Drinking alcohol



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I drink wine. I really like wine. I understand that you really like beer. I also understand that indulging, or even over indulging doesn't make you an alcoholic (I often wonder if the same folks who suggest you're an alcoholic suggest over eaters are addicted to food, or that binge eaters are addicted to food, or diagnose eating disorders based off one post on the internet.)

    (steps off soapbox).

    I measure. It keeps me accountable for the calories. Other folks measure food, I measure wine.
    I drink with with dinner as many nights as I wish, but I don't have more than 11 ounces. On fridays if I go to happy hour I allow myself 3-4 glasses if I'm not driving.

    Beer is a tough one. I once weighed about 25 LBS more than I do now (When I was younger). I lost that weight and kept it off by giving up beer.
    I, personally, wasn't able to lose it while having beer.

    Best of luck!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    <- Drinks alcohol

    <- Has lost 50 lbs in 6 months

    <- Went on a bender of a bachelor party weekend and to two open bar weddings in that same 6 months
  • MNA76
    MNA76 Posts: 1,541
    I get SO tired of reading about everyone who says you can't lose weight and still drink. MODERATION people, jeez.

    I am a complete beer freak. I am on a personal mission to visit all of the (over 100 breweries) in the state of Michigan. I don't drink crap domestic beers. I drink craft beers - IPAs, bourbon barrel aged and Russian Imperial stouts, Belgian styles, etc etc. When I started on MFP in January of 2011 I was 250 pounds and a size 18. As of this morning I'm 155 and a size 8.

    I have a little beer gut. I always will. I don't care, because I love beer. All I do? I don't drink Monday-Thursday. Friday and Saturday are my days to imbibe. Sunday maybe I'll have one good beer or a glass of red wine or a glass of bourbon. But I never go crazy on Sundays. Saturday? Saturday I go C.R.A.Z.Y. I do try to work with a bigger deficit during the weeks... right now, I NET between 1000-1200 Monday-Thursday... I am kind of a work out fiend and will get anywhere from 500-900 calories from
    that. I still workout on Friday and Saturday, and Sunday is usually a rest day or something low-key like a bike ride or yoga or foam rolling for a super long time. Doing this, I am basically maintaining. But when I say I go crazy, I mean I drink between 5-10 really big amazing beers, eat nachos, ice cream, you name it. I find that is makes me behave better during the week.

    To each his own. I just want you to know that you CAN have your beer and lose weight too. It just takes dedication and committment on a very serious level all the other days of the week. :smile:

    ^^^^ This!!! P.S. My husband and I are hoping to do a tour of Michigan breweries soon. Good stuff!
  • anunley1
    anunley1 Posts: 35 Member
    Ok - those who are acting like this person has a problem because they can't NOT drink... that's ridiculous and unsupportive and just don't reply. It's called a social life... I completely understand. One of my weaknesses is that during the week I am on a very strict diet and then on the weekends when my boyfriend and I go out to dinner or drinks with friends, music festivals, family bbq's, etc. the drinks add up and the next thing you know, it's Monday and your calorie intake the past 2-3 days has set you back!! I think it is just really important to log those drinks into MFP and really stick to them. If you know ahead of time you are going to a specific restaurant and you will have two glasses of cab - log it and then really stick to it. Also, my friends and I have researched trying to find the lowest calorie drinks... bloody marys, vodka soda with a lemon and lime, bacardi and diet...It is really hard... I know ! You have a goal you want to achieve but you also want to have a good time and live life. Good luck!!
  • ski0721
    ski0721 Posts: 109 Member
    I struggle with this as well....Pretty much every weekend. I also believe this is contributing to not losing any weight recently. So I'm challenging myself to only drink twice in June. June 14th and June 29th (two events those days). I'll be interested to see if this helps getting the weight loss moving again. I haven't lost since March.
  • Julyfly70
    Julyfly70 Posts: 59 Member
    I love wine and I've decided that I've got to do what wil work for me in the long run. I don't see myself giving up wine entirely so I'll figure it in with my calories for the day.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    If you have a "problem", then see Alcoholics Anonymous.
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    Try drinking less beer I think is the obvious answer? If you can't then maybe seek professional help.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    If you have a "problem", then see Alcoholics Anonymous.

    I think that's like saying if you have a problem with sugar at night, give it up completely, forever.

    Put only two beers in the frig, or whatever your allotment is. Put the rest somewhere hard to get to, like your car trunk. Make them rich, filling beers, like Guinness. Make them more expensive than you're used to. Or don't buy any at all until the weekend.

    If you're hanging out with people who drink more than that, try some changes. If you sit and watch tv and drink, try less TV. Move your exercise to night time or something.

    Or try some alternative 'treat' drinks, like a home made Italian soda or iced coffee.
  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    Wine is my beverage of choice. I know it is keeping me from losing. I haven't lost a thing in about three months...and have even gained a little. What I find happens is that I allot the calories to drink the wine. No problem. But my inhibitions are all relaxed and I suddenly think I want to eat snacks I haven't allotted for....and since my "ability" to say no is impaired, I eat them. I am trying to relegate alcohol to the weekends.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    You do know it's possible to use the word 'problem' in the same sentence as an alcoholic beverage and NOT require counseling or other professional help for alcoholism, right?
  • ChristiH4000
    ChristiH4000 Posts: 531 Member
    I am a beer nut. Used to brew my own, grow my own hops, blah blah blah. I love beer.

    Beer is liquid bread. I had to limit my self to only one REALLY GOOD beer to lose any weight, and that may not be enough to keep me from plateauing.

    TO quench my beer craving, I drink a lot of carbonated mineral water or club soda with a lime in it. The cold bubbly fluid kinda feels like beer, the satisfying belch is still there, and surprising bonus: no beer farts.

    Good luck. The abstinence crowd may be right, but it is no the ONLY option. My personal definition of alcohol as a problem is not the amount consumed but whether it interferes with your relationships and life. The best way to know that is to listen to other people and your body.

    Sucks, huh?

    This. =(
  • bleacheblonde
    You do know it's possible to use the word 'problem' in the same sentence as an alcoholic beverage and NOT require counseling or other professional help for alcoholism, right?
    ^^ YES, thank-you!
  • Chrissy_Michelle
    Chrissy_Michelle Posts: 176 Member
    I am the same! I LOVE beer especially during summer and grilling season! I was having a hard time losing becuase of it even if I added it into my cals. I decided I'm never going to lose this weight unless I limit myself. It's really hard but losing weight is harder while drinking beer. I really try to stick to two max and opt for light beer or plain vodka. Good Luck!!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I try really hard not to drink but then I have a beer, and another, and another....

    This fits really well into the definition of alcoholism. My mom is a recovering alcoholic (sober 20 + years now!) and this is exactly what caught her up. She would give in and have one, and one became two and three and more. Some people can drink a few here and there, socially, but for others even one is too many because it just sets them on the path.

    This doesn't mean you are alcoholic. It's one sign. Others - do you drink every night? Is it usually social drinking/situational, or do you drink for the feeling of being buzzed/drunk. Do you ever drive when intoxicated? Does it affect your behavior towards others, your job, or your family life?

    Just something to think about. This is (can be) a far bigger issue than weight loss.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    If you have a "problem", then see Alcoholics Anonymous.

    I think that's like saying if you have a problem with sugar at night, give it up completely, forever.

    Put only two beers in the frig, or whatever your allotment is. Put the rest somewhere hard to get to, like your car trunk. Make them rich, filling beers, like Guinness. Make them more expensive than you're used to. Or don't buy any at all until the weekend.

    If you're hanging out with people who drink more than that, try some changes. If you sit and watch tv and drink, try less TV. Move your exercise to night time or something.

    Or try some alternative 'treat' drinks, like a home made Italian soda or iced coffee.
    Putting two beers in the fridge is a great idea!
  • lanzaroteblue
    lanzaroteblue Posts: 198 Member
    I love beer also. I try to only drink it during the week if been working out.
    Otherwise, I only drink beer on a monday (the only day off I have with my
    husband). This is my splurge day and I have this day knowing I will
    eat/drink whatever I have.

    This means that I have more reason to say 'no thanks' during the week
    BUT I know that doing this, I will only lose on avarage 1lb a week instead
    of 2lbs (I don't mins as this seems to be what I need to keep me motivated).

    Best of Luck (sometimes I drink wine instead as only got 124 cals per glass)
    Nicola :drinker:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    You do know it's possible to use the word 'problem' in the same sentence as an alcoholic beverage and NOT require counseling or other professional help for alcoholism, right?
  • ilovesparkle
    ilovesparkle Posts: 127 Member
    I try to keep my alcohol intake to once every two weeks or so. I find that I not only FEEL better the next day when I don't drink, but I don't kick myself for wasting the calories on drinks.

    I drink cider or beer since I can't do the rum that is in EVERY drink it seems these days. So lighter beers (Miller 64 is decent for light) are the way to go. Or exercise like crazy to burn enough to drink back ;)
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    Ok - those who are acting like this person has a problem because they can't NOT drink... that's ridiculous and unsupportive and just don't reply. It's called a social life... I completely understand. One of my weaknesses is that during the week I am on a very strict diet and then on the weekends when my boyfriend and I go out to dinner or drinks with friends, music festivals, family bbq's, etc. the drinks add up and the next thing you know, it's Monday and your calorie intake the past 2-3 days has set you back!! I think it is just really important to log those drinks into MFP and really stick to them. If you know ahead of time you are going to a specific restaurant and you will have two glasses of cab - log it and then really stick to it. Also, my friends and I have researched trying to find the lowest calorie drinks... bloody marys, vodka soda with a lemon and lime, bacardi and diet...It is really hard... I know ! You have a goal you want to achieve but you also want to have a good time and live life. Good luck!!

    Um, the OP said that they have a beer, then they have another, and another and can't stop themselves. That's actually pretty much the definition of a problem. You don't have to get blind drunk every time you dink to have a dependency. If you require a 6 pack to have a good time, you have a drinking problem.