Do you believe in 'soulmate' concept?



  • small_ninja
    small_ninja Posts: 365 Member
    I do not believe in soulmates. I believe that if you really love somebody, you both do what's in the best interest of that relationship.Partners build each other up through their support and love. But the concept of there being a ying for everybody's, i dont.

    I totally agree with this. You can find someone, work really hard on your relationship together and come to the conclusion that you both want to spend the rest of your lives with each other, but that by no means implies that this can only happen once in a lifetime.
  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    Absolutely! Just have to be patient & wait for the right one.
  • AlexanderK1994
    AlexanderK1994 Posts: 243 Member
    I absolutely do. :)
  • KateCon912
    KateCon912 Posts: 200 Member
    I don't believe in "soulmates". I think you are happy with whoever you make yourself happy with.
  • aleexFIT
    aleexFIT Posts: 77 Member
    I don't. But I'm not really romantic at all. I do believe there are certain people we "fit" together with better but I don't believe there is someone out there meant for everyone or that we should just "wait for the right one".

    But then again, maybe if someday I do find the "right one", my views may change.
  • elcieloesazul
    elcieloesazul Posts: 448 Member
    I think we have the capacity to love and be in love with multiple people. Maybe I'm a romantic, though, in believing that one person's love and bond is stronger than the others.
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    I used to. Not anymore. I think most people treat relationships like leasing a car. When you get tired of the old one, trade it in for a newer model
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I believe in soulmates, but not necessarily in what you are describing. I think you can have soulmates, where they are friends, lovers, family etc. That is my true definition of a soulmate. I think what you are referring to is twin flame soulmate.
  • wally1uk
    wally1uk Posts: 120
    Options's a ridiculous concept and far too over fantasised. Most people, including me, don't know their own the hell is anyone else supposed to know?! Happiness is all we can ask for out of life.e
  • DavidOfOz
    DavidOfOz Posts: 225
    I believe that there is someone out there who will make you feel amazing, special, loved, wanted and adored. Who will fill your every thought, invade your dreams, and walk with you side by side in life. Unfortunately, we dont always meet those people. And sometimes when we do, the feelings are only one way which is even harder.....Sometimes we meet them but dont realise it, or they dont realise it. Its a tricky thing, this thing called love! Im still looking, but may have something on the horizon....
  • newmommy2cash
    I don't believe in soul mates, per say, but I believe that there is that one person out there for you that makes it easy for you to create forever with, someone that is balanced out with you and your personality/personalities.
  • ajohn252
    ajohn252 Posts: 158
    Yup, in general I believe in soul mates, it's whether people will
    find their's that's the issue. SOO glad I found mine early in
    life haha I'm pretty impatient.
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    YES, but I have not found mine yet...Still looking:love:
  • MadeOfMagic
    MadeOfMagic Posts: 525 Member
    I believe there is at least one person out there for everyone, however many are too blind to see other or choose other people according to their physical attraction, and of course there is people who stay in relationships/marriages even thought they know that person is not the one so they miss their opportunity to meet their soul mate. Some get lucky and meet them, I found mine.
    I know just by kissing someone if they are the one or not. All the men I kissed up until meeting my bf it just didn’t feel right, the kisses were amazing, but that spark wasn’t there. I remember I even had crash on a guy and after he kissed me I didn’t want to see him ever again, I didn’t want to waste my time dating someone who it didn’t feel right with.
    Than I met my bf, and every kiss I got butterflies and heart and soul swelled up with joy and happiness, I knew he was different so I gave it a chance, and now we’re more in love than ever before, constantly growing closer and closer. We moved in together after just 6 months being together, he carried me through some tough times, now we’ve been together over 3 years. We had our ups and downs, but I know his is my soul mate, because there is absolutely no one I’d rather spend my life with.

    I see and know couples who I know are soul mates, and many I know who clearly aren’t; not everyone gets to meet their other half but you know when you do, you just know.
  • MustBeTheRows
    MustBeTheRows Posts: 377 Member
    Yes I do. I think there are different types, and I think some people are meant to fall in love but not to be together.

    Having said that. I feel like my SO and I are opposite sides of the same coin. We have this crazy connection on ALL levels. Even though we are very different.

    If anyone were made just for me it is her, I am certain.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    I'd say we're a fairly good balance. I'm more the care-free, sweeter, more positive one and he is a little more negative, or realistic, as he likes to call it, lol. All in all, we work, plus, I kinda love him, so sure.
  • CCJ13
    CCJ13 Posts: 165 Member
    I do. I married mine. Both of us knew we were meant to be from the moment we met. We have been together for almost 15 1/2 years & married for 14 years next month. I can't imagine being with anyone else.
  • gr8pillock
    gr8pillock Posts: 374 Member
    Only Love is Real is a great book I read about past lives and the like.

    I do believe in Soul mates. I actually believe we have many. Some reappear as siblings, parents, children, lovers. And we will ALWAYS cross paths with them at one point in our life or another. We make sure of it.
  • monicamk1975
    monicamk1975 Posts: 298 Member
    I dont believe in soul mates, but I do think if you're lucky enough to find someone the compliments your strengths and challenges your weaknesses and loves you regardless of what you look like at any given time, then you're very fortunate.

    I dont believe in soul mates but I do believe that I found in my husband the ideal fit for me =)
  • ninu13
    ninu13 Posts: 196 Member
    Yup!.... I know he is out there,we just have to wait for the right moment to meet :drinker: