Fruit - to eat or not to eat?



  • Anonymou5
    Anonymou5 Posts: 92
    Just limit fruit a bit if you want to lose weight quickly. Fruit = fructose = insulin spike.

    But they are fantastic for a post workout glycogen boost!!
  • FlittyGetsFit
    I eat 2 bananas and 20 grapes every day. Sometimes I'll have some mango, or apple, or satsumas, or all of the above! In total I have around 5-10 portions of fruit and veg everyday. According to MFP I am over my recommended sugar levels every single day, but it hasn't hindered my weight loss at all.
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    I still dont understand why people freak about fruit. You would have to be eating a hell of a lot fo fruit to be making a huge difference to your weight.

    I eat a ridiculous amount of fruit, apples, all types of melon, pineapple, kiwis, berries, i just limit the amount of bananas i have. I can honestly say i do not put on weight from fruit.....the full fat yogurt and granola i seve with the fruit is where the problem lies ;)

    Now go eat some fruit!! :)
    ^ see above...i eat alot of fruit but not many bananas its never made a difference in weight loss its good for your diet in moderation..
  • SGRhapsodos
    I eat like 4-5 servings of fruit a day and even more when I work out. Fruit is a great source of energy and fiber. Don't let people tell you otherwise.
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    You better eat your fruit!!!!! With the peel on and all!!
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    To eat, but in moderation. Like everything really. If you're eating 5-10 services of fruit a day, you may be getting too much sugar from it. If you're eating 2 a day, that's probably just fine! A very good friend of mine who is an athlete and has been very successful at weightloss always says to make sure your veg intake outweighs your fruit intake. Its a good rule of thumb, though I have a hard time sticking to it because I like fruit a lot better!
  • phillieschic
    phillieschic Posts: 615
    I can't imagine my days without fruit. I eat, at a minimum, an apple a day. Now that summer is here, I'll enjoy as many fresh strawberries, cherries, apples, blueberries and peaches as I can.

    I just don't worry about natural sugars.
  • MouseFood
    MouseFood Posts: 169 Member
    Fruit AIDS my weight weight loss. I eat at the very least 3 servings a day,a n at the most about 8!
    I LOVE FRUIT ... and natural sugar is good for you. There is nothing wrong with it. I would far rather h ae the carbs and sugar from fruit than from pasta or bread.

    Sometimes my lunch consists of a big bowl of fruit salad with dried cranberries and cinnamon
  • driaxx
    driaxx Posts: 314 Member
    I saw a poster once that said, "Bananas - Nature's Energy Bar".

    That's how I feel about fruit.
  • MashaSK
    MashaSK Posts: 142 Member
    I wish I could treat fruit as a desert, but I kill terrible sugar craving with fruits and dark chocolate, otherwise i end up with snickers and even worse
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    FRUIT EVERY DAY at least two servings for me! :)

    Green grapes, apples, watermelon, strawberries, bananas are my standard go-to fruits..
  • tamsinwhitfield
    tamsinwhitfield Posts: 135 Member
    As soon as any "diet plan" starts trying to impose limits on things that are obviously dense in nutrients and water while simultaneously being low in calories (i.e. fruits and vegetables), I usually ignore them completely. Fruit is healthy and delicious and great. Unless you're eating, like, your own body weight in fruit every day, I really don't think there's a problem.

    (I've eaten an apple, a melon and grape salad, half a cup of raspberries and two satsumas today, and it's not even 1PM. Hurray for vitamins.)
  • initforlife_clc
    Most fruit have a lot of health benefits, and I think if you like them, of course you should keep some in your diet. I try to limit it to one or two a day, because yes there is a fair amount of living on 4-5 a day may not be great! Before I payed attention to sugar amounts, I used to eat tons of fruit....I find for myself, moderation is key! Hope that helps! :)
  • jmedavis1
    jmedavis1 Posts: 13
    It won't make you fat, of course, but the natural sugars are something to watch if you're trying to lose weight. Eat your fruit, 2-3 servings per day, just have them early in the day (like before 1 p.m.) so you have the chance to burn that sugar. Also try to stick to more fibrous fruits (apples, berries) that keep you full and are lower in sugar.
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    I try to eat at least 2 servings of fruit each day. The natural sugar in it usually tends to quell the craving that I have for chocolate and other processed sugary crap.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I have to work to include fruit in my diet, so I drink smoothies. I prefer vegetables. That said, I didn't gain weight eating fruits or veggies!

    I think it may make a difference if you're eating a LOT of fruit and you're trying to lose the last few pounds. But some fruits, like watermelon have a diuretic effect...helping you lose water.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    , I wouldn't worry about sugars/carbs from natural fruit sources.

    your body doesnt know that the sugar is from fruit. Your body just knows it has to deal with the sugar.

    You dont have to worry about anything, but you cant just ignore the carbs and sugar in fruit because its from fruit.

    fruit is good for you but the idea that sugar is "ok" if its from fruit, isnt true. you can over do anything.
  • lisabruce12
    lisabruce12 Posts: 77 Member
    I say if you like it!
  • Steph13RN
    Steph13RN Posts: 92 Member
    This may be a stupid question, but why are so many people avoiding bananas frequently?? IS there something I'm missing?? I love bananas!!
  • BuckeyeLife
    BuckeyeLife Posts: 313 Member
    , I wouldn't worry about sugars/carbs from natural fruit sources.

    your body doesnt know that the sugar is from fruit. Your body just knows it has to deal with the sugar.

    You dont have to worry about anything, but you cant just ignore the carbs and sugar in fruit because its from fruit.

    fruit is good for you but the idea that sugar is "ok" if its from fruit, isnt true. you can over do anything.

    I wasn't saying that at all. This OP is talking about 2-3 servings a day. Not stuffing their face full of fruits. And I didn't feel that it was worth worrying about. I was only referring to natural sources(versus added) because the natural sources usually come with other things that help your body, fiber would be the first thing off the top of my head. Vitamins also wouldn't hurt. Natural sugar sources usually include other useful things and that is why I don't really think people should worry about it. Now if someone is overindulging and binging, this is an entirely different issue.