MFP Celebrity



  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    Is there an English version?
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    *waves and signs boobs* Uhm...... I don't know who you are........ that kinda narrows down your celebrity status..........

  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    I understand what you're saying, OP. Think of this as a course. If someone won't study, do homework, and drops the class after 3 weeks, the rest of the class will move on without that student.

    Now, say that student is your friend. Your friend really wants an A, but won't do the work. Complains about getting bad grades, while you're busting your hump. How much time and energy do you devote to supporting this friend?

    I have and will cut REAL LIFE friends and relatives who do not log on. I will encourage them as long as they are willing to show up. That's all. Just log in and SHOW UP. I will help/encourage/whatever. I don't need to see your diary. I don't need your jokes on the forums. I will still be your friend in every other aspect of life.

    But if you drop out of class, I will still graduate on time without you.

  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    engineman312... now HE was an MFP celebrity. he was smart, funny, sexy, and humble. not to mention he had dimples.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I delete people that have not logged in for over 6 months. (and I have in turn been deleted by people when I went MIA fora few months)

    I'm not mad at them. I gave up on myself so why should they stick around?

    I've also deleted people for not really jiving with my approach. Maybe the friend request was sent for having A in common but the more we interacted B, C, D and E were way off from eachother and the 'friendship' wasn't conducive to either of our success.

    No harm.

    Now if I could remove people from real life that I didn't get along with, I would be Mary Sunshine! :laugh:
  • ElleBee615
    ElleBee615 Posts: 177
    To each is its own but I don’t delete people. Who am I to require my MFP’s to inform me of there where about. The problem is that these people may want to come back but my feel prideful or shameful for giving up. Now one day they decide to stop hiding and face their fears and come back. But only to find out that the people that they once looked up had decided to leave them behind. Every reason they had given themselves not come back their MFP proves the right. A pal is someone who motivates not only when one is doing well but being there through bad. Who’s to say that there not still working out?

    One thing that I noticed about the site is all these people wanting to be some kind of MFP Celebrity. Remember when you first started your journey, it wasn’t easy and you didn’t get there over night. You even quit a couple time and started back up again. But now that you have reached your goal you have placed yourself on a higher pedestal and forgotten where you came from. I have even seen people delete people for not being social but was actively working out. These are some sad people. I guest this is their way of making them feel like somebody.

    If you looking at my pics and status help you to keep things going then status watch. A lot you weren’t sociable people until you became comfortable with the new skin your in. Who are you to judge?



    ^^CTFU...I love this gif!
  • brokenartist
    brokenartist Posts: 52 Member
    Well...I am kinda a big deal
  • MsQt
    MsQt Posts: 793 Member
    You got a few things confused on this post! You talk about what a pal is supposed to be (supportive, always there, and things of that nature; yet you say that they're wrong when they delete YOU when you disappear and finally decide to show back up? I'd delete you too! And oh talking about how we all have come on here and quit once or more times? Speak for yourself because I've been on this site for 485+ days in a row and when I mess up, all my pals know it. Why in the world would I go hide in fear? :huh: I roll with the best because that's what I wanna be; so if you are slipping and not holding yourself accountable, dropping off the face of MFP, and think you're gonna be a pal of mine; You in for a surprise.

    Stumble all you want! I keep going full speed ahead buddy!
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 665 Member
    I understand what you're saying, OP. Think of this as a course. If someone won't study, do homework, and drops the class after 3 weeks, the rest of the class will move on without that student.

    Now, say that student is your friend. Your friend really wants an A, but won't do the work. Complains about getting bad grades, while you're busting your hump. How much time and energy do you devote to supporting this friend?

    I have and will cut REAL LIFE friends and relatives who do not log on. I will encourage them as long as they are willing to show up. That's all. Just log in and SHOW UP. I will help/encourage/whatever. I don't need to see your diary. I don't need your jokes on the forums. I will still be your friend in every other aspect of life.

    But if you drop out of class, I will still graduate on time without you.

    but what time does the train leave new york and one leave chicago?
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    I don't think I'm an mfp celeb... Hell I am prolly one of the least popular people on here but I do delete people who don't long in for a month... And the reason for that is because I don't need a friends list of 100 people that are not active. If someone is going on vacation.. Or work Or life take over that's fine.. I get it but really its a 2 second status update... I don't expect details just a simple.. Gonna be gone for a few weeks.. Ill keep them around then (I just ahad a friend come back from weeks away due to life.. I kept her because I knew what was happening.)

    I don't expect ppl to keep me if I disappear...
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    engineman312... now HE was an MFP celebrity. he was smart, funny, sexy, and humble. not to mention he had dimples.

    He had a face? I could never get past the V
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    Im here! wheres my award?

    oh there is none?


    do you have bacon?
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    you sound upset , did you get deleted?
  • BeautyisBeingU
    BeautyisBeingU Posts: 88 Member
    If you are in any offended by my post that is not what I am trying to do but I also must be talking about you that you’re so offended.
    A MFP asked a question and this was my response. Half of you I dont even know. I didn’t name any names so are you feeling guilty?

    Just my thoughts and feel free to post yours own.
  • BeautyisBeingU
    BeautyisBeingU Posts: 88 Member
    you sound upset , did you get deleted?

    I am not upset at all. Just answering a MFP question?
  • BriskisGrl
    BriskisGrl Posts: 461
    Who are YOU to judge how someone wants to handle their MFP account??? Maybe they don't want 14345094 friends on here and have to limit things somehow. Maybe they only want serious users who are active because that motivates them to be active as well. Maybe inactive people give them reasons to find excuses to be inactive, so those people get deleted so they aren't pulled down.

    When it comes down to it, your MFP account is for YOU. Not anyone else. YOU. How you choose to have it is your prerogative. Get over it.

    Preach it sister!
  • BriskisGrl
    BriskisGrl Posts: 461
    engineman312... now HE was an MFP celebrity. he was smart, funny, sexy, and humble. not to mention he had dimples.

    He had a face? I could never get past the V

    Hands Jules a Gold Star sticker and a lb of freshly cooked bacon!
  • Michelle650
    Michelle650 Posts: 218
    But if it were in response to a question, would you not reply by personal message??
  • BeautyisBeingU
    BeautyisBeingU Posts: 88 Member
    Sounds like to me you are judging people....IJS

    Sometime people really don’t realize how ugly they are acting to the people that look to them as a great inspiration.
  • BeautyisBeingU
    BeautyisBeingU Posts: 88 Member
    But if it were in response to a question, would you not reply by personal message??

    Yes I would. I didnt feel like she was the only one with the question nor is this the first time that it has been asked.