August !!! Lets get some new members and get it going again!



  • sindyg
    sindyg Posts: 12
    :sick: I am sooo tired and frustrated today! I am doing so good, but I am gaining. I knew this might happen since I am now no longer in starvation mode everyday of my life. :noway:

    I just feel like I don't even want to go outside and run, because that scale isn't going to budge!

    Connie: Hi! Will you come and de-weed my garden LOL

    I hope you all have a better day than I am having! This too shall pass :tongue:

    Dont Worry! And dont get discouraged! It might just be that you are retaining water or it could also be that you are gaining muscle which weighs more. What i try to do is not look at the scale so much. I used to weigh myself everyday... but it gets discouraging when you see the fluctuations. You could try measuring yourself and use that as your guide. Sometimes you lose inches and not pounds.
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    I wish I could stop looking at the scale everyday. I am afraid I would gain 10 lbs and not realize it if I didn't check the scale 3 times a day :laugh:
  • sindyg
    sindyg Posts: 12
    I used to feel that way too! Cause i have very little self control. But i've been really sticking to the food diary on this website and i've been exercising as much as i can. Knowing that i am doing so well i dont feel the need to rely on the scale. I've learned that its more important how you feel and how your clothes fit you, as opposed to what the scale says. Make it your challenge to not look at the scale so much, but if youre going to do this you must stick to ur diet!
  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    HOLY COW BATMAN!!! I am gone for a week and BAM look what happens???!!!! Hello to the newbies out there!!! and hello to my wonderful little chickies !!!! Been doing OK not super great but ok. I am just about ready to get my boy in his wheelchair and go for a walk. I made some super good banana oat raisin cookies last night (low fat and awesome) and going to walk some down to my landlady...she is awesome! So that is a nice walk right there and then I am giong to do some yoga. My back is a bit better but I need to be still a little gentle with it! ANywho AMANDA size 4??? That is flippin AWESOME!!! Crystal I hear you on those evil evil pounds....I think that when you "lose" they don't really disappear they just hang around over your head and when you aren't looking BAM they hop back onto your butt and tummy......sneaky lil devils I tell ya *wink*:laugh: :wink:
    anyways I am going to try to get on here more and give some good ole encouragment to everyone as well as myself....I think that sandikins is right. SUmmers are just seems that there is so much going on!!! but come one girls ( and guys if any newbies are that I missed) we can beat august and kick those cals to the curb!!!! I am going to go kick some right now so see everyone later tators!!!!



    Laura here is a special ****HUG****** just for you!!!!! keep it up and enjoy being with your granny.....I miss mine just terribly!!!! give her a nice little hug for me too!!

    ok no goodbye for real hahah

    jenny (again) hahah:bigsmile:
  • CrystalOKeefe
    I'd like to join too. I just joined and am looking for a good motivational group.

    Welcome we would be so glad to have you !!! We have a spreadsheet where we put in info if youd like to use it !!!!
    Send me your email to get full access !!!
  • CrystalOKeefe
    I havent been around for awhile either so its ok we are trting to get things back up and going !!!
  • laurajoyk
    laurajoyk Posts: 305
    Jenny thanks for the hug!! I appreciate it!

    I was going go get out and try the couch to 5k running plan last night, but I got to my family's house and was ordered to go throught my stuff LOL So my sister in law and I went through about 20 boxes of my old stuff and my parent's stuff for a garage sale. So I don't really know if that counts as a workout LOL the hauling to the car and the garbage was though. I really want to start the running thing, but tonight we are doing the same thing again. My parent's are pack rats so we have our work cut out for us :laugh:

    Well on the 1st I started at 222.5 lbs when I got back on here and now I'm and 215.0 lbs YAY!!! Its amazing how fast the weight comes off of me at first. I just need to keep it off this time. :wink:

    Crystal do I need to send you my email again? I tried to enter my name and weight the other day and it wouldn't let me. I will try again today and let you know if it still isn't working.

    Catch you all later.
  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    hey girls doing prety good! Went for a walk did my yoga with *drools* bob *wink*:love::love: did some work on my excersise ball and feel very good! We are going to our little county fair though tonight...I think I better take the dogs on a LONG walk! But I am pumped doing super today! And my back seems to be taking it!!!! so yeah me!!

    ok girls we can soooo keep up with this!!!!!

    now I have to shower before hubby comes home...I am all sticky and sweaty ick!!!.....welll in a good way though!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    don't forget to drink lots of water!!!!!

  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    hello again!!!! we ended not going to the fair so hey it saved me money and CALORIES!!! DId pretty good, my log says that I went over cals about 200 but I know that I OVERCHARGED myself on the lunch I had---didn't have time to sit down and calculate recipe cals for a hot dish (aka casserole for people who are NOT from the minnesota) and I used low fat ingriedients so I don't feel too bad about what the overage. I am hoping that ALL OF YOU WONDERFUL GIRLS have had a good day. Keep up the work, I know no from experience that if you don't keep moving and keep your mindset on your goal you can end up with it right back come girls!!!!! LETS DO THIS THING!!!!

    well it is nighty night time for this mommy. It was great to see all the new peoples posts! Laura believe me even though you arent officially "excersising" going through stuff and getting ready for a garage sale it DEFINETLY is going to burn some cals! IT IS SOOOOO MUCH WORK!!! but good luck to ya!!!!

    bye bye for now!!

  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    Good morning! Yesterday, I did the stairs for 15 minutes on both of my breaks. I had like 600 calories left for dinner so I decided to get fast food :bigsmile: Well, I felt guilty so I did 45 minutes of yoga before bed.

    On the flip side, I DID NOT get on the scale this morning! I had to stop myself 3 times though :laugh:

    Wishing you all a good day! :heart:
  • sindyg
    sindyg Posts: 12
    Well i decided yesterday was going to be my REST day. Being that i wasnt going to exercise i was supposed to stick to my 1200 calories....But I cheated! :sad: I ate Taco Bell for Dinner! So today i NEED to make up for yesterday's disaster!

    Jessi, awesome job on avoiding the scale! It gets easier.... trust me!
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    SindyG: I wanted Taco Bell last night, but ours is still under construction so I had Arby's :wink: I am going to try my hardest to only weigh myself once a week, let's see how I do this weekend :smokin:
  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    don't worry about what happened last night! It is ok! and good job jessi! THat ocd scale thing is sooooooo hard!!!! Keep it up you are doing awesome! WHat yoga are you doing? I love my BL yoga mmmmm yeah bob harper hahaha!!!

    not sure what I am going to do today. It is rainy and gloomy so no walk for us this morning. HOpefully it will clear up though. I might do a bit of my BL cardio max and then some yoga to finish it off. I guess we will see!

    well ladies have a great day and remember just to have a great attitude and keep up all that great hard work!!!

  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    I have been doing Total Body Workout with Denny Preston. It's an hour long yoga class on the TV (without commercials) I :heart: this one! Wishing you energy!
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Okay I'm back again. haha Life tend to get a little busy sometimes and the first thing that get put aside is my weight loss plan. I really have to work on that. Anyways I was away for a while since I had to plan my going back to work. I maternity is almost over :cry: So I had to find a second car that would fit in the budget so that I could get to work.

    I wonder how my weight loss will be affected when I go back to work since I will be walking and standing for 10 hours 4 days a week but also I will finish at 7:30pm and I will be temptep to eat late. I guess that's going to be my challenge.

    Welcome to the newcomers.
  • jessangel
    What do I need to do? I registered on Google but I can not figure out how to put my stuff in?!?!
  • constancemwj
    Morning everyone:drinker:

    I think I over did it yesterday......I don't even want to move today... but I know I gota...Jessi I found the Total Body workout a couple weeks ago and stated doing it a couple days a week. I really like it. Today is Yoge....I think that's about my speed today, slow and easy. I'm also one of those who weighs everyday.. I try to do it first thing in the morning, same time everyday....I've found it helps me focus on my goals, But don't be to hard on yourself, some days the numbers go up and some days they go down and others they just stay the same,,, Just don't get too discouraged about it... I try to pay more attenchen to my calories and exercise number ...hang in ther long enough it'll all come together and the scale will start dropping too.....

    Laura, I've found the getting ready for a garge sale is a great workout....all that lifting and moving stuff around.... I also don't plain on doing another one for quite awhile. LOL... good luck with yours..
    well I got to get moving too.. have a great day:happy:
  • laurajoyk
    laurajoyk Posts: 305
    Well I officially have a job here. I moved home about 3 weeks ago, so now I have a regular job. I am going to work at a coffee shop again!! I love making coffee, I hope the economy gets better so I can open my own shop someday!!

    Anyways....I didn't work out again last night cause I have no space in the tiny room I'm living in and there is a big brown bear roaming around our street so I can't go walk/jogging by myself, especially with headphones on, but I definitely have been doing great on my calories. I haven't gone over at all since I started counting them again, so 7 days now. YAY

    I love taco bell and I actually found that if you save up a like 200 calories at the end of the day you can eat like 2 or 3 Fresco soft tacos and then I am full. Its awesome. Just get stuff from the fresco menu, but the bean burrito is still about the same as a regular bean burrito, so get the regular one of those. Sadly I now live 300 miles from any fast food restaraunt but subway, thats all we have here. So now I'm craving taco bell and can't have it for a long time :sad: LMAO oh well.
  • s_dimples
    I'm in
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    Well I am outty for the weekend! (Only have internet at work right now). I hope that you all have a blessed weekend. I will catch up with you all on Monday!

    Jessi :drinker: