Should I eat McDonalds?



  • bigd65
    bigd65 Posts: 171 Member
    Yeah, why not? Make it fit into your daily calorie allowance.

    ^^^^^ why not exactly
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I would say avoid it if you can.

    I ate McDonald's recently, and instantly regretted it.

    I didn't regret it because of the extra calories but because of the gross feeling afterwards! I felt so sick!

    After all these months of eating at least partially healthy it is quite the shock to the system to ingest such gross food.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    I eat there almost daily. Being a single guy it is a challenge for me to always eat at home. Typically I have a Large Light Lemonade and an Ice Cream Cone as a daily snack. For breakfast sometimes I get their fruit and yogurt parfait or their new Oatmeal with Fruit. Once a week I treat myself to a Daily Double if I have been really good that day and fries without salt. If it is in your calories and it doesn't impact the other things you are monitoring such as salt and fat then it should work. It has worked for me so far. I am down 24 pounds as of today! : )

    Ok. Dude. This might be TMI but I REALLY want to encourage you to find other ways to eat. Buy a table top bbq and some ground beef and make your own at home. It's a million times healthier. The reason I say this is because my brother ate there daily as well....and he passed away at 24 from a heart attack. His veins were completely clogged. I wish my brother had found other ways to get food, too. Please.

    My 21 yr old skinny skinny cousin ate there daily- sometimes twice a day. He almost died one day when his body went into major diabetic shock. No one knew he became diabetic because he was so skinny no one thought to check. It was from the terribly unhealthy diet. He was driving when it happened also, so it was twice the risk. Not worth it!

    It's really not. My brother was exercising as well. Its such a shame. Really, don't eat at McD's daily. Please stop.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    , but hey you only live once! why not get some really tasty good food? not saying mcdonalds is the devil but why on earth settle for mcdonalds when you can have a really tasty burger that isnt cheap over processed chemical laden junk?
  • cgray
    cgray Posts: 129 Member
    As long as it fits into my calorie budget I eat it. For example, this mornings breakfast was a king sized Reese's. Not the best choice, not a daily choice...but the right choice for me this morning. I think that you have to make peace with whatever you choose. I've been a avid calorie counter for years and I am not on here to lose weight so maybe my rules don't work for someone else, that's ok. Like you said, you're looking to make a lifestyle change, so do what works for your life. Whatever you choose, I hope you have a great day.
  • PShep17
    PShep17 Posts: 221 Member
    I'm not one for eating McDonalds...having been in years. But if you plan for it and it fits then why not. If it's something you eat and enjoy no one here can expect you to completely give it up! Clearly everyone here particularly enjoys something that isn't good for them!

    Enjoy it :)
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    I'm really craving it! Hahaha

    If I do choose to have it, it won't be until tomorrow for lunch (planning ahead!). I'll just have a small chips and a McChicken burger with no mayonnaise, and I can easily fit it into my calorie intake (1,250).

    I'm torn between my "within calorie goal = okay" mentality (as I want to live like this forever, a lifestyle change) and that little voice in my head that's like "NO. People on MFP will hate you because you're trying to lose weight and eating junk! BAD" Hahaha

    I suppose this also applies to other areas of my diet... should I work in some chocolate/treats every day into my daily intake? I think that as long as its within my target calories its okay, but that just can't be right! I can't possibly lose eating junk....can I?

    To eat McDonalds or to not? That is the question...

    No one will hate you!

    But...for me, I don't really believe in planning on cheat days like that.If I have a craving for something unhealthy, I don't believe in giving into it.......I believe in breaking the habit so I stop the cravings.

    I look at food as fuel I'm putting into my body to get to my goal....if it doesn't help me get to that goal, I try to avoid it. I think that if it's an issue for you that you really really crave McDs....maybe now is the time to train yourself to NOT crave it.
  • manderann
    manderann Posts: 189
    No. Go for quality not quantity. While there isn't anything "wrong" with fitting some junk into your day, there isn't really anything right about it either. I'm guilty of eating sweets and salty snacks too, but fast food is really about as bad as you can get.
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    Reward youself with something wholesome - try something new - you're worth it!
    She's not rewarding herself. :huh:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i honestly only eat mcdonalds or burger kind on road trips or at the airport.
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    1) Several years ago, I picked up happy meals for my kids. I put them on top of the fridge, and forgot about them!! 1 MONTH later, I cleaned the top of the fridge and there they were~and let me tell you, besides a "slight" molding on the bread, and a little shrivling of the fries, there was NO CHANGE!!!
    Ah. I love when this is brought up as an argument against McDonald's. Most any food -- even the exalted organic variety -- will behave the same under the right conditions.

    I invite you to read this article, documenting a experiment with this phenomenon:
    The Conclusion

    How do you think beef jerky is made?

    So there we have it! Pretty strong evidence in favor of Theory 3: the burger doesn't rot because it's small size and relatively large surface area help it to lose moisture very fast. Without moisture, there's no mold or bacterial growth. Of course, that the meat is pretty much sterile to begin with due to the high cooking temperature helps things along as well. It's not really surprising. Humans have known about this phenomenon for thousands of years. After all, how do you think beef jerky is made?

    Now don't get me wrong—I don't have a dog in this fight either way. I really couldn't care less whether or not the McDonald's burger rotted or didn't. I don't often eat their burgers, and will continue to not often eat their burgers. My problem is not with McDonald's. My problem is with bad science.

    For all of you McDonald's haters out there: Don't worry. There are still plenty of reasons to dislike the company! But for now, I hope you'll have it my way and put aside your beef with their beef.
  • FitnSassy
    FitnSassy Posts: 263 Member
    Well, I didn't bring my lunch today and had planned on having a grilled chicken sandwich w/o mayo from McDonald's that I worked into my diary. However, I may want to rethink that after reading these posts. And then again, maybe I won't...
  • No Don't do it! McDonalds doesn't even serve real food!! Gross!! I stopped eating there over a year ago and have never looked back. Don't miss it one bit! It just makes your body sick when you eat it. YUCK! Splurge at home. You can make all kinds of nummy food that tastes AMAZING and is still good for you because it's not processed. Like I love to have home made tacos. It's my favorite and I don't feel guilty eating it either.
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    No Don't do it! McDonalds doesn't even serve real food!!
    What is it -- imaginary food? :huh:
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    1) Several years ago, I picked up happy meals for my kids. I put them on top of the fridge, and forgot about them!! 1 MONTH later, I cleaned the top of the fridge and there they were~and let me tell you, besides a "slight" molding on the bread, and a little shrivling of the fries, there was NO CHANGE!!!
    Ah. I love when this is brought up as an argument against McDonald's. Most any food -- even the exalted organic variety -- will behave the same under the right conditions.
    the burger doesn't rot because it's small size and relatively large surface area help it to lose moisture very fast. Without moisture, there's no mold or bacterial growth.

    Ah! I disagree!!!

    The poster said the bread barely molded and the fries didn't either.....

    I buy organic bread all the time and it molds pretty fast compared to the non-organic bread I buy. In my house, the rule is organic bread stays in the freezer, and non organic bread can stay on the counter.

    You may be right that smoking and making jerky is a decent preservative that is natural (as is some other things, like dehydrating, freezing, jaming, canning, and even some spices can prevent bacteria growth) but that doesn't explain why the bread doesn't mold. Or the french fries.

    I think the poster's point is still valid.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    No Don't do it! McDonalds doesn't even serve real food!! Gross!! I stopped eating there over a year ago and have never looked back. Don't miss it one bit! It just makes your body sick when you eat it. YUCK! Splurge at home. You can make all kinds of nummy food that tastes AMAZING and is still good for you because it's not processed. Like I love to have home made tacos. It's my favorite and I don't feel guilty eating it either.

    OMG tacos are gross and bad for you!
  • IrishHarpy1
    IrishHarpy1 Posts: 399 Member
    No Don't do it! McDonalds doesn't even serve real food!!
    What is it -- imaginary food? :huh:

    Yes, it's imaginary. As were the 84 pounds I've lost while still eating McD's/pizza/KFC on occasion.

    Maybe the naysayers are all crabby because of their too-strict, organically-grown, no-fun daily routine:
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    You may be right that smoking and making jerky is a decent preservative that is natural (as is some other things, like dehydrating, freezing, jaming, canning, and even some spices can prevent bacteria growth) but that doesn't explain why the bread doesn't mold. Or the french fries.
    I invite you to read the article.
  • Ok, so here's the deal. I am a reformed fast food addict and I say no to McDonalds. What I have found is that even the healthy choices at fast food joints are loaded with calories and sodium. The last time I ate at McDonalds, it left this greasy feeling in my mouth and this heavy feeling in the pit of my stomach which my body promptly ejected! If you gotta eat out, make it subway.
  • IrishHarpy1
    IrishHarpy1 Posts: 399 Member
    Ok, so here's the deal. I am a reformed fast food addict and I say no to McDonalds. What I have found is that even the healthy choices at fast food joints are loaded with calories and sodium. The last time I ate at McDonalds, it left this greasy feeling in my mouth and this heavy feeling in the pit of my stomach which my body promptly ejected! If you gotta eat out, make it subway.

    No offense intended -- but have you ever checked out the fat and sodium content at Subway? And you *do* realize that their food isn't always as "fresh" as they claim?