Just me?



  • Alluring72
    Alluring72 Posts: 50 Member
    In the nicest way possible.....

    You're doing it wrong.

    Not quite. I just hate it. After a day with 5 kids (2 toddlers.. one with Autistic) A constant battle throughout my day, and up several times every night, once they are in bed - I don't want to exercise - I want to go to BED! Nothing wrong about that.. I just hate it! I am exhausted, mentally and physically. I want to shut down and go to sleeeeep!

    As for food. I am just not a fan of the whole "I am eating clean, but then I am just going to eat this WW ice cream or brownie" Nah, I prefer to go all the way if i am going to do something, not do it half-assed.

    AND I HATE IT! :bigsmile:

    I agree with you! I do like how I feel after exercise - but actually getting to the gym - easy this week with the kids on vacation with their dad, but normally I have 3 boys in tow, one with ASD too, a full time job, and I'm a single mom. SO..... food is a comfort and I want to enjoy it and time is very limited for the gym - plus like you at the end of the day the last thing I am thinking is - GYM - I am thinking BED!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So no you are not crazy and you are not alone!