I want to look like...



  • emmy3111
    emmy3111 Posts: 482 Member


    Would love to have my body end up like Drew's... she's real, beautiful and sexy. I feel like under the fluff, my body could be quite similar.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    This'll do

  • rockinright
    rockinright Posts: 241

    Alyssa Milano

  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    Ooh thought of another one. Trainer Katie Boyd. She was on Dr. Oz one day and her body just looked perfect. Still curvy but fit and toned.
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    Aha since I figured out the pics here's Kat Dennings (the lady with the most perfect body ever IMHO.) I would be blissfully happy if I looked HALF as good as her.
  • mrs_deg1983
    mrs_deg1983 Posts: 157
    I don't want to look like anyone, but myself. A lot thinner myself.
  • Jordan1st
    Jordan1st Posts: 1
    ME TOO !!!
  • MirandaEnlightened
    Nooo..not me! I don't want to look like anyone but ME!!

    For all of you saying you wanna look like this person, or that person.......THAT person probably has issues with their own bodies......things they hate about it..and want to change it.

    And it's also very likely that they HAVE changed their bodies...probably many times.

    Be happy being who you are...because you CAN'T be anyone else.
    The idea of this post was not to say "I want to be Kim Kardashian" or anyone else- it was to try and get an image of what we want our bosies to look like: OUR BODIES : I don't have any pictures of me looking the way I want to look and I know that I will never be anyone else, but being able to have a visualization of a figure type in mind helps me with encouragement. I am sure many people who to the public may look "perfect" and they still have body issues....if anyone actually read the initial post, I said just for fun because I know we all want to be ourselves and look like ourselves, but if you could pic someone's body shape that you want yours to be, who would it be. It's just for fun. If it's not fun for you then ok-- but the rest of us don't need criticism for playing along.

    Hi -- Love the thread, and if I were you I wouldn't keep trying to explain the intention to people who cannot read or feel the need to turn this into a life lesson about loving yourself. If anyone cannot understand why you'd want to find an image of something inspiring to shoot for -- like a body or a new car or going through decorating magazines -- then they aren't going to be able to understand your explanations.
    Thank you! I am a firm believer in visualization across ALL avenues. I started this to get an idea narrowed down for my vision board that I am in process of creating. I have decided to ignore it all. I won't let it rent room in my mind and people are who they are so it is my job to allow them to be. Again, thanks!! :)
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Till Lindemann. I just need to figure out how to work this flame thrower.
  • stringbeann
    I wish I looked like Ginta Lapina!! then I'd be perfect!
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    I have one word for all those "pictures" that all you women like to glorify so much. Airbrushed. Real women have some curves. Don't get me wrong, I want and need to lose some weight but I'm sure as heck not going to glorify someone is some magazine when I know the photo has been touched up. Those women have their imperfections too. So I guess what I'm trying to say is be happy being who you are.

    I don't see people "glorifying" these pictures (and same goes to the posters who have said we are idolizing people), they are simply using the photos to illustrate the type of body they would like to have. It's easier to say, "I'm striving to have a body similar to Kate Winslet" than it is to say, "I'm trying to have a body like my next door neighbor, Cheryl" because nobody would know who Cheryl is. Part of attaining goals is to define them. Yes, some of us might not reach our goals 100%, but visualizing where you want to end up is a big part of success for a lot of people. Yes, these women have imperfections as well, and things they don't like about themselves - I don't think anyone here doesn't know that professional photos are airbrushed and photoshopped. No one is stating they want to be a carbon copy of the photos they have selected. It's just a rough guide - in the same way a person might clip a photo out of a magazine of a decorating style they like.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I like this thread for the fact that it is nice to know other people would be happy with the body that I've personally worked really long and hard to achieve... I love having an athletic body that can do great things, not just look good!! It is not possible to look like someone else, but it is possible to achieve greatness that makes other people go "yes plz"

  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member

    Totally this girl.. And I'm almost there too!!
  • bhug918
    bhug918 Posts: 23
    Myself, only skinnier and with a nicer *kitten*
  • Kandyhar
    Kandyhar Posts: 95 Member
    Those are my inspiration - (I only use unphotoshopped pictures).

    OMG I love all of these!!! I need to steal and post on my inspiration board. Maybe a little less abs (unrealistic for me) but damnnnnnnnn. That girl's butt in the last one? Phenomenal. Thanks for sharing the unphotoshopped pics. Of course they aren't "me" but it proves that it's possible to get here.
  • MirandaEnlightened
    Those are my inspiration - (I only use unphotoshopped pictures).

    OMG I love all of these!!! I need to steal and post on my inspiration board. Maybe a little less abs (unrealistic for me) but damnnnnnnnn. That girl's butt in the last one? Phenomenal. Thanks for sharing the unphotoshopped pics. Of course they aren't "me" but it proves that it's possible to get here.
    The second one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing!!! Muscular yet still soft and really girly.....I LOVE this pic!!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I have a new one!

    This is definitely the closest fitspo pic I have ever seen to my body type. So I think this is attainable for me. And one of the only pics I have seen where the model isn't more lean than I want to be!