Why are you here? No, for real...



  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I was being lazy about losing all the baby weight I gained because I figured I was planning on having more so why lose it now. I finally got tired of being fat and decided to do something about it.

    Now it's all about looking smoking hot for hubby's 20 year high school reunion next year and mine the year after that (we went to school together so I know everyone that will be at his reunion too)
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    Mine started off kind of vain. I looked frumpy in everything. I was the heaviest I had ever been, and I didn't like seeing pictures of myself, but didn't want to look back on my son's childhood and him not have any pictures with his mom.

    So.. I started dieting to "look better".. yep, as vain as they come.

    But I also realized that my BMI had creeped into the "obese" catagory for the first time ever and that scared me. My mom was having heart issues at the time, and just like her, I carry my excess weight right around the middle, not good news for your heart.

    Also, my husband was losing weight.. looking good.. and then I realized he weighed LESS than me..20 lbs less.. I did NOT like that!

    25 lbs later... I am liking how it makes my body feel, how much stronger, and younger I feel. My husband commented on how shapely my legs were getting this past weekend and it made my day.. hey, you CAN see the muscles now.. awesome!

    I'm not done yet.. in fact I'm not much more than half way... but I'd like to be in shape, and loving how I look by our September trip to Disney World. It will be our first family trip, and I'm hoping for some great family photos.
  • kkjay
    kkjay Posts: 62
    Looked at my own pictures from last year and was so embarrassed. I was so tired of being fat my whole life and being the fat friend, I wanted to know what it would be like to be thin and healthy. I went on a cruise last month and when people saw my pictures I didn't want their first thought to be "Wow she's let herself go."
  • kymillion
    kymillion Posts: 791 Member
    I am here for the Hookers and Blow!

    right ..me too. :D hahahah made me laugh

    I need to have a six pack its on my bucket list .. and how the hell am i gonna get to Tom hardy if he is so far down the list from six pack?..( I want a part of a six pack for each of them in place of the tiger stripes and tired skin.. )

    I have 6 children they are MY LIFE.. my husband has a wash board stomach and always has ( I was very fit when we met but never had to work out..
    biggest from pregnancy was 222.. being 5'6
    I was rotund in the not so cute way.. wore a size 22 ..

    I have hoovered at the same weight of 160 for two years now... it is outside of pregnancy the biggest I have ever been and for the longest .. even at 222 I dropped 100 pounds in 6 months and looked too small..

    I want a healthy sexy form.. for me it'll be somewhere at about 140-45

    I am here for myself because I owe it to me and my body to see what i am capable of ... I dont want to wait till its to late .. I want to be smoken hot and sexy NOW.... theres a super hot 59 year old on here that doesn't look a day over 36 ..

    I want to be that sexy.. at her age ..
    hell I want to be that sexy TODAY.. :D ..
  • missjewl
    missjewl Posts: 214 Member
    I finally had enough of being the fat one! I wanted to be able to keep up and enjoy my children and not be one of those moms that sit there all the time and when the kids asks you to play catch with them you are too outta breath to even get up and try! Plan and simple, if i feel better and enjoy myself my family will be happier too! Also... I wanted to feel attractive... I found my spouse when I was a little heavier than I am now and he has been with me through the ups and downs of my size. To be honest with you being intimate with him at 254lbs was NOT enjoyable for me... I needed to be confident in myself... I made the change and I am very glad I did. I wont stop until i am exactly where I want to be but right now I am pleased with what I have done... I have self confidence that I didnt before and I am happier and more pleasant to be around.

    I work full time and workout everyday and when weekends come along I enjoy having a game of ball or going for long walks with my family.

    My motto... do what makes you happy... If you want it go for it! You are the only one holding yourself back... you just kinda wake up one day and say 'enough is enough'....
  • AlbaAngel25
    AlbaAngel25 Posts: 484 Member
    because i just felt uncomfortable in my skin, was getting sick of trying on jeans that were hot on the rack and didnt fit past my thighs(theres a visual) lol. Also, i was tired of ppl saying you have a pretty face, now if you only lost some more weight ...im not joking, people actually feel ok to say that.

    Buttt, im here and doing something about it to make me feel gooood :)
  • janegalt37
    janegalt37 Posts: 270 Member
    Two years ago I was skinny-fat. Always have been. I was putting away my winter clothes and couldn't lift a box over my head to the top shelf. I couldn't believe it. I was totally weak. Have you ever embarrassed YOURSELF while you were alone? Sheesh.

    So I joined a gym, where my PT had me doing a bunch of cardio and some isolation machines. Eventually these f'ed up my shoulder and knee, and I quit. During that time I also quit smoking.

    So all of my muscle disappeared and my weight kinda ballooned as a result. I was fat-ish for the first time in my life.

    Then I came here. And bought an Olympic weight set/rack/bench for home.

    Happy resolution soon to follow! :happy:
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Because I want to have a rock hard body that people admire. Also because last year on two of the vacations my husband and I took I felt self conscious of my body which was new for me. I found myself grimacing when I put on sexy clothes, covering my stomach with my arm and sucking in my gut all the time. I was not happy when I looked at myself in the mirror in the clothes I looked smokin' hot in a year or so ago.
  • stephaniehope
    stephaniehope Posts: 23 Member
    I'm getting married in September and I want to be one of those skinny beautiful *****es you see as BRIDES! ;-) hehehe....

    My fiance is 8 inches taller than I am (I'm 5'10 and he's 6'6!!!) but he weighs the same as me, on MY good day... *sigh*

    I was on MFP before we got engaged, but I'm definitely more motivated knowing I'm about to be in a ton of pictures and I want to look great on my great day! :-D
  • Ellymae75
    Ellymae75 Posts: 4
    OK.....honestly.... I wanna be the HOT chick that all the guys look at! Yes...the health thing...blah blah blah....but yeah....I don't wanna be FAT anymore!
    I also have been separated for just over a year and i want to "stick it to the EX" - you know, show him how hot i actually am...and he CAN'T touch this!!! LOL.... shallow, YES...but you're right...BOY THAT FEELS GOOD to just say it!!!!!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    OK.....honestly.... I wanna be the HOT chick that all the guys look at! Yes...the health thing...blah blah blah....but yeah....I don't wanna be FAT anymore!
    I also have been separated for just over a year and i want to "stick it to the EX" - you know, show him how hot i actually am...and he CAN'T touch this!!! LOL.... shallow, YES...but you're right...BOY THAT FEELS GOOD to just say it!!!!!

    LOVE this!! And it's not shallow at all. It's MOTIVATION!!
  • elekelk
    elekelk Posts: 107
    First it was because I wanted to do a breast reduction and had to be a healthy BMI to do so. But now I imagine how it would feel to walk around and not feeling insecure because of my weight.
  • XmanMike
    XmanMike Posts: 183 Member
    I'm getting older and I don't wanna be the old, balding man with a gut the size of Pluto!
  • myke66
    myke66 Posts: 11
    Honest answer? Simple tasks were becoming a problem. I wont go into detail but things that should be second nature were causing distress. I had known it was time to lose some weight for a while, but that really sent me over the edge.
  • Merithyn
    Merithyn Posts: 284 Member
    You all make me feel much better. I'm just so happy that I'm not the only shallow ninny out here. :D
  • Shanti_1
    Shanti_1 Posts: 3
    I hate the way I look now, I started WW and was doing well but like everything I fell off the band wagon and now I can barely fit into my clothes I just want to be a slimmer, healthier person.
    I'm fed up of wearing baggy clothes to try and cover up my weight gain, and I hate wearing skimpy things.
    I'm still following the WW plan (well I've just got back onto it today) but I'm not attending the meetings, I'm just weighing myself at home on my WW scales - so I'm hoping that I get encouragement from all you lovely people.
    I'm new here so please add me!
    I've read some success stories and you're all doing so well keep it up! x
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    I scared myself. I was so fat that even just sitting down was very uncomfortable, my belly & boobs felt like they were crushing me. Add into that the fact I have a heart problem & I could see me not seeing the year out.:sad:

    I'm now over 20lbs down & feel a whole lot better.
  • SpydrMnky27
    SpydrMnky27 Posts: 381 Member
    Tired of gaining and losing the same 5-7 lbs.

    I was turning into a tired, frumpy b***h and I promised myself I would never be that kind of mom/wife.

    I want support and motivation to workout and get my body into the shape I desire.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    I didn't want to buy bigger jeans again. I'd already bought the next 2 sizes up because "my current ones kept shrinking in the dryer." :laugh: Seriously, I really thought that. I knew my body wasn't perfect, but it never has been. I didn't see my weight gain, and when my clothes fit tighter, I blamed the clothes instead of my fatness. Hilarious.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    Let's see.

    I split two pairs of pants in a week.

    My then 3 year old daughter wouldn't want me to help her because "it will hurt your back."

    I saw pictures of myself and was just sad.

    Was getting leg cramps and the like when sexing the wife.

    Final Straw - Went to visit my brother who is 5 years older than me and he had just lost a lot of weight.

    So yeah, shame, vanity, and sibling rivalry.