    My day was Saturday too.
  • EbonySD
    EbonySD Posts: 142
    I usually do a cheat meal on the weekend but not a day unless its tom. I don't eat my exercise calories so I figure I'm banking them for a high calorie meal. I still deficit weekly.
  • kgorman1984
    I have a cheat day all the time. i just make up for it by some extra cardio or eat a little healthier the next day. seems to work for me
  • ScottRy76
    ScottRy76 Posts: 31 Member
    I always have a cheat meal once a week without fail, and for a few of very good reasons which may or may not be applicable to everyone.
    1. I am on an EXTREME calorie deficit, and I would need to be eating an excess of 8000 calories to undo my weeks work.
    2. It replaces my glycogen in my muscles and boosts my metabolism for the coming week.
    3. Towards the end of the week i begin to feel very fatigued and this gives me the boost I need.
    4. Without it to look forward to I would not be able to keep to my diet, (although this probably says more about me than cheat days themselves)

    And finally the reason I do not simply have cheat meal or even try to control my cheat days, and that is because when my cheat day does finally roll around my body needs the nutrition (or at least it feels that way, if you can barely hold a conversation). And if I only had a meal I KNOW that I would no be able to stop.... And I would probably go off my diet for a week (which would harm your results :L) rather than just a day.

    ^^^ this Only I make a actual day don't really over indulge but get the craving out the way so i can start fresh the next day at the most you'll gain a pound really, Hard to eat 3500 + calories in one day. The only way you would think it would ruin your entire week when you step on the scale all the crap food people love is full of sodium most of that extra weight is water

    Plus keeps me sane can only take so much healthy stuff rewarding yourself once a week will not hurt u set u back a pound maybe depending on how much you ate but easily taken right back off
  • mehaffeymk
    mehaffeymk Posts: 154 Member
    Glad someone posted about this! I've talked with several of my friends and they have all had cheat days. I feel okay about a cheat day mostly because my friend who used to be 250 and is now 6 years out and is at 135 had a cheat day once a week and she suggested I do it . It's the one day a week to look forward to and it's planned so you won't feel guilty and it won't throw you off track because the next day of healthy eating is just as much planned at cheat day.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    I don't really have a "cheat day" per se, but I keep track of the calories I'm under my goal by every day, then on the weekends I add those to my goal for Sunday and Saturday. It evens out so that I'm never above my goal for the week, so I don't really count it as cheating as much as making up for what I missed.

    It's usually just juice, honestly. I can't fit the stuff into my everyday diet, but I'm glad I can have it on the weekends. :drinker:
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I do - a total food orgy for 10 hours.
    And I lost over 70 lbs doing this. The food Nazi's go into orbit over the very concept, but success speaks for itself.
    It works for me, and it's FUN FUN FUN!
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    I do - a total food orgy for 10 hours.
    And I lost over 70 lbs doing this. The food Nazi's go into orbit over the very concept, but success speaks for itself.
    It works for me, and it's FUN FUN FUN!
    I think you're my soul mate!!!! This has been so much fun!
  • ttesta20
    ttesta20 Posts: 35 Member
    There's nothing wrong with enjoying something that you like to eat, even if it's not "healthy." I eat a cookie and have frozen yogurt on occasion, but I ALWAYS record it. Not recording it gives me "permission" to NOT be accountable to myself, and slows my weight loss. I also like to record everything I eat because then I can look back over a week when my weight-loss has been less than expected to see if there's a trend that might be holding me back.

    This is exactly what I do! Sometimes seeing it in black and white allows me to "cheat" while still maintaining rationality in my servings. If we go for frozen yogurt, for example, I will still allow myself some crushed Butterfinger on top, but maybe I will get the sugar-free yogurt option or only fill the cup half way after seeing the calorie count on my app. "Cheat" day also gives me motivation to keep working hard the rest of the week to meet my calorie goal and get the most out of every workout, every day. Actually I usually try to fit in some sort of workout on "cheat" day, so instead of going way over my calories on my "rest" day, I eat healthfully when I know I won't be working out.
  • Kathy53925
    Kathy53925 Posts: 241 Member
    Not once a week. Maybe once every couple of weeks.

    This makes more sense to me...and I would still be careful, and not blow it super bad.
  • asgard825
    asgard825 Posts: 1,516 Member
    Always one-- usually involves Italian and some wine-- I don't need it -- I enjoy it and that's what all this hard work is for. Cheers!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I do - a total food orgy for 10 hours.
    And I lost over 70 lbs doing this. The food Nazi's go into orbit over the very concept, but success speaks for itself.
    It works for me, and it's FUN FUN FUN!

    Sounds great, there is a lot logic behind resetting and revving up the metabolism occasionally.

    I don't have planned days but I don't sweat it if, for example, I spend an entire Friday afternoon and evening drinking Guinness and snacking on chips and dip. As happened a few weeks ago. Hell, life is meant to be fun, not a chore.

    I aim for perfection but I don't expect to get there, 80/20 rule and all that.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I do - a total food orgy for 10 hours.
    And I lost over 70 lbs doing this. The food Nazi's go into orbit over the very concept, but success speaks for itself.
    It works for me, and it's FUN FUN FUN!
    I think you're my soul mate!!!! This has been so much fun!
    It may not work for all, but it sure does for me.
    I used to argue about it but no more. If people want to deprive themselves of something fun, too bad so sad....
    Count me OUT!
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I do - a total food orgy for 10 hours.
    And I lost over 70 lbs doing this. The food Nazi's go into orbit over the very concept, but success speaks for itself.
    It works for me, and it's FUN FUN FUN!

    Sounds great, there is a lot logic behind resetting and revving up the metabolism occasionally.

    I don't have planned days but I don't sweat it if, for example, I spend an entire Friday afternoon and evening drinking Guinness and snacking on chips and dip. As happened a few weeks ago. Hell, life is meant to be fun, not a chore.

    I aim for perfection but I don't expect to get there, 80/20 rule and all that.
    What get's me off program are parties.
    I just have a hard time staying on track around all that food. I have had to distance myself from old friends who like to party a few times every week. I used to be right in there.
    It's a lifestyle.
  • bcmlam1001
    bcmlam1001 Posts: 118 Member
    I don't do it n a schedule. Sometimes I'll go weeks or even months without one Sometimes I'll have a couple back to back.
    I agree with this. I don't have a set day that I cheat and I try not to splurge just because it is the weekend but when I feel the mood strike or we go out and do things I might cheat then. I try not to do it to often because it will take me a good day to get back on track and when the need arises I don't want to be beating myself over the head thinking that I should have skipped that huge cheat meal yesterday because I need to cheat today.
  • kchicka
    kchicka Posts: 4 Member
    Hummm where photos of these guys results that don't agree with cheating? I have a cheat day once a week. It actually helps with my muscle growth. Does that mean I go all out no. Has it ever done any damage um no. Mother of four children 6 days a week eat clean train like a mongrel get it!
  • selina884
    selina884 Posts: 826 Member
    I try to stay under my daily cals Mon-Sat, then I total up what I've got (if any) left over from the week and allow myself to eat them on Sunday. It feels like a "cheat" day but really I'm just keeping my weekly balance as close to my goal as possible.

    Best method.
  • katiekupkake1
    I used to have cheat days every weekend. Last weekend was a big Birthday celebration for some of my friends. Friday I had a bun with cheese on it, tons of beer, Rum, Jello shots, potato chips, cookies, and brownies. That Saturday I ended up eating 5 pieces of pizza and a giant cookie!! Oh and garlic bread! I definitely was out of control. Although I was pretty active the entire weekend and did extra cardio to prepare for it ( I am talking cardio 8 days in a row). Believe it or not I actually got on the scale on thursday morning and lost 2 pounds! I don't know if it was the extra prep for the weekend, or keeping my diet on track the rest of the week after feeling super guilty but I somehow did the impossible. I am not planning on having a cheat day like that for a verrrrrrrry verrrrrry long time. Just because think of how much more progress I would have made if I didn't cheat. Have a cheat meal meaning have something not so carb/sugar/sodium/whatever fitting for a normal day but stay within your calories you will get your fix and you don't have to feel guilty about it or risk messing up your diet. Good luck<3
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    I am having one today as we speak. I don't feel guilty and really don't care. I have had them plenty in losing 95 pounds.......it keeps me sane. I have a whole life ahead of me eating......and for the most part it will be healthy.

    But I will have fun and will enjoy foods that are "bad".

    The trick is to keep a cheat day at 1 day.
  • lifesigns64
    lifesigns64 Posts: 110
    You don't have to have a cheat day, you can allow yourself to eat the things you enjoy in moderation. It is all about watching what you put in and out. If you want ice cream, have 1 scoop not 4, make sure you exercise too. I would not recommend cheating unless you have the calories to do so. I find not having something I want now and then is bad for you because instead of taking a few bites I want to just shove my face. So allowing a treat in small portions works for me perfectly. I have only been disappointed by cheat days and found I binged my face out.

    Also, try to curb your cravings with other things. When I am craving something sweet, I try to have a slice of watermelon instead of chocolate. Something salty, go for planters heart healthy nut mix. Eventually you will get used to it. Unfortunately, loosing weight and eating food, I find you have to treat it as if you were an alcoholic or drug addict. I also found that Fiber Ones 90 Calorie Brownies are not terrible, and they make 100 calorie ice cream sandwiches. There are things you can find and do to satisfy those needs.


    Good Luck!!