Biggest Pet Peeves at the Gym



  • FlyEaglesGuy
    FlyEaglesGuy Posts: 436 Member
    Biggest pet peeve would be the guys monopolizing the weight area talking about what supplements they are taking and not using the bench at all.

    There is a whole lounge area for that. Keep it moving muscle heads !!!
  • torygirl79
    torygirl79 Posts: 307 Member
    The male gym staff only ever inviting the male customers to kettle bell quick classes and then saying there isn't space when girls turn up anyway.
  • FullMetalWitch
    FullMetalWitch Posts: 11 Member
    One thing I don't have a problem with is girls wearing makeup at the gym, especially if they're lifting heavy weights and not just on the treadmill for hours or otherwise have no idea what they're doing. I used to be judgmental about makeup at the gym, but then:

    a) I started working out after work, which I put on a bit of makeup for, and what's the point of washing it off before going to the gym if I'm just going to have to wash my face again afterwards anyway?

    and b) I regularly wear a silicone lotion base on my eyelids that make my makeup practically bullet-proof, because it's damn hot at work.

    If the makeup-less ladies rolling around on the bosu balls and curling 5lb dumbbells want to look down on me as I deadlift 225 lbs just because I've got some eyeliner on, have at it.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    HEY! I got a double today.. the guy next to me on the elliptical was talking on his phone so loudly I couldn't hear my music ove rmy own earphones. wtf? AND he reeked of perfume. trust me,, he was wearing perfume, not cologne or after-shave. UGH... I moved to another elliptical, but only becuase mine was doing really stupid things every time I took my hand off the sensor. the 3 things combined were too much..
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    When people judge others. That bothers me more than anything.

    Also, anyone who thinks they as Miss or Mr f*cking America or something. Grow up.. stop strutting... nobody cares.

    Oh the irony...
  • Easywider
    Easywider Posts: 434 Member
    I don't have any.

    I pay a monthly fee to utilize equipment like everyone else.

    I get in, I do my thing, I stfu, and I'm on with life.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I don't like being talked to

    I HATE when a group of men will sit and use one piece of equiptment directly in front of me so they can watch me on the elliptical
    that sounds egotistical, but it happens

    I hate equiptment hogging in general. I shouldn't have to wait 45 minutes for one dude to finish something.
  • Pspetal
    Pspetal Posts: 426 Member
    The 2 token men that come for the Zumba class and wave their arms and legs about in an uncoordinated fashion and end up hitting/kicking people around them.
  • acurrent88
    acurrent88 Posts: 1 Member
    I hate those guys who just grunt and scream as if saying "look how much weight im picking up"
  • soymilkcoffee
    Men who look at me like I'm some kind of alien creature when I work out in the weight room. Do you know how annoying and nerve-wracking it is to have so many eyes on you while you're trying to lift some damn weights?
  • swkittrell
    swkittrell Posts: 48
    Yesterday while I was working out this ladies cell phone kept ringing while she was on the eliptical. She kept answering saying she was on the eliptial she was so loud no one wanted to hear her crap. I turn my cell phone when I work out. My work out time is for me with no cell phone interuptions.
  • PsiChi
    PsiChi Posts: 157
    Nothing really bothers me at the gym...Most of the huge bodybuilder guys have been really accepting of me so they offer to spot me all the time. haha
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    My gym must be pretty boring, I don't notice many people and I'm usually an avid people watcher. Or it's just that other peoples behavior doesn't really bother me, just my own. For a while I was annoyed because I thought people were staring at me, but now I think they are just looking at me with concern. I look pretty bad after my workout :laugh:
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    Only peeve I have is when people do not wipe the machines down. Our gym provides disinfecting wipes in about 3 places along with these big huge signs that say its mandatory to wipe any surface you touch with any part of your body and yet they still do not do it.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    Only peeve I have is when people do not wipe the machines down. Our gym provides disinfecting wipes in about 3 places along with these big huge signs that say its mandatory to wipe any surface you touch with any part of your body and yet they still do not do it.
    I'm sorry but the more posts like this I see, it's turning into a peeve. Skin is a great barrier to infection and so is our immune system. I'm wondering if people are confusing unsanitary with gross..... Cos I really believe the current disinfection craze can be harmful in the long run... especially youngsters whose immune systems are still developing. You have to come in contact with things before your body can naturally start battling them..
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    Only peeve I have is when people do not wipe the machines down. Our gym provides disinfecting wipes in about 3 places along with these big huge signs that say its mandatory to wipe any surface you touch with any part of your body and yet they still do not do it.
    I'm sorry but the more posts like this I see, it's turning into a peeve. Skin is a great barrier to infection and so is our immune system. I'm wondering if people are confusing unsanitary with gross..... Cos I really believe the current disinfection craze can be harmful in the long run... especially youngsters whose immune systems are still developing. You have to come in contact with things before your body can naturally start battling them..

    Well our gym had a staph bacteria MRSA (short for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) scare a year ago so I would rather be safe than sorry.
  • pundas
    pundas Posts: 167 Member
    It doesn't bother me when girls wear make-up to the gym. When I was in college, I would only have time to workout in between classes and most of the time I had on make-up. However, what does bother me is girls who put it on intentionally to workout. I remember going to my friends dorm room to walk to the gym together, and she would say "hold on, I am almost ready, I just need to finish putting on my make-up". Ugh really? And 15 minutes later she was ready....

    I hate when people don't wipe down the machines, especially in the circuit training area at Planet Fitness. I use that area about 4 times a week, and seem to always have a massively sweaty guy in front of me who doesn't wipe down. So when it is my turn to use the machine, its literally COVERED in sweat. People also don't seem to wipe down the mats either. Beyond frustrating.
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    Well our gym had a staph bacteria MRSA (short for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) scare a year ago so I would rather be safe than sorry.

    Well then you are going to need barrier protection at the gym then. Those wipes and wimpy little spray stuff gyms have will not kill the bacteria. I understand wanting to have people clean up after themselves because of the "gross" factor, but you will have better success cleaning yourself (washing hands, not touching face, sitting on a towel, etc) then you ever will be at trying to clean off the machine.
  • hellokathy
    hellokathy Posts: 540 Member
    1. When people don't do all the turns at one machine at once but change from machine to machine. But instead of leaving them free while they're not using them, they leave their towel(s) on one or more machines so everyone thinks the person using it just went to get their water or find a staff member to ask a question or whatever but nope, after 10 mins+, they come back, do their turn, move to another machine again. RAGE!

    2. People who start using a machine, then see a familiar face across the room and go to over to chat for a year or two.

    3. People who just HAVE to use the machine next to you even though everywhere else is free.

    4. When people need to drop the weights on the machines with a noisy CLUNK each time. I know it happens but if you get so tough that your arms / legs just fail and you need to drop the weight ASAP after each single turn, you may want to consider going a little easy on yourself.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    Only peeve I have is when people do not wipe the machines down. Our gym provides disinfecting wipes in about 3 places along with these big huge signs that say its mandatory to wipe any surface you touch with any part of your body and yet they still do not do it.
    I'm sorry but the more posts like this I see, it's turning into a peeve. Skin is a great barrier to infection and so is our immune system. I'm wondering if people are confusing unsanitary with gross..... Cos I really believe the current disinfection craze can be harmful in the long run... especially youngsters whose immune systems are still developing. You have to come in contact with things before your body can naturally start battling them..
    i stand corrected.
    Well our gym had a staph bacteria MRSA (short for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) scare a year ago so I would rather be safe than sorry.