What was your "Gotta Change my Life "moment ?



  • beebee0925
    beebee0925 Posts: 472 Member
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    interesting to see the info on migraines, I have never really had headaches, and for the past 3-6 months have had issues with headaches actually going down in frequency and intensity - didn't realize that they had been more frequent until seeing the info on here and realizing that I'd been dealing with them, and not "noticing."
  • 3ofmine
    3ofmine Posts: 136 Member
    My moment wasn't a big or tragic I guess it was just my normal everyday but for some reason I guess because I was ready I just decided this was it no more. My boys play baseball and my ENTIRE LIFE I played softball and baseball(except for the past 7yrs because I was pregnant with triplets, then had babies and put on 70lbs onto a overweight by 50lb already frame). Anyway my kids love to go for hikes and I can't go. My boys want me to get in the yard and help with practice baseball(my first love) and the whole reason i wanted kids(always wanted boys) was to be able to teach them to play ball.(yes I know it is probably weird for a girl to love this but I do. It was my thing with my grandpa and it's what we enjoyed) and I wanted to pass this on to my boys. I got in the yard in Feburary and I couldn't play catch with them because my back was hurting me so bad I had to sit down. They built a new hiking trail in my town and my husband would take the kids out the trail while I sat at the playground and waited on them because I couldn't walk to the bathroom without getting out of breath much less walking a hiking trail. I decided that day in the yard that is IT this is changing TODAY. I made my kids a promise that day. I told them mommy is going to start walking and I am going to lose weight. I will be able to play with you, hike with you and practice ball with you. I started taking about five 5min walks a day..every chance I got I went outside and walked down to the lake, sat down on the picnic table a second(to rest) then walked back and I would be HUFFING and PUFFING LIKE CRAZY sucking wind..wheezing. Then it got to where when I got down there I could turn around and walk back then when I could walk down there and back with no problem I started walking on the gazelle for 10mins at night and went up by 5 mins every 3 or 4 days. After a little over a month I walked the trail with my husband and kids but I had to sit down about 10x's and it took over an hour to walk it(it's 1 mile one way). Now we go and walk it out and back(2 miles round trip) in 30mins...last week I RAN/walked..I ran about half of the two miles. When I was younger and playing softball I ran and I enjoyed it so I would like to get back to running again. Here I am now almost 2 months into it 20lbs less and doing push ups, sit ups and hikes everyday and I can walk into walmart WITH NO CART! That is an amazing feeling!!
    Angel :smile:
  • MariettaDelene
    MariettaDelene Posts: 82 Member
    I had a few small ones leading up to a rather large breakdown. My first hint was in May 2011. I had been gaining weight like crazy, on top of being tired all the time and losing hair. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and, at the same time, told I was 50 lbs overweight.

    Over a year, I tried to lose weight, but I found that exercising left me wheezing - at the time I didn't have a clue why. So I just cut out exercise completely and left it to diet alone. Through that year, I lost a mere 15 pounds. Then my husband was laid off. To survive on my income alone, we ate very cheap, sugary, fatty foods. By the time my husband found a job again, I had gained back all the weight I lost over a year plus five pounds.

    The day I weighed myself for the first time since my husband lost his job was the day I lost it. I melted, sobbing that I'd let myself go that far. I used to be a runner. I used to be very fit just a few years prior. What had I done?

    Once I got myself together, I saw the doctor and got an inhaler for my newly-diagnosed asthma - the whole reason I couldn't exercise in the first place. I joined a six-week exercise course offered by my local school district. That just ended and I lost 10 pounds in a month! I'm now down 13 pounds - almost as much as I was down by diet alone last year.
  • wordnerd55
    I've been overweight my whole life, always that fat kid even though I swam competitively. I hate almost all pictures of me. But 4 1/2 months ago, at age 17 (yes, 17!), I suffered a stroke. There was a 7.5 cm blood clot in my brain. We discovered it was from the birth control I was on to control my PCOS symptoms. It was the biggest wake-up call I think I could ever have. I was so lucky everything that could have did line up in my favour, but I could have died. I was back to school in 2 weeks after the stroke. My doctors told me that I was a miracle. I decided that since I was given a second chance at life, I should take it. Losing weight will not only lessen my chances for another stroke since I'm now at a higher risk for them since I've had one already, it will let me finally live my life as a teenager should.
  • jenn_may
    jenn_may Posts: 154 Member
    Not being able to take my daughter outside at my mom's house (she lives on a lake) because I couldn't chase after her.
  • jfa002
    jfa002 Posts: 54 Member
    At the age of 25 I had an epiphany, "I'm not getting any younger." That made me think of the future of my health. I figured that I would prefer to drop dead being healthy, rather than suffer 5 - 10 years waiting to die because of being unhealthy. Yes, someday we've all gotta go, but how long do you (in general) want to suffer? :huh:
  • tom1834
    tom1834 Posts: 34
    It was a combination of things: My Dr telling my i had a "fatty liver" and it was causing me to show symptoms of hepatitis, the realization that i was fat and how far i'd fallen, the knowledge that i was capable of something more, and someone who actually made me want to be a better me re-entering my life.
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    My moment wasn't a big or tragic I guess it was just my normal everyday but for some reason I guess because I was ready I just decided this was it no more. My boys play baseball and my ENTIRE LIFE I played softball and baseball(except for the past 7yrs because I was pregnant with triplets, then had babies and put on 70lbs onto a overweight by 50lb already frame). Anyway my kids love to go for hikes and I can't go. My boys want me to get in the yard and help with practice baseball(my first love) and the whole reason i wanted kids(always wanted boys) was to be able to teach them to play ball.(yes I know it is probably weird for a girl to love this but I do. It was my thing with my grandpa and it's what we enjoyed) and I wanted to pass this on to my boys. I got in the yard in Feburary and I couldn't play catch with them because my back was hurting me so bad I had to sit down. They built a new hiking trail in my town and my husband would take the kids out the trail while I sat at the playground and waited on them because I couldn't walk to the bathroom without getting out of breath much less walking a hiking trail. I decided that day in the yard that is IT this is changing TODAY. I made my kids a promise that day. I told them mommy is going to start walking and I am going to lose weight. I will be able to play with you, hike with you and practice ball with you. I started taking about five 5min walks a day..every chance I got I went outside and walked down to the lake, sat down on the picnic table a second(to rest) then walked back and I would be HUFFING and PUFFING LIKE CRAZY sucking wind..wheezing. Then it got to where when I got down there I could turn around and walk back then when I could walk down there and back with no problem I started walking on the gazelle for 10mins at night and went up by 5 mins every 3 or 4 days. After a little over a month I walked the trail with my husband and kids but I had to sit down about 10x's and it took over an hour to walk it(it's 1 mile one way). Now we go and walk it out and back(2 miles round trip) in 30mins...last week I RAN/walked..I ran about half of the two miles. When I was younger and playing softball I ran and I enjoyed it so I would like to get back to running again. Here I am now almost 2 months into it 20lbs less and doing push ups, sit ups and hikes everyday and I can walk into walmart WITH NO CART! That is an amazing feeling!!
    Angel :smile:

    I love this story. What an inspiration! Isn't it amazing how quickly you can see progress? How you can measure in feet and then quarter miles and then half miles and then miles?? So proud of you and I bet your boys are too :drinker:
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    My husband and I welcomed our first child this January.
    I thought of my own childhood and the only time I've seen my mother slim was in pictures. She's been over weight my whole life, I don't want that for my daughter.
    I want to be able to run and play with her for as long as she wants. I want our family to have active lifestyles and help her start healthy to prevent becoming over weight when she gets older.
    I'm getting healthy now so that when she starts building childhood memories it's of me running and playing with her and not her (and whatever siblings she has later) playing outside alone while I watch TV inside.
    I want her only images of me overweight being pictures so instead of saying "Look how small I was" I can say "You helped change my life, you're the most important thing in the world to me."

    This made me tear up. My mom was always overweight and struggling and dieting. I remember being embarrassed by her and for her as a little kid.
  • josiethin
    josiethin Posts: 8
    I'm always the fat friend when I'm with my friends, like an invisible pig when we are out partying. Guys see me as one of them. I never wore a bikini in my life and my family all calls me fat. I kept growing heavier to a point that my old pants don't fit anymore, after originally being fat already.... And when the guy I like tells me, I like girls with long lean legs.

    I decided enough is enough. I will loose weight not for anyone but for myself. The guys that rejected me before will want me in the future, I will be a show stopper when I wear a bikini at the beach, I will prove that I can do it with the will I have. It's not easy being teased all my life of being fat, with not a lot of friends in middle school because I was "fat and ugly". I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired....
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    I'm always the fat friend when I'm with my friends, like an invisible pig when we are out partying. Guys see me as one of them. I never wore a bikini in my life and my family all calls me fat. I kept growing heavier to a point that my old pants don't fit anymore, after originally being fat already.... And when the guy I like tells me, I like girls with long lean legs.

    I decided enough is enough. I will loose weight not for anyone but for myself. The guys that rejected me before will want me in the future, I will be a show stopper when I wear a bikini at the beach, I will prove that I can do it with the will I have. It's not easy being teased all my life of being fat, with not a lot of friends in middle school because I was "fat and ugly". I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired....
    This hits home for me....the girl I liked never gave me a chance too....I can't wait until I run into her someday!!! I look so much better now! And aparantly that's all that matters to her...looks.