anyone else have a spouse who.....



  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    This is why women shouldn't be allowed out of the kitchen.


    I mean, if we're not allowed out of the kitchen, how else are we supposed to bring you your sammich?? :laugh:
  • Wendyma1
    Wendyma1 Posts: 289 Member
    It sounds like she might be a bit insecure. Lots of women feel threatened when their husbands start to loose weight and feel that they might lose them to someone else. If you want to get back to having the same communication you had on here before, maybe offer your wife the password so that she can see for herself that everything being said just supportive and motivational converstion. I realized that once you give them the password, they dont feel the need to come check.

    We all need support and motivation! I could not do this without the support of all my MFP friends. I appreciate them telling me I look good, or way to go, when I add a new picture. it keeps me motivated.

    Good luck to you! hope it all works out!
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Not I. My hubby's cool with the deal. I would probably ask her why she's really so peeved. For some reason I don't feel as though I am getting the entire picture here?

    In any case, you were in some way asking for sympathy, hence the post. You were also likely craving the interaction.

    Regardless, you are a good person to consider her feelings. I'm not certain I would be so terribly generous.

    Best of luck to you and your spouse on your fitness journeys (l lift my tea mug to you).

  • fitpilatesqueen
    My husband spies on my fb and here all the time and deletes friends as he wants he's an *kitten* and always has been to me so he should be insecure and now he gets mad because I'm on here all the time and says "what let me guess your on fat book" so I sort of know how you feel it sucks.
    I feel bad reading yourself and leave him .

    With every day that passes I get more and more greatful I´m single
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I haven't read past the first page, but it's probably by now, at a point, where everyone is telling you to get a divorce and that you wife is a controlling *****. LOL.

    All I will say about this, is that I think your wife has a good point. However, I do think there is a workable solution to the problem. But, that's for you two to work out together.
  • xoxo99
    xoxo99 Posts: 36
    Un_desirable has deleted their account. Looks like he lost that battle.
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    I haven't read past the first page, but it's probably by now, at a point, where everyone is telling you to get a divorce and that you wife is a controlling *****. LOL.

    All I will say about this, is that I think your wife has a good point. However, I do think there is a workable solution to the problem. But, that's for you two to work out together.

    You haven't missed much - just the OP deactivating his account after admitting that his wife is on MFP, and everyone pointing out the obvious info of "good job complaining about her publicly on a site she frequents about an argument they had over the same site."

    On a separate note I want to say, I don't understand people who think trust equals exchanging passwords so that you can spy on each other. I feel (and luckily have a husband who agrees) that is the polar opposite of trust. I have nothing to hide online, or elsewhere, but my husband doesn't need to have access to all my accounts to know that.
  • placeboaddiction
    placeboaddiction Posts: 451 Member
    I haven't read past the first page, but it's probably by now, at a point, where everyone is telling you to get a divorce and that you wife is a controlling *****. LOL.

    All I will say about this, is that I think your wife has a good point. However, I do think there is a workable solution to the problem. But, that's for you two to work out together.

    You haven't missed much - just the OP deactivating his account after admitting that his wife is on MFP, and everyone pointing out the obvious info of "good job complaining about her publicly on a site she frequents about an argument they had over the same site."

    On a separate note I want to say, I don't understand people who think trust equals exchanging passwords so that you can spy on each other. I feel (and luckily have a husband who agrees) that is the polar opposite of trust. I have nothing to hide online, or elsewhere, but my husband doesn't need to have access to all my accounts to know that.

    To each their own.

    The wife and I never spy on each other. We aren't looking for issues, but we both know each others passwords and stuff. I make sure to clearly document every password I have, in case I should happen to die/be killed. I'd hate her to have to deal with everything without any information, or having to go through legal ****, etc etc etc. Plus, we are very open, so its not a matter of she not trusting me or me not trusting her at all. Hell, the only time i get on her facebook is when she forgets to log out, in which at that point I try out some of my comedic genius. :)
  • AliciaNorris81
    AliciaNorris81 Posts: 185 Member
    I haven't read past the first page, but it's probably by now, at a point, where everyone is telling you to get a divorce and that you wife is a controlling *****. LOL.

    All I will say about this, is that I think your wife has a good point. However, I do think there is a workable solution to the problem. But, that's for you two to work out together.

    You haven't missed much - just the OP deactivating his account after admitting that his wife is on MFP, and everyone pointing out the obvious info of "good job complaining about her publicly on a site she frequents about an argument they had over the same site."

    On a separate note I want to say, I don't understand people who think trust equals exchanging passwords so that you can spy on each other. I feel (and luckily have a husband who agrees) that is the polar opposite of trust. I have nothing to hide online, or elsewhere, but my husband doesn't need to have access to all my accounts to know that.

    I don't think that trust=exchanging passwords etc, we just happen to have them saved on the computer and don't mind if the other is on there. Our trust goes way beyond that, our marriage is bigger than that. We see it as "trust" because neither of us have anything to hide. We have spent 11 years building a marriage that doesn't "require" passwords (NOT saying those who do have weak relationships...theirs are just different than mine). If you feel you need to have no access...great, if you choose to allow access...great. It isn't about the social networking, it is about the relationship.Heck, we share an email account. Make it hard for him to surprise me with booking get-aways That is when he uses my mother. :laugh:
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    I haven't read past the first page, but it's probably by now, at a point, where everyone is telling you to get a divorce and that you wife is a controlling *****. LOL.

    All I will say about this, is that I think your wife has a good point. However, I do think there is a workable solution to the problem. But, that's for you two to work out together.

    You haven't missed much - just the OP deactivating his account after admitting that his wife is on MFP, and everyone pointing out the obvious info of "good job complaining about her publicly on a site she frequents about an argument they had over the same site."

    On a separate note I want to say, I don't understand people who think trust equals exchanging passwords so that you can spy on each other. I feel (and luckily have a husband who agrees) that is the polar opposite of trust. I have nothing to hide online, or elsewhere, but my husband doesn't need to have access to all my accounts to know that.

    To each their own.

    The wife and I never spy on each other. We aren't looking for issues, but we both know each others passwords and stuff. I make sure to clearly document every password I have, in case I should happen to die/be killed. I'd hate her to have to deal with everything without any information, or having to go through legal ****, etc etc etc. Plus, we are very open, so its not a matter of she not trusting me or me not trusting her at all. Hell, the only time i get on her facebook is when she forgets to log out, in which at that point I try out some of my comedic genius. :)

    Oh - I should clarify, I don't mean for banks, legal stuff, etc. where my death would impact his ability to set things right. I just mean for social stuff, etc. I agree that it's very important to have each other's passwords for stuff like that. But if something were to happen to me, I think getting into my MFP account would be the last thing on his mind.
  • placeboaddiction
    placeboaddiction Posts: 451 Member
    I haven't read past the first page, but it's probably by now, at a point, where everyone is telling you to get a divorce and that you wife is a controlling *****. LOL.

    All I will say about this, is that I think your wife has a good point. However, I do think there is a workable solution to the problem. But, that's for you two to work out together.

    You haven't missed much - just the OP deactivating his account after admitting that his wife is on MFP, and everyone pointing out the obvious info of "good job complaining about her publicly on a site she frequents about an argument they had over the same site."

    On a separate note I want to say, I don't understand people who think trust equals exchanging passwords so that you can spy on each other. I feel (and luckily have a husband who agrees) that is the polar opposite of trust. I have nothing to hide online, or elsewhere, but my husband doesn't need to have access to all my accounts to know that.

    To each their own.

    The wife and I never spy on each other. We aren't looking for issues, but we both know each others passwords and stuff. I make sure to clearly document every password I have, in case I should happen to die/be killed. I'd hate her to have to deal with everything without any information, or having to go through legal ****, etc etc etc. Plus, we are very open, so its not a matter of she not trusting me or me not trusting her at all. Hell, the only time i get on her facebook is when she forgets to log out, in which at that point I try out some of my comedic genius. :)

    Oh - I should clarify, I don't mean for banks, legal stuff, etc. where my death would impact his ability to set things right. I just mean for social stuff, etc. I agree that it's very important to have each other's passwords for stuff like that. But if something were to happen to me, I think getting into my MFP account would be the last thing on his mind.

    Well... if one of my MFP friends died.. I'd want to know. My wife knows which forums and stuff to update if I were to go..but we've spoken about death in great detail. Not that we are obsessed, we just have 3 kids and we feel its responsible to workout plans. Its dark, it sucks, but its part of life. You can't avoid it.
  • AliciaNorris81
    AliciaNorris81 Posts: 185 Member
    Well... if one of my MFP friends died.. I'd want to know. My wife knows which forums and stuff to update if I were to go..but we've spoken about death in great detail. Not that we are obsessed, we just have 3 kids and we feel its responsible to workout plans. Its dark, it sucks, but its part of life. You can't avoid it.

    My husband has a plan for my FB if something happens to me. "Chillin with Jesus"..."This dirt tastes like...dirt"..."I can see you doing that! Knock it off that is gross!"..."I am going to visit a random friend!"

    Ok, we are weird. :tongue:
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    I haven't read past the first page, but it's probably by now, at a point, where everyone is telling you to get a divorce and that you wife is a controlling *****. LOL.

    All I will say about this, is that I think your wife has a good point. However, I do think there is a workable solution to the problem. But, that's for you two to work out together.

    You haven't missed much - just the OP deactivating his account after admitting that his wife is on MFP, and everyone pointing out the obvious info of "good job complaining about her publicly on a site she frequents about an argument they had over the same site."

    On a separate note I want to say, I don't understand people who think trust equals exchanging passwords so that you can spy on each other. I feel (and luckily have a husband who agrees) that is the polar opposite of trust. I have nothing to hide online, or elsewhere, but my husband doesn't need to have access to all my accounts to know that.

    I don't think that trust=exchanging passwords etc, we just happen to have them saved on the computer and don't mind if the other is on there. Our trust goes way beyond that, our marriage is bigger than that. We see it as "trust" because neither of us have anything to hide. We have spent 11 years building a marriage that doesn't "require" passwords (NOT saying those who do have weak relationships...theirs are just different than mine). If you feel you need to have no access...great, if you choose to allow access...great. It isn't about the social networking, it is about the relationship.Heck, we share an email account. Make it hard for him to surprise me with booking get-aways That is when he uses my mother. :laugh:

    I get that. I'm not bashing password sharers - I know lots of them, and many of them it just happens naturally - as in "honey can you log onto my (whatever site) and do (whatever task), my password is (whatever)." But it seems like password sharing has become some new thing to indicate that you are trustworthy. Trust comes from someplace deeper than if you have the ability to get into your SO's accounts. Thing is, cheaters always find a way to cheat. It's not the sharing that baffles me, it's the mindset that sometimes goes with it.
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    How much time do you spend on here and with her? Marriage counseling helps with issues you 2 might have. I am sorry she is like that though.
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    Well... if one of my MFP friends died.. I'd want to know. My wife knows which forums and stuff to update if I were to go..but we've spoken about death in great detail. Not that we are obsessed, we just have 3 kids and we feel its responsible to workout plans. Its dark, it sucks, but its part of life. You can't avoid it.

    My husband has a plan for my FB if something happens to me. "Chillin with Jesus"..."This dirt tastes like...dirt"..."I can see you doing that! Knock it off that is gross!"..."I am going to visit a random friend!"

    Ok, we are weird. :tongue:

    LMAO! Morbid...but very funny.
  • hcdawg
    hcdawg Posts: 69
    Friend request sent!! :) seriously this is a symptom of a much deeper problem! Might try talking to her about it, instead of this! You are only telling half the story, I'm sure hers would be much different!
  • BriskisGrl
    BriskisGrl Posts: 461

    To each their own.

    The wife and I never spy on each other. We aren't looking for issues, but we both know each others passwords and stuff. I make sure to clearly document every password I have, in case I should happen to die/be killed. I'd hate her to have to deal with everything without any information, or having to go through legal ****, etc etc etc. Plus, we are very open, so its not a matter of she not trusting me or me not trusting her at all. Hell, the only time i get on her facebook is when she forgets to log out, in which at that point I try out some of my comedic genius. :)

    HAHHAHAHA The hacked status get quite entertaining.
  • surfteam1689
    surfteam1689 Posts: 73 Member
    A wise pastor once told me that the bulk or all marriage issues will be your 1) Extended Family Involvement - too much or too inappropriate, 2) Finances - bad budgets, wasteful spending, high credit card debt, etc., and 3) Sexual Intimacy - not just the act of intercourse and reaching orgasm, but the spending of time together, the strolls in the park, the fun things you do together which all contribute to a much more romantic lifestyle with, yes, ...great intimacy. So maybe you can take some inventory and try to understand where she is coming from and give her reasons to trust you and spend more time with you instead of her Facebook. You are the man, so man-up, dude! :-)
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    delete her stuff then it will be WAR!!! But really ive come to find that those that are constanly accusing are usually guilty of something

    Exactly what i was thinking!
  • smwifey
    smwifey Posts: 28 Member
    I am sorry you have to deal with this but there is a simple solution. If you really want the motivation without making her jealous simply add male friends. There are plenty of males on this site who need and want friends. I understand that perhaps compliments help your ego more if they are coming from a female but that's really not an option if you are worried about offending her.