Teenaged Girls Fashion



  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    I have to laugh because most people answering this are still teens, just got out of the teens, older with no children, or older with children they treat as friends instead of children.

    IOW, all these other people are people who are not like me so naturally they are not as good as me. They are young or old, don't have children or have children but don't raise them as I think is best. None of these people are as smart as me and people who agree with me.

    I have to laugh.

    lol what?

    If you missed it, what I was saying is the people giving OP a hard time are teens, just got out of their teens, older women with no children or parents who treat their children like friends. Someone who is 18 is going to agree with the 16 year old because they were just there. The parents with teens who actually parent will take the moms side.

    It's called BIASED. So yeah, I have to laugh because the people who say "Let her do what she wants" are barely adults themselves!
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    let your daughter learn her own lessons, said by the 25 yo in 6 in heels...
  • CleanKim
    CleanKim Posts: 29 Member
    I have an 20 year old daughter and a 15 year old daughter. I understand where you are coming from. I have learned to pic my battles the hard way.
    But have you been to the shoe departments lately? All there is is 5-6-7 inch heels, unless you want the granny shoes. I can't wait for this trend to go away! Good Luck...and remember the saying...raising a teenager is like nailing Jell-o to a tree! :wink:
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I have to laugh because most people answering this are still teens, just got out of the teens, older with no children, or older with children they treat as friends instead of children.

    IOW, all these other people are people who are not like me so naturally they are not as good as me. They are young or old, don't have children or have children but don't raise them as I think is best. None of these people are as smart as me and people who agree with me.

    I have to laugh.

    lol what?

    If you missed it, what I was saying is the people giving OP a hard time are teens, just got out of their teens, older women with no children or parents who treat their children like friends. Someone who is 18 is going to agree with the 16 year old because they were just there. The parents with teens who actually parent will take the moms side.

    It's called BIASED. So yeah, I have to laugh because the people who say "Let her do what she wants" are barely adults themselves!

    Well at 27, I wouldn't say I'm "barely an adult" and I disagree with the OP's outrage about the shoes. Oh, and my mother, who was ALWAYS a parent, and didn't become more of a friend until I was an adult, allowed me to wear whatever shoes I wanted because she trusted my judgement and respected my opinions as a teenager, since I showed her that I could make good decisions (made good grades, didn't skip school, didn't lie to my parents, etc). And no, I never dressed like a hooker either, nor would that have been acceptable. High heels aren't like some gateway drug into dressing like a streetwalker.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member

    So basically many of you are saying that this is appropriate for a 16 year old? Are you on crack? Seriously? This is not appropriate for a minor. I mean a lot of the posters are saying, shoes are just shoes...

    I find it interesting that most posters are not concerned with the height from a physical health perspective. (Though I agree I would never let a 16 year old wear such shoes, and sighed with some relief to see there are others who wouldn't either, though apparently not the majority). I don't think shoes this height would meet that Miss USA test that another person posted for ensuring heels are not so high as to possibly cause damage, lol.
  • jboccio90
    jboccio90 Posts: 644 Member
    Its just shoes, its not like they are stripper boots.

    She is 16, she should make some of her own choices.
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    23 years old here. In my house there were the following rules when I was 16:

    -Skirt must be finger tip length and worn with shorts underneath if requested by the parent
    -You are married to the shoes. You will not go barefoot because "ow they hurt". If they hurt, then you shouldn't be wearing them.
    -You must be capable of shedding the shoes and running away from a murder or be traveling with your father.
    -If I think you will break your ankle in those, I reserve the right to take you shopping and get a different pair.
    (Note: 5 inch wedges would have been fine if they were platforms because I had proven to my mom I was capable of wearing them safely (wore them in the house and could go up and down the stairs). Stilettos would not have qualified because I always wobbled on them.)
    - You may have one inch of cleavage or a skirt above knee length, never both at the same time unless you are staying home.
    -If the school sends you home for being too risque, we are removing it from your wardrobe.

    I always thought those were fair rules because they were very practical. The focus was more on safety than "slut".
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    Eventually at some magic age, you have to let your kids go. There is a LOT of information they need to know before you do that. Every child is different and you need to start from day one teaching them, loving them, raising them up to believe they CAN do anything they set their minds to and that they matter. But to do that, you do need to let go of their little hands and begin to just guide them instead of controlling them. They will mess up, so do we. But you need to be there to nudge them and guide them back on THEIR right track not YOUR right track. For every child the magic age is different. Communication is sooooo key. Only when they get out on their own will you know if you did a good job or not. Parenting is not black and white at any stage and it's hard for everyone. Trial and error. You learn from each other...at every age. I absolutely loved being a parent. It was and is still extremely rewarding :smile:
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member

    So basically many of you are saying that this is appropriate for a 16 year old? Are you on crack? Seriously? This is not appropriate for a minor. I mean a lot of the posters are saying, shoes are just shoes...

    I find it interesting that most posters are not concerned with the height from a physical health perspective. (Though I agree I would never let a 16 year old wear such shoes, and sighed with some relief to see there are others who wouldn't either, though apparently not the majority). I don't think shoes this height would meet that Miss USA test that another person posted for ensuring heels are not so high as to possibly cause damage, lol.
  • losingthehealthyway
    Well at 27, I wouldn't say I'm "barely an adult" and I disagree with the OP's outrage about the shoes. Oh, and my mother, who was ALWAYS a parent, and didn't become more of a friend until I was an adult, allowed me to wear whatever shoes I wanted because she trusted my judgement and respected my opinions as a teenager, since I showed her that I could make good decisions (made good grades, didn't skip school, didn't lie to my parents, etc). And no, I never dressed like a hooker either, nor would that have been acceptable. High heels aren't like some gateway drug into dressing like a streetwalker.

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I find it interesting that most posters are not concerned with the height from a physical health perspective.

    For me, that's because a 5" wedge with a 2" platform provides the same incline as the 3" heel height the mom would have been ok with.
  • RainxPain
    RainxPain Posts: 152
    I'm a teenager myself, and no, I wouldn't be caught dead in 5 inch heels. Gross.
    I do agree with most of your dress rules though. Except the shorts thing. But you're being a good parent by giving her rules.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    those shoes are so cute

    i see no issue with them at alllllll. you people that are hating on heels for teenagers just want teenagers to have ugly shoes, i get it.

    and she was talking about a wedge...i know they aren't wedges, but don't you people remember the spice girls and the shoes that came from that. everyone wore them!!! including teeny boppers...ESPECIALLY them!
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    I find it interesting that most posters are not concerned with the height from a physical health perspective.

    For me, that's because a 5" wedge with a 2" platform provides the same incline as the 3" heel height the mom would have been ok with.

    I don't see where she said they are wedges, unless I missed it. I see in the original post that she said her daughter has four inch full wedges, which she is okay with, but it seems like the shoes her daughter bought are heels.
  • misschubbybutterfly

    So basically many of you are saying that this is appropriate for a 16 year old? Are you on crack? Seriously? This is not appropriate for a minor. I mean a lot of the posters are saying, shoes are just shoes...

    Yes, those with jeans to me are completly fine. With a skirt showing that much leg is where I have an issue
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Okay, just one more comment I have to say.

    I saw on the other thread about pot that you smoke marijuana. Okay, so it's fine for you to do something illegal but your daughter can't wear a pair of heels that will most likely kill her feet after an hour and regret buying?

    It's a little pot calling the kettle black if you ask me. ;)

    Pun Intended????

    Haha didn't even think of it that way! But damn that is a good pun.
    The second part of that is actually were the problem lays, I think.....I did not adopt her until she was 10 years old, and her birth mother had questionable morals at best....so there are many times when I think something is just insane, or wrong, or just plain ridiculous and she cannot understand for the life of her what the problem is.....my son, whom I gave birth to, and was raised from day one by me, has my morals, so I do not need to police him nearly as much.....I have to say, that is the most challenging thing about having a child you did not raise from day one.....

    You can't just parent the exact opposite way and hope it works. It doesn't work.

    Also, I understand that you are using pot for medical reasons...however, when kids learn in school that it is illegal and wrong, they might perceive you being a rebel even if you aren't. So if you do it, it is okay for her to do it. I would just think about that. And the fact that many high schoolers have sex, do drugs or drink alcohol, get pregnant. And then realize the shoe thing isn't a big deal...

    Shoes aren't a gateway drug to promiscuity.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Okay, just one more comment I have to say.

    I saw on the other thread about pot that you smoke marijuana. Okay, so it's fine for you to do something illegal but your daughter can't wear a pair of heels that will most likely kill her feet after an hour and regret buying?

    It's a little pot calling the kettle black if you ask me. ;)

    Pun Intended????

    Haha didn't even think of it that way! But damn that is a good pun.
    The second part of that is actually were the problem lays, I think.....I did not adopt her until she was 10 years old, and her birth mother had questionable morals at best....so there are many times when I think something is just insane, or wrong, or just plain ridiculous and she cannot understand for the life of her what the problem is.....my son, whom I gave birth to, and was raised from day one by me, has my morals, so I do not need to police him nearly as much.....I have to say, that is the most challenging thing about having a child you did not raise from day one.....

    You can't just parent the exact opposite way and hope it works. It doesn't work.

    Also, I understand that you are using pot for medical reasons...however, when kids learn in school that it is illegal and wrong, they might perceive you being a rebel even if you aren't. So if you do it, it is okay for her to do it. I would just think about that. And the fact that many high schoolers have sex, do drugs or drink alcohol, get pregnant. And then realize the shoe thing isn't a big deal...

    Shoes aren't a gateway drug to promiscuity.

    I never ever said that the shoes would turn her into a slut and stripper or whatever else you guys have said.....I have said more than once, that I do not think that, and that is just stupid.....I just want her to LOOK like a young lady, as she is, that is all I have said about it....that it is not appropriate for her to wear shoes like that at her age....

    Also, in Canada, we have medical pot regulations, and my children and I have talked about this many many times, and will continue to, they have well seen the difference in me, and I am sure they prefer a mother that can take care of them, and function, to one that spends the entire day doing OCD rituals....in fact, they have told me so themselves.....once again, my mental illness and treatment, has nothing to do with what is appropriate for a teenaged girl to wear.....
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I find it interesting that most posters are not concerned with the height from a physical health perspective.

    For me, that's because a 5" wedge with a 2" platform provides the same incline as the 3" heel height the mom would have been ok with.

    I don't see where she said they are wedges, unless I missed it. I see in the original post that she said her daughter has four inch full wedges, which she is okay with, but it seems like the shoes her daughter bought are heels.

    They are not wedges, you are correct.....
  • losingthehealthyway
    I never ever said that the shoes would turn her into a slut and stripper or whatever else you guys have said.....I have said more than once, that I do not think that, and that is just stupid.....I just want her to LOOK like a young lady, as she is, that is all I have said about it....that it is not appropriate for her to wear shoes like that at her age....

    Also, in Canada, we have medical pot regulations, and my children and I have talked about this many many times, and will continue to, they have well seen the difference in me, and I am sure they prefer a mother that can take care of them, and function, to one that spends the entire day doing OCD rituals....in fact, they have told me so themselves.....once again, my mental illness and treatment, has nothing to do with what is appropriate for a teenaged girl to wear.....

    So you have now clarified that your concern is not with her behavior, but with her looks. High-heeled shoes with a modest dress (or with jeans) will not instantly make her look like less of a young lady. She will be graduating before you know it anyway, and if she's not trusted to make even the smallest of decisions, she will have a problem moving forward.. If the shoes pose a health risk, it's one thing. Wanting her to LOOK a certain way is quite honestly petty compared to how she behaves. If she gets good grades, tells the truth, and isn't running around doing illegal drugs or having sex, I don't honestly see why letting her make small decisions like this are such a big deal.

    Let your daughter express herself reasonably now, or risk losing honesty and openness with her later. I have seen far too many of my friends alienate from their parents because they pressed issues like this that weren't about morals or modesty but just about control. I am sad when I see that happen.

    All the best.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Wanting her to LOOK a certain way is quite honestly petty compared to how she behaves. If she gets good grades, tells the truth, and isn't running around doing illegal drugs or having sex, I don't honestly see why letting her make small decisions like this are such a big deal.

    Let your daughter express herself reasonably now, or risk losing honesty and openness with her later. I have seen far too many of my friends alienate from their parents because they pressed issues like this that weren't about morals or modesty but just about control. I am sad when I see that happen.

    All the best.

    You said exactly what I think. Like I said before, better wearing high heels then having sex or doing drugs. Pick your battles and be happy you have a solid, confident daughter.